AND AGNES BEATTIE (CA 1762 - 19 DEC 1849)
First Immigrant Generation
1. William Heughan
Born ca 1757, probably in Scotland. Died 1 Dec. 1825, Preston Hall, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. The 1801 Census for Annan Parish, Scotland lists the household of William Houghan with Agnes, Janet, Jean, John and Margaret.

Location may showing geographic location of town of Annan and surrounding communities in Galloway and Dumfries (formerly Dumfriesshire).

Higher resolution image showing relative location of Annan Old Parish Church and nearby Preston Hall and the former associated hind cottages, which were part of the farm.
William married Agnes Beattie. Born Approx 1762 in Scot. Died 19 Dec 1849 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery (see image of gravemarker in Harvey Settlement Cemetery below).
There are major errors in other versions of the transcription of William Haughan's grave stone posted elsewhere:
An accurate transcription of this grave and more complete listing of all burials in the Annan Old Parish Church Graveyard is to be found in the publication:
2006. Annan Old Parish Church Graveyard Memorial Inscriptions. Dumfries and Galloway Family History Research Centre 9 Glasgo Street, Dumfries, Scotland DG2 9AF.

There is considerable variation in the spelling of this surname. According to Rene Anderson spelling of the surname did not become standardized until late in the 19th century with sometimes two different variants appearing on the same grave marker. According to Rene Anderson spelling of the name in Dumfries and Galloway at present is generally "Heuchan".
At the time of the 1841 census the widow Agnes was living in the household of her son John Heughan, recently returned from being a planter in Trinidad, at Newington Lodge in the Annan area.

Agnes came to Harvey Settlement some time after the 1841 census with her son John Heughan and his family to join her daughters Janet (Heughan) Little, Christina (Heughan) Johnstone and Ellen "Nellie" (Heughan) Lister who were already established there. As indicated on her gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery she died 19 Dec 1849, aged 87 years.

Harvey Settlement Cemetery Section A, Plot #45.
Gravestone reads:
Memory of
wife of
Wiliam Heughan
Died Dec 19, 1849
Aged 87 years
Died Feb 22, 1875
Aged 72 years
Agnes and William are undoubtedly part of a select group of people who have grave markers in both the old and new world!
They had the following children:
2 i. Janet Heughan
3 ii. Jean Heughan
4 iii. John Heughan
5 iv. Margaret Heughan
6 v. Christina A. Heughan
7 vi. Ellen "Nellie" Heughan
Second Immigrant Generation
2. Janet Heughan
Daughter of William Heughan & Agnes Beattie. Born 1786 in Dumfries, Scotland. Died 24 May 1870 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
From Tues. Daily Telegraph, 31 May 1870:
Died Harvey, 24th ult., Jane Little wife of John Little, age 84. The deceased was a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland. She emigrated to America in 1832 where she became surrounded with children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
She married John Little, son of James Little & Elizabeth Irving. Born 6 Sep 1786 in Dumfries, Scotland. Died 13 Apr 1872 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
From Daily Telegraph, 17 Apr 1872:
Died Harvey, 14th inst., John Little, age 87, native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland and emigrated to America in 1832 with his wife and 9 children, eight of whom still survive. He early entered the communion of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.
See the book, "The Little Family of Harvey Settlement" for further details on John and Janet Little's family.
They had the following children:
8 i. James Little (link to Little family pages).
9 ii. William Little (link to Little family pages).
10 iii. David Little (link to Little family pages).
11 iv. Matthew Little (link to Little family pages).
12 v. Robert Little (link to Little family pages).
13 vi. Jane "Jeanie" Little (link to Little family pages).
14 vii. John Little (link to Little family pages).
15 viii. Janet Little (link to Little family pages).
16 ix. Infant Little (link to Little family pages).
Second Immigrant Generation
3. Jean Heughan
Daughter of William Heughan & Agnes Beattie. Born Approx 1788/1791 in Annan, Scotland.
Jean is listed in the 1801 Census with her family. No further information.
Second Immigrant Generation
4. John Heughan
Son of William Heughan & Agnes Beattie. Born Approx 1793 in Dumfries, Scot. Died 26 Oct 1857 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
John Heughan came to Harvey Settlement after the erection of the grave marker to his first wife was put in place in Old Annan Cemetery some time after 1841. He petitioned for land and received a crown land grant (Lot O) along with 18 other settlers who got their grants in 1851 and was the only one who was not a member of the first group of settlers who came in 1837.
Birth records from the Parish of St. Mungo, Dumfriesshire found at show that John Heughan had three children with Benedicta Cyprian who were born in Diego Martin parish, Island of Trinidad. They were William Francis Heughan born 23 Jun 1824, Jane Angelec Heughan born 13 Jun 1826, and John Heughan born 6 Jun 1829. In the 1841 Census record, John Heughan is documented as living with his three children and his mother, Agnes.
[DELETE According to tradition in Harvey, his daughter Jane (from his first marriage) was black so her mother had to have been black as well. The selection of middle names for his children (Francis and Angelie) almost certainly indicates an influence outside Scotland or England. Census records indicate daughter Jane and her mother were born in Trinidad.]

There is no further information about Benedicta Cyprian and no marriage record for her and John has been located. According to the above Census record, John Heughan Sr was a planter in Trinidad, meaning that he had some property there.
On 20 Jun 1831, John went on to marry Angelle D'Arceuil in Annan, Dumfriesshire ( is remembered n William Heughan's grave marker in Old Annon Cemetery, which states "and Angelle Areuell spouse of John Haugham who died 15 April, 1841 aged 50 years". Data obtained from: (There are transcription errors on the linked web page that were corrected by Rene Anderson, 9 Dec, 2005)
This name matches well with the name of the daughter from this first marriage.
PANB, NBFA new film #F15551, p. 332: John Heughan and Jane Scott of the Parish of Kingsclear were married by banns, being of age this twentieth day of September one thousand eight hundred and forty five, by D. McCurdy, Minister.
This marriage was solemnized between us: John Heughan, Jane Scott.
In the presence of James Little, Isabella Piercy.
Filed and Registered Dec 24, 1845.
On Gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: (Facing Hwy) In memory of John Scott, died 12th Dec 1862 aged 59 years, a native of Northumberland, England; also John Heughan, died 26th Oct 1857 aged 64 years, native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland; (facing woods) Also, Jane, his wife.
From New Brunswick, York County, Land Registry v. 38, p. 613-4, NBFA film F5631. (Original very poor quality)
Last Will & Testament of John Heughan deceased -- No. 13986
In the name of God Amen, I, John Heughan at present residing on my farm designated in the Crown Land Office Lot O situated in the Little Settlement in the Parish of Manners Sutton adjoining the Harvey Settlement in the County of York Province of New Brunswick North America, Farmer, being of sound mind and understanding, do hereby make, publish and declare this instrument to be my last will and testament to prevent any dispute after my death hereby Declaring all former Wills or testmentory papers of whatever time or date to be null and void. First as my son William Francis Heughan is on a voyage at sea and not expected to return till about three years from now I will that the farm after my death be carried on as it has been without any division until his return and any surplus produce raised on the farm be applied to Equadating any debt that may be upon the same and that William Francis Heughan can have no share of any part of my effects until permanently residing on the farm. 2nd that my wife Jane Heughan during her natural life is to occupy that certain portion of land Beginning at Matthew Chambers Road close to the brook running along the fence in a south direction 52 Rods to a fence running East and West, thence about 80 Rods West along said fence to the West, thence about 80 Rods West along said fence to the West angle of Lot O, thence North 52 Rods to the lands owned by Matthew Chambers then East about 80 Rods along Matthew Chambers line to the place of beginning containing 26 acres more or less together with all buildings timber and fences thereon and at her death these land and premises turn to the bulk of my property estate. I likewise bequeath to her one third of all my farm stock and farm implements that may be on the farm and all my household furniture beds bedding cooking utensils table linen to her own private use without any incumbrances on her part. John Heughan (signed). 3d I do will and bequeath to my son William Francis Heughan the remaining two thirds of all the farm stock and farm implements together with the remaining part of my farm containing eighty four acres more or less with power to take possession of all the other part of my farm at the death of my wife Jane Heughan for his own use and behoof forever and that my son William Francis Heughan become surety and answerable for all the debts that may be due by me and to pay the same. 4th I will that if my son William Francis Heughan should not return at the time expected or can be ascertained that he is either dead or settled in other place his interest then in this will is to be transferred to my daughter Jane Angelie Lewis and her heirs forever. 6th I will should my son William Francis Heughan not return his interest (investment?) this will fall due to Jane Angelie Lewis. In this case William Francis Heughan's daughter Sarah Heughan will be left an orphan and therefore entitled at the age of 21 years to 15 pounds currancy to be paid out of my real estate. 7th I will that Jane Angelie Lewis do remain with my wife and assist her in her affairs until William Francis Heughan either returns or is certified of his death or settlement elsewhere. I will that Jane Heughan and Jane Angelie Lewis be excutri and that William Francis Heughan, David Little and Thomas Speedy executors of the forgoing will and testaments to see it fulfilled in all its details and that it be placed upon record not until six months after my death, dated July 14th, 1857. John Heughan (signed).
Witness: William Grieve, Charles F. Watson, Charles D. Reed.
Let it be down that my wife Jane Heughan is ............ with this instrument and is perfectly satisfied with its contents and in proof thereof do personally set our hands and seals in presence of
this thirtieth day William Grieve John Heughan
of July 1857 Charles F. Watson Jane Heughan
Charles D. Reed
do hereby certify that the testor John Heughan is of sound mind and has executed this his last will and testament in the presence of the following witnesses William Grieve, Charles F. Watson, Charles D. Reed and myself this thirtieth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven. Registrar or Probate Office, County of York. Thomas Herbert.
hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true copy of the last will and testament of John Heughan late of the parish of Manners Sutton in the County of York deceased as proved before the Judge of Probates in the said County of York and filed in my office dated this twenty-eighth day of December AD 1857. T. A. H. Stratton receipt
Probate for York County
New Brunswick Registered this twenty-eighth day of December
York County one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven.
He first married Angelle D'Arcuell. Born in Trinidad. Born ca. 1791 and as indicated on her graver marker "died 15 April, 1841 aged 50 years".
They had the following children:
17 i. Jane Angelie Heughan
18 ii. William Francis Heughan
iii John (previously undocumented)

View of area of the Annan Old Parish Church graveyard (from south) where William Haughan and Angelle D'Arcuell are found (stone to the rear of group of three at center of image). Source: Tim Patterson, 26 Aug 2007.

Close-up of the grave marker of William Haughen and his daughter-in-law Angelle D'Arcuell. Source: Tim Patterson, 26 Aug 2007.
In Memory of
WILLIAM HAUGHEN, who died at Preston-
Hall 1st Dec.r 1825, aged 68 years. Also
AGNESS BEATTIE his spouse who died
____________ aged ____ years.
And ANGELLE D'ARCUELL, spouse of
John Heughan who died 15th April 1841
Aged 50 years.
Gravestone retranscribed by Tim Patterson 26 Aug 2007.
He second married Jane Scott, 20 Sep 1845 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Born Approx 1800 in Eng. Died 17 Mar 1871 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Daily Telegraph, 22 Mar 1871:
Died Harvey 17th inst., Jane Hughan relict of late John Hughan, age 72.
Jane Scott, age 41 years, and her brother John Scott, age 39 years, carpenter, left from the port Berwick-upon-Tweed on 28 May 1837 on the brig Cornelius of Sunderland, and arrived in Saint John, NB 12 Jul 1837. They were among the first settlers of Harvey Settlement.
Second Immigrant Generation
5. Margaret Heughan
Daughter of William Heughan & Agnes Beattie. Born 1801 in Dumfries, Scot. Died 25 Mar 1846 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Nicholas Lister, son of George Lister, 28 Nov 1822 in Dumfries, Annan, Scotland. Born 1796/1798 in Annan, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Died 25 Jan 1869 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer, Weaver.
The Lister name was also spelled "Litster" in old records. In the 1801 Census of Annan, Scotland, Nickol (age 3) was listed as part of the household of George Lister, Agnes Gass, Jean Lister, John Lister and Isabel Lister. The home was listed as Bonshawside which included 16 residences. (Info from E. E. Lister)
From Morning Telegraph, Saint John, 2 Feb 1869:
" Died Harvey, 25th ult., Nicholas Lister, age 77, native of Annan, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He was promoted to Ruling Elder of the Parish Church in his native place. He emigrated to America in 1843, left children and grandchildren."
From "Statistical Return of the Harvey Settlement for the year 1847", Nicholas settled in Harvey in 1843, had a family of 9, and besides farming he was a Weaver. In the four years between 1843 and 1847, he had built a house and barn, had cleared 18 acres of his 100 acre lot and had paid off half the cost of his land. He had 3 cows, 2 oxen, 10 sheep, 3 swine and 3 young cattle. His crop consisted of 10 tons hay and stray, 150 bu. oats, 10 bu. barley and buckwheat, 100 bu. potatoes and 10 bu. wheat. Estimated total value of crops, stocks, land and improvements was 166 pounds. (As his wife died in 1846, it would appear that he had 8 children living with him in 1847.)
The 1851 Census lists Nicholas a widower, 54 years of age, Scotch, farmer/proprietor, who entered this colony in 1843. The following children were living at home: (All were born in Scotland) David, 20; James, 16; Edward I., 14; Jane, 12; Agnes, 11 and Mary, 9.
Ten years later, 1861 Census, only his son Edward Irvin, 24, was at home with Nicholas. Also a servant, Elizabeth Dundas, age 26, lived in the household. The Lister family was Presbyterian. By 1861, Nicholas owned or occupied 60 acres improved and 90 acres unimproved land. Cash value of farm was 250 pounds, value of implements and machinery, 15 pounds. He had 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 4 other neat cattle, 14 sheep, 3 swine and slaughtered 400 lb. pork. Produced 150 lb. butter, 36 lb. wool, 10 tons hay, 300 bu. oats, 87 bu. buckwheat, 20 bu. timothy and 100 bu. potatoes.
From the Land Grants records, Nicholas received the following land: Lot P Block 31 Kingsclear (later Manners Sutton) York Co. 100 ac. 1851/10/13 Vol. 36, No. 4873; and Lot 70 Block 31, Manners Sutton, 50 ac. 1868/12/14 Vol. 74, No. 12594.
Excerpt from newspaper account of Settlement of Harvey -- undated--"For 16 years the Harvey Settlers were without a kirk or meeting house and without a clergyman excepting a rare visit from the Rev. Daniel McCurdy of Keswick. The children were taken to Fredericton for baptism. The Rev. John Brooke kindly granted the ordinance to all who sought, without hinderance at his own manse. During all these years, however, public worship amongst themselves on the Lord's day was regularly observed.
This was conducted in the school house by the elders and others. There were four of them, John Thompson, Thomas Herbert, Thomas Piercy and James Nesbitt. In this connection the name of Nicholas Lister should be mentioned. He took regular turns at the desk with the elders giving out the psalm or paraphrase, leading in prayer and reading the sermons. There was no great force in the reading of the sermon but to hear some of these men pray, pleading at the throne, offering up their gifts at the alter was something grand. The very simplicity of the language lent power and solemnity to their soul stirring devotions. Nor was the service of praise led by Matthew Piercy less earnest and striking. At the end of sixteen years in 1852 a substantial meeting house was erected........"
They had the following children:
19 i. George Lister
20 ii. Janet "Jennie" Lister
21 iii. William Lister
22 iv. John Lister
23 v. David Lister
24 vi. James M. Lister
25 vii. Edward Irving Lister
26 viii. Jane Lister
27 ix. Agnes Lister
28 x. Mary Lister
Second Immigrant Generation
6. Christina A. Heughan
Daughter of William Heughan & Agnes Beattie. Born Approx 1803 in Scotland. Died 22 Feb 1875 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Christina emigrated to Harvey Settlement as a widow with three children in 1841.
Christina is buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery and her name is on the same stone as Agnes, wife of William Heughan. She is listed as C. A. Craig on the gravestone, and was 72 years old when she died.

Harvey Settlement Cemetery Section A, Plot #45.
Gravestone reads:
Memory of
wife of
Wiliam Heughan
Died Dec 19, 1849
Aged 87 years
Died Feb 22, 1875
Aged 72 years
She first married Mr Johnston. Given name unknown. No record of death. May have died in Scotland.
They had the following children:
29 i. Mary Ann Johnston
30 ii. Nancy Johnston
31 iii. Christopher Johnston
She second married Luke F. Craig, son of Thomas Craigs & Margaret Patterson. Born 1 Jul 1821 in England. Died 23 Oct 1911 in Thorne Centre, Pontiac Co., Que.
Second Immigrant Generation
7. Ellen "Nellie" Heughan
Daughter of William Heughan & Agnes Beattie. Born Approx 1805 in Dumfries, Scotland. Died 4 Dec 1898 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
The 1861 Census gives her name as "Helen". Her name is not on the gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Matthew Chambers. Born Approx 1800 in Workington, England. Died 22 Feb 1871 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
From Daily Telegraph, 3 Mar 1871: Died Harvey, 22nd Feb., Matthew Chambers, age 71.
According to the 1851 Census, Nellie and Matthew emigrated to NB in 1844.
Matthew Chambers received the following Land Grants: Lot H West of Harvey Settlement, York Co., 50 acres 1854/11/20 (Vol. 44, No, 6550); and Lot M West of Harvey Settlement, York Co., 50 acres 1854/12/08, (Vol. 44, No. 6587). In the 1861 Census he owned or occupied 25 acres improved and 65 acres unimproved land; had one horse, one milch cow, two other neat cattle, four sheep, one swine, and slaughtered 130 lb. pork. Produced 60 lb. butter, 17 lb. wool, 4 tons hay, 60 bu. oats, 25 bu. buckwheat, 3 bu. timothy, 25 bu. turnips and 60 bu. potatoes.
They had the following children:
32 i. Elizabeth Chambers