Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Table of Contents
First immigranT Generation
Second immigranT Generation
Third immigranT Generation
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
First Immigrant Generation
1. William Bell
Born 12 Apr 1813 in England. Died 23 May 1895 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
William Bell and his wife Janet Oliver came to New Brunswick as a young married couple in 1837, with the first settlers to Harvey. All their children were born in New Brunswick. The 1851 census lists both William and Janet as "Scotch", where the 1861 census lists William as "English" and Janet as "Scotch".
William was granted 100 acres, Lot 11 E, front tier in Harvey Settlement. According to 1861 census he employed one male and one female; owned or occupied 45 acres of improved land and 55 acres unimproved. Cash value of farm was 150 pounds, value of implements and machinery, 10 pounds. He had 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other neat cattle, 10 sheep, 1 swine; slaughtered 120 lbs. pork; produced 20 lb. butter; 24 lb. wool; 10 tons hay; 5 bu. barley; 150 bu. oats; 80 bu. buckwheat; 10 bu. timothy; 12 bu. turnips and 40 bu. potatoes.
He married Janet Oliver. Born Approx 1811 in Kelso, Scotland. Died 1 Sep 1895 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 2168
Date September 7, 1895
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner
The language of the text is the original used in the newspaper entry and as transcribed by Daniel F. Johnson. Records acquired by the Provincial Archives are not translated from the language in which they originate.
Tweedside, Sept. 5 - Three months ago our friends, Willie BELL and Jennie BELL, were the last surviving remaining heads of the many families who sailed together from Berwick upon Tweed on the ship "Cornelius" in the summer of 1837, bound for New Brunswick and settled the Harvey Settlement (York Co.) where dwellings and fields soon took the place of the wilderness of woods that surrounded them or many miles. These industrious men and women from old Northumberland and Berwickshire made their mark as good honest farmers and farmers' wives, sons and daughters. Being Presbyterians we are yet undivided. On the Sunday eve. on board of the vessel which was to sail the following morn. from the Carr Rock wharf on the river Tweed, Rev. Ritchie stood on the deck and preached a farewell sermon and committing them to the care of Almighty God. The writer of this, then a boy of six years, with his parents, was on that wharf, listening to the minister's voice, little thinking he or his parents would see those people again, or that his future wife was on board with her parents, then a little girl also of six years. Well I said, three months ago Mr. Wm Bell and Mrs. Bell were the last surviving of the heads of families at that date. Then Mr. Bell was suddenly taken sick and in a few days died, aged 82 years. Mrs. Bell was then in failing health, and died Sunday last on her birthday, aged 84 years. A long time together, a short time seperated, leaving sons and daughters and many grandchildren to remember them.
They had the following children:
2 i. Agnes Bell
3 ii. Margaret Bell
4 iii. Agnes "Nancy" Bell
5 iv. Jane Bell
6 v. Mary Bell
7 vi. Isabelle "Belle" Bell
8 vii. John Alexander "Jack" Bell
9 viii. Eleanor "Ellen Or Nellie" Bell
10 ix. George Bell
11 x. Elizabeth "Bessie" Bell
12 xi. Rebecca Oliver Bell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
2. Agnes Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 1837 in Fredericton. Christen 15 Aug 1837 in Cathedral, Fredericton.
From Cathedral, Fredericton records: "Agnes Bell aged 2 weeks baptized Aug 15, 1837, daughter of Wm and Janet Bell, by T. M. Stirling." (PANB F1114 Cathedral, Fredericton). Agnes perhaps died as an infant as another daughter born in October 1839 was named Agnes.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
3. Margaret Bell​
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 1838 in Harvey. Died Dec 1918 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witness to marriage was Thomas Brown.
From newspaper obituary - 1918:
Harvey Station, Dec 11 -- Margaret Messer, widow of the late William Messer, of Tweedside, died there at the residence of her son, William Messer, on Friday morning last. She was in her seventy-ninth year and has been in failing health for some time. She was a daughter of the late William Bell, one of the pioneers of Harvey. She is survived by six sons and three daughters. Her sons are James, William, Thomas, John, Walter and Oliver, all residing at Tweedside. Her daughters are Mrs Alice Rankine and Mrs Mary Barry, residing in Boston, and Mrs Janet Bulmer, residing at North Bay (Ont.). She is also survived by two brothers and four sisters, John Bell, of Tweedside, and George Bell, residing in Washington state; Mrs Mary Smith, of Thomaston, NB; Mrs T. Hicks (Hawkes?) and Mrs Levi Talbot, residing at Portland, and Mrs Isabel Wilson, residing here. She was a lady of very pleasant disposition and was held in high esteem throughout the community. The funeral, which was held on Saturday afternoon, was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. J. F. McKay.
She married William Messer, son of William Messer & Alice (Or Alison) Brown, 3 Sep 1856 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 1834 in Eng. Died 1914 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
William was 3 years old when he came to NB with his parents and siblings in 1837, and the Messer family was among the pioneer settlers of Harvey Settlement.
Undated photograph of elderly William Messer, b. 1834, Northumbrland, England, d. 1914, Harvey and his wife Margaret Bell, b. 1838, Harvey, d. Dec. 1918, Tweedside. Source: Dallas Davis, Fredericton, N.B. Dec. 30, 2008.

In the 1861 Census, William was 28 years old, and his wife Margaret was 23 years old, and two children: James Bell, 4 years, and William, 8 mo. They owned or occupied 50 acres improved and 90 acres unimproved land. Cash value of farm was 150 pounds, value of implements and machinery 1 pound. They had 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 other neat cattle, 5 sheep, 2 swine, and slaughtered 200 lb. pork. Produced 100 lb. butter, 4 lb. wool, 3 tons hay, 200 bu. oats, 50 bu. buckwheat, 40 bu. timothy and 30 bu. potatoes.
For further information on this family see the book, "The Descendants of William and Margaret Messer, 1837 - 1985" by Doris Davis.
They had the following children:
13 i. James Bell Messer
14 ii. Janet Ann Messer
15 iii. William Messer
16 iv. Thomas Messer
17 v. Alice Brown Messer
18 vi. John Messer
19 vii. Walter Messer
20 viii. Jennette Olive "Janet" Messer
21 ix. Walter Messer
22 x. Ellen Isabel Messer
23 xi. Mary A. Messer
24 xii. George "Oliver" Messer
25 xiii. Margaret Ann Richardson Messer
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
4. Agnes "Nancy" Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 16 Oct 1839 in Harvey. Died 9 Feb 1903 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Birth date from 1901 Census for Manners Sutton. From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Geo Lister and C. F. Lister.
She married Christopher Johnston, son of Mr Johnston & Christina A. Heughan, 16 Mar 1858 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 15 Aug 1837 in Three Wells, Scotland. Died 15 Apr 1918 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Birth date from 1901 Census for Manners Sutton.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1916:
Christopher Johnston
Harvey Station, April 17 -- Christopher Johnston, one of the oldest residents of this parish, died at his home at Coburn on Saturday morning. He was in the eightieth year of his age and enjoyed remarkably good health up to a few months ago. For the last twenty-three days of his life he was unable to take any nourishment of any kind except small quantities of water, but retained strength in a remarkable manner. He was a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and came to Harvey early in life. For upwards of sixty years he has carried on farming at Coburn, and was one of the leading farmers in that prosperous section of the parish. His sons are Luke Johnston, residing here; Thos Johnston, of McAdam; and Albert, at home. His daughters are Mrs Robert Embleton, residing here and Mrs James McCann of McAdam. He was a man of genial disposition and had many friends here and elsewhere who will regret to learn of his death.
They had the following children:
26 i. Luke Craig Johnston
27 ii. Jennette "Janet" Johnston
28 iii. Thomas Coburn Johnston
29 iv. Christina Johnston
30 v. Jane "Agnes" Johnston
31 vi. Mary Ann Johnston
32 vii. William Johnston
33 viii. Georgina "Georgie" Johnston
34 ix. Margaret Ellen Johnston
35 x. Charles Johnston
36 xi. John Albert "Ab" Johnston
37 xii. Florence Johnston
38 xiii. Grace Johnston
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
5. Jane Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 1842 in Harvey. Christen 10 Sep 1842 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 10 Dec 1889 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Church death records: Jane Bell, died 10 Dec 1889, age 47 yr. 5 mo.
39 i. Rebecca Victoria Bell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
6. Mary Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 10 Apr 1843 in Harvey. Christen 23 Jun 1844 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 12 Dec 1929 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Birth date from 1901 census for Manners Sutton: 10 Apr 1844, and on gravestone Harvey Settlement Cemetery: 1844-1929.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1929):
Mrs Mary Smith
Harvey Station, Dec 17 -- The death of Mrs Mary Smith, widow of Alexander Smith, occurred at her home in Wilmot, York County, on Thursday morning. Deceased, who was the daughter of the late William and Janet (Oliver) Bell, of Manners Sutton was in her eighty-sixth year, having been born on April 10, 1843. She is survived by one sister, Mrs Isabel Wilson, of Manners Sutton, and the following children: George of Wilmot; Hugh Talbot, at home; Mrs John Bailey, Fredericton Junction; Mrs James Wilkins, Wilmot; Edna, teacher at East Florenceville, and Elizabeth and Nellie, at home. The funeral was held on Friday, Rev. George E. Knight conducting the service, assisted by Rev. J. H. MacLean. The hymns sang were "Nearer My God to Thee," "A Day's March Nearer Home," and, by request, "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" as a solo by Rev. Mr Knight. The pallbearers were George and Everett Smith and James and Lawrence Wilkins. Interment was in Manners Sutton Cemetery.
She married Alexander James Smith, 15 Aug 1864 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Born 1835 in Scotland. Died 1897 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
In the 1861 Census, Alexander, 25 years old, Scotch, general labourer, Presbyterian, was a lodger in the home of Nicholas Gass.
From the Colonial Farmer, 22 Aug 1864: "Married 15th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Alexander Smith and Miss Mary Bell, both of Manners Sutton parish."
Alexander and Mary were farmers at Thomaston (Wilmot).
They had the following children:
40 i. Janet "Jennie" Smith
41 ii. William Smith
42 iii. George Edward Smith
43 iv. David Smith
44 v. Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" Smith
45 vi. Mary Ann Smith
46 vii. Hugh "Talbot" Smith
47 viii. Agnes Isabella Smith
48 ix. John "Everett" Smith
49 x. Margaret Edna Smith
50 xi. Nellie Millicent Smith
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
7. Isabelle "Belle" Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 20 Oct 1845 in Harvey. Christen 22 Nov 1845 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 27 May 1931 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Belle was the second wife of Alexander Wilson.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1931:
Mrs Isabelle Wilson
Harvey Station, York Co., June 1 -- Mrs Isabelle Wilson, widow of Alex Wilson, passed away on May 27 in her 86th year after a short illness. She was the last survivor of her immediate family, the daughter of the late William and Janet Bell, of Scotland.
The funeral service was held at her home Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. George E. Knight and Rev. J. H. McLean. Favorite hymns were sung by a quartette and a solo by Mr Knight. She leaves to mourn four sons, A. J., W. Heber, Oliver J. and Levi T., and two daughters, Mrs J. A. Johnston and Mrs E. I. McConnell, Brooklyn, N.Y. Interment was at Harvey cemetery. The pallbearers were Alexander and Thomas Wilson, Eastman and James Bell, Arthur Mowatt and Charles Little.
She married Alexander Wilson, son of Robert Wilson & Mary Brown, 8 Jul 1873 in Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton . Born 23 Jan 1834 in Lennilhill, Scotland. Died 28 May 1906 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Storekeeper, Carpenter, Farmer.

3 Sep 1901 photograph of Alexander Wilson aged 68 (b. 23 Jan 1834, Lennilhill, Scotland; d.28 May 1906, Harvey Station; and two daughters Sarah aged 28 (L) and Nellie, aged 20 (R). (Source: JSH, 25 Jul 2006).
Alex came to NB in 1837 with his parents and siblings, who were among the first settlers of Harvey Settlement. He was married twice, first to Isabella Craigs and had six children; second to Isabelle Bell and had six children. Alex's occupation in the 1871 Census was Storekeeper. He was also a carpenter, and made all the coffins in the area, and he was a farmer.
PANB #F15552, p. 432: Alexander Wilson and Isabella Craigs were married on 18 Apr 1861 both of Manners Sutton, witnesses James Wilson, Margaret Craigs and Thomas Craigs.
PANB Marriage Records of York Co, NB (1837-1888): Alexander Wilson and Isabella Bell, both of the Parish of Manners Sutton were married by license in Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, according to the rites of the Church of England, on 8 Jul 1873 by John Pearson (Sub Dean). Witnesses were Elizabeth Bell and J. Coombs.

Undated photograph of Alexander Wilson (b. 23 Jan 1834, Lennilhill, Scotland; d.28 May 1906, Harvey Station; wife Isabella "Belle" Bell (b. 20 Oct 1845, d. 27 May 1931), their daughter Sarah Wilson (b 16 Mar 1874, Harvey; d. 11 Sep 1966, Harvey) and her son Wilson McConnell. (Source: JSH, 25 Jul 2006).

Undated photograph of Isabella "Belle" Bell (b. 20 Oct 1845, d. 27 May 1931). (Source: JSH, 25 Jul 2006).
For further information on this family see the book, "The Wilsons of Harvey, 1798 - 1983" by Jocelean Swan Hall.
They had the following children:
51 i. Sarah Lillian "Sadie" Wilson
52 ii. Alexander "Jardine" Wilson
53 iii. William "Heber" Wilson
54 iv. Oliver James Wilson
55 v. Ellen Bell "Nellie" Wilson
56 vi. Levi Talbot Wilson
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
8. John Alexander "Jack" Bell
Son of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 3 May 1847 in Harvey. Christen 27 Jun 1847 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 8 Jul 1922. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From New Brunswick Reporter, 26 Jul 1867: "Married 16th inst. by Rev. J. Lathern, John Bell, Harvey (York Co.) and Miss Jane Cleghorn, same place."
Jack and his wife Jean settled on Lot 13A in South Tweedside. They had 12 children. (Further information on this family in Chapter 3 of the book, "George Cleghorn and Descendants 1819-1982" compiled by Ruth Cleghorn.)
He married Jane "Jean" Cleghorn, daughter of George Cleghorn & Agnes Hogg, 16 Jul 1867 in York Co., NB. Born 3 May 1846 in Scotland. Died 13 Mar 1919 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
57 i. William A. "Bill" Bell
58 ii. Agnes Eva Bell
59 iii. George Bell
60 iv. Reuben Eastman Bell
61 v. Janet Oliver Bell
62 vi. John Eastman "Easty" Bell
63 vii. James Robert Bell
64 viii. Charles Alexander Bell
65 ix. Amy Jane "Janie" Bell
66 x. Frederick Bell
67 xi. Beatrice Victoria Bell
68 xii. George Edward "Ed" Bell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
9. Eleanor "Ellen Or Nellie" Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 1849 in Harvey. Christen 18 Mar 1849 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy.
In 1888 Ellen worked in Boston where she had a dressmaking business. She married in U.S.A., lived in Elmo, Maine in 1896, and in Olympia, Wash. in 1918. She married T. Hawkes, in U.S.A.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
10. George Bell
Son of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 14 May 1851 in Harvey. Christen 28 Jul 1851 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. George married in U.S.A. Lived in Olympia, Wash. in 1918.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
11. Elizabeth "Bessie" Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born Approx 1853 in Harvey. Died Approx 1918 in Olympia, Wash. Bessie lived in Dover, Mass. in 1896. She married Levi A. Talbot.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Second Immigrant Generation
12. Rebecca Oliver Bell
Daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver. Born 30 Dec 1856 in Harvey. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 20 Sep 1861 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Rebecca Oliver Bell died 20 Sep 1861, age 4 yr. 8 mo. 21 days, of diphtheria. (Harvey church records)
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
13. James Bell Messer
Son of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 27 May 1857 in Tweedside. Died 21 Sep 1917 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
James Messer
Harvey Station, Sept. 22 -- James Messer, a well known resident of Tweedside, died at his home there yesterday morning after a long illness. He was the eldest son of the late William Messer, of Tweedside, and was in the sixty-first year of his age. His wife died some years ago. He is also survived by a number of brothers and sisters. Among them are William Messer and John Messer, of Tweedside.
He married Julia Ann Cecilia Wood, daughter of Peter Wood & Mary Moffitt, 31 Jan 1883 in York Co., NB By Robert Nairn, Presbyterian . Born 1 Mar 1863. Died 15 Jul 1905. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery
Witnesses to marriage were George Thomas Wood and Alice B. Messer.
Julia Ann Cecilia died 15 Jul 1905, age 42 yrs. 4 mo. 15 days.
They had the following children:
69 i. William Elmer Messer
70 ii. Mary Isabella "Mayme" Messer
71 iii. Peter Alexander "Sandy" Messer
72 iv. James Allan Messer
73 v. John "Wesley" Messer
74 vi. Margaret Ann "Cecilia" Messer
75 vii. Minnie May Messer
76 viii. Ella Louise Messer
77 ix. Jessie Elizabeth Messer
78 x. Jennie "Estella" Messer
79 xi. Julius "Edison" Messer
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
14. Janet Ann Messer
Daughter of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 23 Apr 1859. Died 22 Aug 1861.
From church records: Died 22 Aug 1861, age 2 yr. 4 mo., diphtheria.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
15. William Messer
Son of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 30 Dec 1860 in Tweedside. Died 27 Jun 1940 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer, Butcher.
From newspaper obituary - 1940
William Messer Dies at Age 79. Father of York County MLA Passes at Harvey Station
Fredericton, NB, June 27 -- William Messer, father of York County MLA died at his home early this morning. He was 79 years old and had been in failing health for about a year.
Mr Messer was born in Harvey in a home some 360 yards from the one in which he died about 1:30 a.m. today. He was a life long resident of the community. He was a butcher for many years, but retired about 10 years ago to devote his full attention to his farm. Mr Messer was married twice.
He is survived by his second wife, Mrs Isabelle Messer, three sons, Ford Messer, MLA and Albert Messer both of Harvey, and Oscar Messer, St. Stephen; three daughters, Mrs Edmond Swan, Harvey, Mrs Roy Swan, McAdam and Mrs Howard Bliss, Boston, an adopted son Edison Messer, at home and an adopted daughter, Miss Agnes Bell, Boston. The funeral will take place at the home at 2 p.m., to be followed by a service at the Harvey Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m., Rev. Allison McLean will officiate. Interment will be made in the Harvey Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - 1940:
Died at Harvey Today
The death occurred at Harvey at an early hour this morning of William Messer, one of the oldest and best known men in that section of York County.
He carried on farming and was respected by all who knew him and his death will occasion regret. He is survived by his widow, Mrs Isabelle Messer; three sons, Ford Messer, M.P.P., and Albert Messer of Harvey, and Oscar Messer, of St. Stephen; three daughters, Mrs Edward Swan, of Harvey; Mrs Roy Swan, McAdam, and Mrs Howard Bliss, Boston, Mass., and an adopted son and daughter, Edison Messer, at home, and Miss Agnes Bell, of Boston.
He first married Sarah Elizabeth "Sadie" Rutherford, daughter of John Rutherford & Elizabeth "Bessie" Wightman, 1 Jul 1885 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By D. MacRae, Presbyterian . Born 7 Nov 1864. Died 18 Jun 1893. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were John Messer and Isaac Rutherford.
Sarah died at age 28 yr. 9 mos., leaving five children: Bessie, Albert, Ford, Oscar and Sadie.
They had the following children:
80 i. Elizabeth Ethel "Bessie" Messer
81 ii. William "Albert" Messer
82 iii. John Rutherford "Ford" Messer
83 iv. Thomas "Oscar" Messer
84 v. Sarah Mary Isabell "Sadie" Messer
He second married Isabella Torrance, daughter of Robert Torrance & Ellen MacDonald, 12 Jun 1895 in York Co., NB . Born 17 Mar 1855 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Died 13 May 1941 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
From newspaper obituary - undated:
Died at Tweedside. Mrs William Messer, 85, Was Born in Scotland--Known For Kindness.
Harvey Station, May 19 -- The death at Tweedside on May 13th of Mrs Isabelle Messer, widow of William Messer, removes one of the most highly respected and oldest residents of this community. She died at her home following a brief illness of pneumonia and complications.
Mrs Messer was a daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Torrens, having come to this country (at the age of one and a half years) from Edinburgh, Scotland. Last March 17th Mrs Messer observed her 85th birthday. Mr Messer predeceased her 11 months ago. She was a woman of fine Christian character and great kindliness and never considered any task too heavy when performed for those she loved. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs Roy Swan of McAdam; three step-daughters, Mrs Edmund Swan, Tweedside; Mrs Howard Bliss, Boston, Mass.; Miss Agnes Bell, at home; four step-sons, Oscar Messer, St. Stephen; Ford Messer, M.P.P., and Albert Messer, of Harvey; Edison Messer, of Tweedside; one sister, Mrs Fred Richardson, of Lebattis, Maine; and one brother, Robert Torrens, of St. Stephen.
They had the following children:
85 i. Edith Annie Richardson Messer

Edith Annie Richardson Messer
Born May 19, 1896
Daughter of William messer and Isabel Torrence.
Married to Alexander " Roy" Swan (son of alexander Swan and
Annie Burrell)
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
16. Thomas Messer
Son of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 11 Apr 1863 in Tweedside, NB. Died 8 Oct 1940 in Tweedside . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1940:
Late Thos. Messer
Well known Resident of South Tweedside Passed Away in 79th year.
South Tweedside, N.B., Oct 15 -- The community was saddened by the recent death of Thomas Messer which occurred at his home Tuesday, October 8th after a lingering illness of several months which he bore very patiently always having a smile and a joke for all who called to see him.
He was in the 79th year of age, being born in Tweedside, son of the late William and Margaret Messer, he married Jennie Hood of Magaguadavic and they lived their entire life in South Tweedside, engaged in farming. His wife predeceased him by two years.
The late Mr Messer was a man of fine qualities, very generous and it can be said "that he lived in a house on the side of the road and was a friend to man". His passing has left a vacancy that will be hard to fill.
He leaves to mourn three daughters, Mrs Ernest Irvine, (Gertie) of Plaster Rock, N.B., Mrs Charles Cleghorn, (Maggie) Lake Road, N.B., Mrs Gates Piercy, (Annie) Tweedside, and three sons, Henry, of Tweedside, Robert and Thomas of South Tweedside. One brother, George O., of McAdam and one sister, Mrs Charles Berry of Boston, also survive. One brother William Messer of Tweedside predeceased him by a few months.
He married Jane "Janie" Hood, 6 May 1889 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Born 23 Apr 1866 in Magaguadavic. Died 26 Sep 1938 in Tweedside . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
86 i. Gertrude Messer
87 ii. Henry William Messer
88 iii. James "Robert" Messer
89 iv. Margaret Jean "Maggie" Messer
90 v. John Spafford Messer
91 vi. Annie Isabel Messe
r92 vii. Mary "Ellen" Messer
93 viii. Thomas George Messer
94 ix. Chester Harold Messer
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
17. Alice Brown Messer
Daughter of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 24 Jan 1865 in Tweedside.
She married James Rankine. Born 11 Sep 1863. Died 2 Feb 1937.
They had the following children:
95 i. LeRoy Messer Rankine
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
18. John Messer
Son of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 24 Mar 1867 in Tweedside, NB. Died 26 Sep 1937 in Tweedside . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
He married Margaret Agnes "Maggie" Moffitt, daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy, 25 Jul 1888 in York Co., NB . Born 30 Jul 1867 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 5 Jun 1921 in Saint John . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituaries - 1921:
Messer -- At the resident of her daughter, Mrs W. Fred Clifford, 96 Portland Street, on June 5, Maggie, wife of John Messer, of Tweedside, York County, N.B., leaving her husband, six sons, five daughters, four brothers and four sisters to mourn. Interment will take place at Manners Sutton, York Co.
Mrs John Messer
The death of Mrs John Messer, of Tweedside, York County, N.B., occurred yesterday morning at the resident of her daughter, Mrs W. Fred Clifford. Mrs Messer came to visit her daughter a few days ago to receive medical treatment. The news of her death will come as a great shock to her many friends. She was a native of York County and was fifty-four years of age. The body will be taken to Manners Sutton for interment. Besides her husband, Mrs Messer leaves six son--Norman and Roy at Coburn, York County; Andrew, of Regina; and George, Leonard and Donald, at home at Tweedside; five daughters--Mrs Fred W. Clifford, of this city; Mrs Charles Bell, of Lake George, York County; Mrs Walter Steed, of Chapleau, Ont., and Emma......(rest of clipping missing)
They had the following children:
96 i. Jannie Maud Messer
97 ii. Margaret "Belle" Messer
98 iii. Norman Alwood Messer
99 iv. Mary "Alice" Victoria Messer
100 v. John "Andrew" Moffat Messer
101 vi. Roy William Messer
102 vii. George Connell Messer
103 viii. Harry "Leonard" Messer
104 ix. Emma Elizabeth Ellen Messer
105 x. Doris Mildred Christina Messer
106 xi. Donald Charles Frederick Messer

John Messer
Born March 24, 1867 died September 26, 1937
Son of William Messer and Margaret Bell.
Married to Margaret Agnes Moffitt.

Don Messer and his islanders.
Donald Charles Frederick Messer
Born May 9, 1909 died March 27, 1973
Son of John and Margaret Messer.

Doris Mildred Christina Messer
Born August 8, 1907 died ____
Married to Gordon Davis,
Jannie Maud messer
Born April 15, 1889 died July 16, 1972
Married to William Clifford
Emma Elizabeth Ellen Messer
Born January 23, 1905 died May 2007
Married to James Treadwell.
Norman Elwood Messer
Born August 11, 1893 died August 6, 1979
Married to Beatrice Bell.
John " Andrew" Messer
Born February 7, 1897 died April 4, 1976
Married to Christina Douglas Graham
William " Roy" Messer
Born February 11, 1899 died May 18, 1980
Married to Della Swan
George Connell Messer
Born October 15, 1900 died April 7, 1988
Married to Ella Kingston.
Harry " Leonard" Messer
Born November 20, 1902 died November 21, 1975
Married to Hazel Mae Clark.

Beatrice and Norman Messer.
Beatrice Victoria Bell
Born September 1, 1888 died June 23, 1971
Daughter of Jack Bell and Jean Cleghorn.
Norman Elwood Messer
Born August 11, 1893 died Aug 6, 1979
Son of John messer and Margaret Agnes Moffitt.
Norman and Beatrice were married on July 12, 1916
They have 3 children
Lloyd, Alfred and Margaret ( Messer) Tracy.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
19. Walter Messer
Son of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 21 Mar 1869. Died 22 Feb 1872.
From church records: Died 22 Feb 1872, age 3 yr.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
20. Jennette Olive "Janet" Messer
Daughter of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 15 May 1871. Died 1934 in North Bay, Ont.
She married George Gordon Bulmer, 27 Sep 1893. Born 1875. Died 1965.
They had the following children:
107 i. Margaret Olive Bulmer
108 ii. Mary Ann Bulmer
109 iii. (Male) Bulmer
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
21. Walter Messer
Son of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 19 Jun 1873. Died 12 Aug 1932 in York Co., NB . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Killed in a truck accident at Rooth.
He married Elsie Mary Stewart, 21 Nov 1905 in Charlotte Co., NB . Died 25 Aug 1932 in York Co., NB . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Elsie died as a result of injuries received in the same truck accident at Rooth that killed her husband.
They had the following children:
110 i. Dorothy Mabel Marguerite Messer
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
22. Ellen Isabel Messer
Daughter of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 7 Jan 1876. Died 19 May 1901 in Tweedside.
Copied from newspaper clipping (1901): Terribly Burned
Mrs Wm Bell of Tweedside Badly Injured--Clothing Caught Fire.
Harvey Station, York Co., May 1 -- A terrible occurrence was reported from Tweedside, this county, yesterday. While Mrs William Bell was attending to her household about noon, her clothing caught fire from the stove.
She made every effort to extinguish the blaze, but was unsuccessful. In great fright she rushed out of the house, seeking the aid of her husband, who was at work in the field close by. Attracted by her cries, he was horrified to find his wife enveloped in flames. With difficulty he got the fire put out, but not before most of his wife's clothing was burned off.
Dr. Keith was sent for and attended at once. He found the unfortunate woman in a terrible condition, being burned nearly all over the body. He did all he could to relieve her suffering, but very little hope of her recovery is entertained.
She married William A. "Bill" Bell, son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn, 25 Dec 1895 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Born 1 Nov 1867 in South Tweedside. Died 29 Jan 1933.
Bill lived on a farm in South Tweedside.
They had the following children:
111 i. George Louis "Louie" Bell
112 ii. Mary Jane Agnes "Aggie" Bell
113 iii. Margaret Ellen Bell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
23. Mary A. Messer
Daughter of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 9 Mar 1878.
Mary and her husband Charles Barry lived in Roxbury, MA, and had two sons, Everett and Cortland.
She married Charles T. Barry, 13 Sep 1905 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Born in Boston.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
24. George "Oliver" Messer
Son of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 22 Jul 1880 in Tweedside, NB. Died 6 Nov 1944 in York Co., NB . Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Oliver worked for the CPR in McAdam, and lived in McAdam most of his life.
Death date in PANB records: 6 Nov 1944.
He first married Jessie R. Taylor, 18 Mar 1903 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Born in Lawrence Sta.
They had the following children:
114 i. Everett Taylor Messer
He second married Mary Apple.
He third married Mabel Karney.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
25. Margaret Ann Richardson Messer
Daughter of William Messer & Margaret Bell. Born 29 Sep 1882.
Died 23 Sep 1884.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
26. Luke Craig Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 24 Feb 1859 in Harvey. Died 18 Feb 1934 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Stonemason And Farmer.
Birth date from 1901 Census: 22 Feb 1859.
Luke and Mary Jane had four children.
From newspaper obituary - 1934:
Died Suddenly at Harvey.
Friends here and elsewhere will learn with regret of the sudden death at Harvey on Sunday of Luke Johnston, at the age of 74 years. Deceased was in his usual good health but was suddenly seized with an attack of acute indigestion and died almost immediately. He was well known and highly respected and is survived by a large family. The funeral took place this afternoon from his late home with interment at Harvey.
He married Mary Jane Embleton, daughter of Robert Embleton & Elizabeth "Betsy" Wilson, 31 Mar 1891 in York Co., NB. Born 2 Nov 1858 in Harvey. Died 31 Oct 1924 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Birth date from 1901 Census: 1 Nov 1859, however on gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: 1858-1924.
They had the following children:
115 i. Hillard Christopher Johnston
116 ii. Beulah Elizabeth Johnston
117 iii. Dellas Embleton Johnston
118 iv. James Cephas Johnston
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
27. Jennette "Janet" Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 9 Jun 1861 in Harvey. Died 2 Jan 1890 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
She married John Robert Burrell, son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy, 3 Apr 1884 in St. Paul's, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt, Presbyterian. Born 10 Mar 1861 in Harvey. Died 10 Jul 1892 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were Alexander Burrell and Ellen Coburn.
They had the following children:
119 i. Agnes Burrell
120 ii. Anna Burrell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
28. Thomas Coburn Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 22 Feb 1863 in Harvey. Died 1932. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
(From Harvey Presbyterian Church records: Hildah Johnston d. 8 Jun 1891, age 14 mo.; Vernon Johnston d. 4 Jun 1890, age 2 mo. May have been children of Thomas Cockburn Johnston and Nancy "Isobel" Burrell??)
He married Nancy "Isabel" Burrell, daughter of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy, 22 Sep 1886 in Harvey By J. A. McLean, Presbyterian . Born 22 Nov 1868 in Harvey. Died 24 Dec 1927. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Witnesses to marriage were Thomas Burrell and Christina Johnston.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1927 --
Mrs Thos Johnston Has Passed Away
McAdam, Dec. 26 -- After a lingering illness of nearly four years, Mrs Isobell Johnston, wife of Thomas Johnston, has passed away. She was born in Harvey, Nov 22, 1868.
She leaves to mourn her husband, two brothers, Thomas Burrell of McAdam, and Alexander Burrell, of Harvey; two sisters, Mrs Odburn Stamers (sic), of McAdam and Mrs John Hay, of Harvey; also three sons, George of Brownville, Gordon and Robert, of McAdam, and one daughter, Mrs Roy Grant, of McAdam.
The services were held at her late home today at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. E. Gosline, assisted by Rev. G. A. Ross.
They had the following children:
121 i. George Henry Alfred Johnston
122 ii. Hilda Johnston (Twin)
123 iii. Vernon Johnston (Twin)
124 iv. Mabel May Johnston
125 v. Gordon Johnston
126 vi. Robert Burrell Johnston
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
29. Christina Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 8 Feb 1865 in Harvey. Died 26 Jul 1896 in Harvey.
Christina died of T.B. From Church Records, Christina d. 26 Jul 1896, age 31 yr. 5 mo.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
30. Jane "Agnes" Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Feb 1867 in Harvey. Died 14 Dec 1887 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were J. and Julia R. McLean.
Jane Agnes died 14 Dec 1887, age 20 years.
She married George McEachren, 17 May 1886 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records Bu J. A. McLean.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
31. Mary Ann Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 6 Feb 1869 in Harvey. Died 10 Apr 1916 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Mary Ann and Joseph Robison had three sons: Harry Alvin, Delbert Jay, and Archibald Harold.
From newspaper obituary - 1915:
Mary Robinson
Harvey Station, April 12 -- Mary Robinson, wife of Joseph Robinson, died at her home here on Monday afternoon after a long illness of consumption of the lungs. She was about forty-seven years of age and was a daughter of Christopher Johnston of Coburn. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Harry, Delbert and Archie, at home. She is also survived by her aged father, who is very infirm, two brothers and two sisters. Her brothers are Luke Johnston of this place, and Thomas Johnston of McAdam. Her sisters are Mrs James McCann of McAdam, and Mrs Robert Embleton residing here. She was much esteemed and her death is deeply regretted.
She married Joseph Robison, son of Stephen Robison & Eleanor "Jane" Herbert, 25 Apr 1890 in Saint John Co., NB . Born 26 Apr 1863 in Harvey. Died 12 Sep 1929 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - 1929: (Surname was spelled "Robinson" in the obituary, instead of "Robison".)
Joseph Robinson (sic)
Harvey Station, Sep 13 -- Joseph Robinson, a well-known and highly respected resident, died at his home here at 9.30 last night at the age of 66 years. He had been in failing health for some time, but was ill only a few days.
He was the oldest son of the late Stephen and Jane Robinson and is survived by his wife, who is a daughter of Mr and Mrs David Essensee, of this place; a little daughter, Muriel, and three sons by his first wife--Harry, who is in the employ of the C.P.R. of Jackman, Me.; Archie, of McAdam, and Delbert, who is proprietor of a large hotel in Vernon, BC., also three sisters and three brothers, Mrs James Hunter, of this place, Mrs Maunsell Tracy, of Edmonton; Mrs John Saunders, of Portland, Me.; George, of Lethbridge; Charles, of Harvey Station, and Albert, of Toronto.
The funeral will be held from his late residence on Saturday afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. J. Hugh McLean, of the United Church.
They had the following children:
127 i. Harry Alvin Robison
128 ii. Delbert Jay Robison
129 iii. Archibald Harold Robison
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
32. William Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Feb 1871 in Harvey.
William may have married in U.S.A.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
33. Georgina "Georgie" Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 16 Mar 1873 in Harvey. Died 4 Jan 1938. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Robert Allan Embleton, son of George Embleton & Jane Wilson, 17 Mar 1898 in York Co., NB. Born 28 Oct 1869 in Tweedside. Died 22 Jun 1931. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
To distinguish him from other Robert Embletons, he was called "Hollow Bob". They lived on the Lake Road in Harvey Station, and had nine children.
For further information on this family see the book, "The Wilsons of Harvey, 1798 - 1983" by Jocelean Swan Hall.
They had the following children:
130 i. Alice Mildred Embleton
131 ii. Ward Beecher Embleton
132 iii. George "Allen" Embleton
133 iv. Helen Elizabeth Embleton
134 v. Earle Christopher Embleton
135 vi. Florence Jane "Flossie" Embleton
136 vii. Amy Pearl Embleton
137 viii. Bertha Fern Embleton
138 ix. Urban Burns Embleton
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
34. Margaret Ellen Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 11 Jul 1875 in Harvey. Died 10 Sep 1897 in Harvey.
Margaret Ellen died at age 22 yr.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
35. Charles Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Jun 1877 in Harvey. Died 13 Jan 1908 in Harvey.
From Church Records: Charles Johnston d. 13 Jan 1908, age 31 yr., heart failure.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
36. John Albert "Ab" Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 11 Jul 1879 in Harvey. Died 9 Dec 1949 in Victoria Public Hospital, Fredericton. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Buried at Harvey
The death of J. Albert Johnston occurred at Victoria Public Hospital on Friday, Dec 9th after a short illness. Deceased was in his seventieth year. He is survived by his wife and one grandson; several nieces and nephews. An only daughter predeceased him thirteen years ago.
The funeral was held from the home on Monday afternoon at two o'clock. The services were conducted by the Rev. A. H Sproule of the Knox Presbyterian Church. There were a great number of floral tributes and a great many attended the funeral The choir under the direction of the church organist rendered favorite hymns of the deceased. The bearers were six nephews, Ward, Allan, Earl and Urban Embleton; James and Gordon Johnston. Interment was made in the Harvey Cemetery.
He married Ellen Bell "Nellie" Wilson, daughter of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell, 13 Jul 1910 in York Co., NB. Born 28 Oct 1881 in Harvey. Died 27 May 1964 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried 29 May 1964 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Nellie died 27 May 1964, age 82 yr 6 mo 29 days, at Harvey Hospital.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Mrs A. Johnston Paid Last Tribute
Harvey -- The funeral of Mrs Albert (Nellie) Johnston whose death occurred at the Harvey Community Hospital was held from her residence in Harvey Station. She was in her 83rd year. Pallbearers were: Albert Embleton, Allan Embleton, Heber Little and Arden Wilson.
Surviving are a brother, Levi; a sister Sarah, both of Harvey Station; a grandson, Phillip Herron, Sussex; a great granddaughter; and several nephews and nieces.
Interment was in the Harvey Station Cemetery.
They had the following children:
139 i. Sarah Lillian Johnston
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
37. Florence Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Sep 1881 in Harvey. Died 19 Jan 1922 in McAdam, York Co., NB . Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1922:
Mrs James McCann
McAdam, Jan. 20 -- The death occurred yesterday afternoon of Mrs James McCann, after a lingering illness, aged 40 years. Deceased was a daughter of the late Christopher Johnston, of Manners Sutton, and is survived by her husband and two daughters, Orie and Ruth, also one sister, Mrs George Embleton and three brothers, Thomas Johnston of McAdam, and Luke and Albert, of Manners Sutton.
Mrs McCann was a quiet, unassuming person and respected by all who knew her. The funeral will be held from her late home Saturday afternoon and conducted by Rev. Mr Hatfield, interment at Rockland Cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.
She married James McCann, son of Bernard McCann & Agnes Lister, 12 Jul 1910 in York Co., NB. Born 15 May 1874 in Harvey. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Died 6 Jun 1948 in York Co., NB . Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
38. Grace Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 29 Oct 1884 in Harvey. Died 4 Dec 1907 in Harvey.
From Church Records: Mrs Grace Johnston McCann d. 4 Dec 1907, age 23 yr. 1 mo., Tuberculosis.
She married James McCann, son of Bernard McCann & Agnes Lister, 7 Sep 1904 in York Co., NB. Born 15 May 1874 in Harvey. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Died 6 Jun 1948 in York Co., NB . Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
39. Rebecca Victoria Bell
Daughter of Jane Bell. Born 15 Jun 1865 in Harvey.
Witnesses to marriage were John Bell and Ellen Cameron.
She married Robert Brown "Bob" Wilson, son of Alexander Wilson & Isabella Craig, 22 Mar 1883 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records By Rev. Dr. A. J. Mowatt. Born 26 Jan 1862 in Harvey Settlement, York Co., NB. Christen 1 Jan 1864 in Presbyterian Church In Harvey. Died 10 Dec 1936 in Yarmouth, ME. Buried in Durham, ME. Occupation Farmer, Storekeeper.
Bob, his first wife Rebecca Victoria, and their son Oswald moved to Maine where both father and son operated farms in Livermore Falls and Durham. Bob's second wife was a widow with a daughter, Blanche. She was listed as Blanche M. Loring on her step-father's death records. Bob died of cardio-renal disease and paralysis and was buried in Durham, ME.
From Portland Press Herald, 11 Dec 1936:
Wilson Funeral Sunday
Funeral services for Robert B. Wilson, 75, of 122 Park Street, a resident of this city 12 years, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the funeral rooms of Harry Mitchell, 125 Main Street, Yarmouth, the town where he operated a store for several years. He died Thursday in a nursing home after many years of failing health.
Mr Wilson was born Dec. 26, 1860 at Harvey, NB, but had resided the greater part of his life in this state. Before residing at Yarmouth he made his home in Livermore Falls. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and Masons.
Surviving are his daughter, Mrs Blanche Loring, with whom he made his home, and a brother, Charles Wilson of Pownal.
(Birth date from Church Records and newspaper obituary are different. Not sure which is correct.)
They had the following children:
140 i. Oswald A. Wilson
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
40. Janet "Jennie" Smith
Daughter of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 14 Sep 1865 in Wilmot. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died Dec in Fredericton Junction. Buried in Gladstone Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary - undated:
Late Mrs Bailey
Many at Funeral of Well Known Fredericton Junction Woman.
Fredericton Junction, Dec. 4 -- The funeral of Mrs Jennie Bailey, widow of John T. Bailey was held on Friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs Alexander Blair. Rev. Byron G. Linton conducted the service.
Hymns, There is Not a Friend Like the Lowly Jesus and In the Sweet Bye and Bye were sung by the choir of the United Baptist Church. Rev. Mr. Linton sang a solo The Stranger of Galillee. Pallbearers were Frank Hart, H. R. Peterson, Chester Tracy, S. L. Alexander. Interment was made in the Gladstone Cemetery.
The late Mrs Bailey was a daughter of late Alexander and Mary Smith, Tweedside, York County and is survived by two daughter, Mrs Lizzie Acker and Mrs Alexander Blair; four sons, Millege, Herbert, Talbert and Borden, all of Fredericton Junction; four sisters, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Mrs James Wilkin, York Mills; and Mrs Davidson, Tower Hill, Charlotte County; and two brothers, Talbert Smith, Boston, and Everett Smith, York Mills.
She married John T. Bailey.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
41. William Smith
Son of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 24 Jun 1867 in Wilmot. Died 5 Apr 1922 in Harvey (Wilmot).
Copied from newspaper obituary (undated):
William Smith
Harvey, April 10 -- Our community has been saddened by the death of William Smith, eldest son of the late Alexander Smith, at his residence here. Although he had been in failing health for some time, the news of his death came as a shock to his friends.
He was of middle age, a highly respected resident, of a kind and genial disposition and of sterling character. He is survived by his three daughters, his mother, three brothers and five sisters. The daughters are Mrs Scott McPherson of Nashwaak, Mrs Kenneth Murphy of Chipman, and Audrey, at home.
He married Barbara Dorcas, daughter of Aaron Dorcas & Elizabeth Blizzard, 21 Dec 1900 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Born Approx 1882 in Wilmot.
They had the following children:
141 i. Bertha Evelyn Smith
142 ii. Audrey May Smith
143 iii. (Name Unknown) Smith
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
42. George Edward Smith
Son of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 21 Jan 1869 in Wilmot. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 3 Feb 1932 in Wilmot. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary - undated:
George Smith
Harvey, Feb 10 -- Stricken on Wednesday afternoon with a severe heart attack, George Smith, of Harvey, passed away at his home about seven o'clock of the same day. He was a son of the late Alexander and Mary Smith and is survived by four daughters and three sons. They are Edward, Ella and Edith, of Portland, Maine; Harry, of McAdam, also Mrs Godkin, Fred and Nellie, at home. Four grandchildren also survive.
The funeral was held from his home on Friday afternoon. All his children were present. Mr. H. Galbraith, of Saint John, conducted the funeral service. Interment was made in the Harvey cemetery.
Mr Smith will be mourned by very many friends from whom will go deep sympathy to those so sadly bereaved by his death. He was sixty years of age.
He married Minnie May Dorcas, daughter of Aaron Dorcas & Elizabeth Blizzard, 12 Jun 1895 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Born 28 Oct 1871. Died 1960. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Birth date from 1901 Census for Manners Sutton: 28 Oct 1871, however gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery has: 1869-1960
They had the following children:
144 i. Edith A. Smith
145 ii. Edward Smith
146 iii. Ella Smith
147 iv. Mabel E. Smith
148 v. Harry Wilmot Smith
149 vi. Fred Dunlop Smith
150 vii. Nellie Pauline Smith
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
43. David Smith
Son of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 16 Apr 1871 in Wilmot. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 17 Oct 1889 in Wilmot.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
44. Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" Smith
Daughter of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 4 Oct 1873 in Wilmot. Died 19 Nov 1961 in Charlotte Co. Hospital, St. Stephen. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Birth date from 1901 Census for Manners Sutton: 4 Oct 1873, however from gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: 1875-1961.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
45. Mary Ann Smith
Daughter of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 10 Jun 1876 in Wilmot. Died 10 May 1918 in Wilmot. Buried 12 May 1918 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from obituary - 1918:
Mrs Mary Hewitt
Harvey Station, May 13 -- Mrs Mary Hewitt died on Friday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs Alex Smith at Thomaston. She had been residing with her husband in Albert for several years past. She recently returned to visit her mother at Thomaston, being in poor health. She seemed to be regaining her health until a few days ago, when she took measles and died quite suddenly. She was about thirty-five years of age. She is survived by one daughter and her husband in Alberta; also by her mother and a number of brothers and sisters.
The funeral took place at Thomaston yesterday afternoon. Rev. J. F. McKay conducted the services.
She married Robert Frederick Hewitt, 11 Jan 1905 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Born in Rollingdam, N.B.
They had the following children:
151 i. Katherine Mary Hewitt
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
46. Hugh "Talbot" Smith
Son of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born Approx 1879 in Wilmot, York Co.
Hugh "Talbot" Smith lived in East Harpswell, Maine.
152 i. Ruby Smith
153 ii. F. Everett Smith
154 iii. Clifton Smith
155 iv. Maurice Smith
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
47. Agnes Isabella Smith
Daughter of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 7 Jan 1881 in Wilmot, York Co. Died 18 Jan 1964 in Wilmot. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From funeral home records, died 18 Jan 1864, age 83 yr 11 days, died at home in Wilmot.
She married James Herbert Wilkin, son of Herbert Wilkin & Jane Gass, 20 Sep 1905 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Born 11 Mar 1875 in Wilmot, York Co. Died 31 Jul 1962 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried 2 Aug 1962 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
In 1891 Census, James is listed as grandson of Herbert and Jane.
Died 31 Jul 1962, age 87 yr 4 mo 20 days, at Harvey Hospital.
They had the following children:
156 i. Laurence Nicholas Wilkin
157 ii. Roscoe James Wilkin
158 iii. Elizabeth Joyce Wilkin
159 iv. Ruth M. E. Wilkin
160 v. John Ronald "Jack" Wilkin
161 vi. David Lloyd Wilkin
162 vii. Lorna Margaret Wilkin
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
48. John "Everett" Smith
Son of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 14 Feb 1883 in Wilmot, York Co. Died 21 Jan 1950 in Wilmot. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1950):
John E. Smith, Died At Harvey
Harvey Station -- Friends and relatives learned with deep regret of the sudden death of John Everett Smith at his home here Saturday, Jan 21. He was a highly respected citizen and will be greatly missed in his home and in the community.
Born at Harvey 66 years ago, his life was spent here with the exception of about 25 years in Boston and the Canadian West. He was a successful farmer, having been engaged in that occupation for several years.
Mr Smith is survived by his widow, Formerly Inez McCoomb, and four sisters, Mrs James Wilkin, Miss Elizabeth Smith and Miss Margaret Smith, all of Harvey, and Mrs Berton Davidson, Moores Mills.
He married Inez Maud McCoomb, 21 May in St. Stephen. Born in St. Stephen.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
49. Margaret Edna Smith
Daughter of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 17 Feb 1885 in Wilmot. Died 1967. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation School Teacher
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
50. Nellie Millicent Smith
Daughter of Alexander James Smith & Mary Bell. Born 5 Jun 1887 in Wilmot, York Co. Died 1963. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From undated newspaper item:
At the manse, Lawrence, NB, June 24th, 1936, by Rev. Wm Armstrong, Burton Alexander Davidson, of Tower Hill to Nellie Millicent Smith, of Harvey, NB.
She married Burton Alexander Davidson, 24 Jun 1936 in Lawrence, N.B. Born in Tower Hill.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
51. Sarah Lillian "Sadie" Wilson
Daughter of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell. Born 16 Mar 1874 in Harvey. Died 11 Sep 1966 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from wedding invitation:
Mr & Mrs L. A. Talbot invite you to be present at the marriage of their niece Sarah Lillian Wilson to Mr Edw. Ira McConnell Tuesday Eve'g, March 14th at 7.30 o'clock At their Home, Dover, Massachusetts, 1893.
She married Edward Ira McConnell, 14 Mar 1893 in Dover, Mass. Died 23 Jan 1930.
They had the following children:
163 i. Wilson Cogswell McConnell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
52. Alexander "Jardine" Wilson
Son of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell. Born 13 Jul 1875 in Harvey. Died 12 Dec 1955 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Carpenter.
Jardine and Lizzie lived in Portland, Maine for several years after their marriage and their three children were born there, and infant son Phillip died there. For a time after their return to Harvey, Jardine was manager of the Farmers' Trading Co. store (where Watsons store is now). Jardine was a well known carpenter.
From newspaper obituary - 1955:
A. Jardine Wilson Dies After Brief Illness
Harvey Station -- Following a brief illness A. Jardine Wilson died in the Harvey Community Hospital. By his bedside was his only son, Edward, who had come from Truro, N.S. to visit him.
Mr Wilson was born in Harvey in 1875, a son of Alexander and Isabelle (Bell) Wilson. For several years he lived in Portland, Me., where he was a successful carpenter. In 1906 he married Elizabeth Nesbitt, and three children were born to them all in Portland. An infant son, Phillip died there. Later the only daughter Jennie died in Harvey and years later his wife also passed on.
Edward is the only surviving member of the immediate family. Two brothers and two sisters also survive, Levi, Oliver and Mrs Edward McConnell at their home nearby, and Mrs Albert Johnston with whom Mr Wilson made his home for the past four years. There are also six grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon with prayers at the late home. Afterwards at the United Church, Rev. William Randall conducted the service. Interment was in the Harvey Cemetery.
He married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Nesbitt, daughter of Thomas Nesbitt & Janet Little, 17 Jun 1906 in York Co., NB. Born 24 Oct 1876 in Harvey. Died 2 Jun 1935 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - 1935:
Mrs Jardine Wilson, Ill Several Years, Died At Her Home, Many At Funeral.
Harvey Station, June 4 -- Elizabeth Nesbitt Wilson, wife of Jardine Wilson, of Coburn, passed away at her home on Sunday after an illness of several years. She was born October 24, 1876, at Coburn, a daughter of the late Thomas and Mrs Nesbitt. She was quiet and unassuming and had a kindly disposition. Until her illness she was an active member of the United Church. Besides her sorrowing husband and mother she leaves to mourn, one son, Edward Nesbitt Wilson; four sisters, Mrs J. W. Patterson and Mrs Thomas R. Wilson, of Harvey; Mrs C. A. Kelly of Coburn, and Mrs H. M. Little of York Mills, and one brother, James Nesbitt.
The funeral, held Monday, was conducted by Rev. Alexander MacKay of the United Church from the Universalist Church at Coburn. Interment was in the Harvey Cemetery.
They had the following children:
164 i. Edward Nesbitt Wilson
165 ii. Philip Wilson
166 iii. Jennie Isabel Wilson
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
53. William "Heber" Wilson
Son of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell. Born 7 Dec 1877 in Harvey. Died 14 Apr 1955 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
54. Oliver James Wilson
Son of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell. Born 24 Jul 1879 in Harvey. Died 12 Apr 1964 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper item - 1922:
Married at the Manse
A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse on Monday last when Rev. Dr. J. S. Sutherland united in marriage Oliver J. Wilson, of Harvey Station, and Miss Hazel Loretta Morrell of Lake George. They were unattended and will reside at Harvey Station.
Oliver died 11 Apr 1964, age 84 yr 8 mo 18 days, died at home.
He married Hazel Loretta Morrell, 1922. Born in Lake George. They were divorced.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
55. Ellen Bell "Nellie" Wilson
Daughter of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell. Born 28 Oct 1881 in Harvey. Died 27 May 1964 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried 29 May 1964 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Nellie died 27 May 1964, age 82 yr 6 mo 29 days, at Harvey Hospital.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Mrs A. Johnston Paid Last Tribute
Harvey -- The funeral of Mrs Albert (Nellie) Johnston whose death occurred at the Harvey Community Hospital was held from her residence in Harvey Station. She was in her 83rd year. Pallbearers were: Albert Embleton, Allan Embleton, Heber Little and Arden Wilson.
Surviving are a brother, Levi; a sister Sarah, both of Harvey Station; a grandson, Phillip Herron, Sussex; a great granddaughter; and several nephews and nieces. Interment was in the Harvey Station Cemetery.
She married John Albert "Ab" Johnston, son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell, 13 Jul 1910 in York Co., NB. Born 11 Jul 1879 in Harvey. Died 9 Dec 1949 in Victoria Public Hospital, Fredericton. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Buried at Harvey
The death of J. Albert Johnston occurred at Victoria Public Hospital on Friday, Dec 9th after a short illness. Deceased was in his seventieth year. He is survived by his wife and one grandson; several nieces and nephews. An only daughter predeceased him thirteen years ago.
The funeral was held from the home on Monday afternoon at two o'clock. The services were conducted by the Rev. A. H Sproule of the Knox Presbyterian Church. There were a great number of floral tributes and a great many attended the funeral The choir under the direction of the church organist rendered favorite hymns of the deceased. The bearers were six nephews, Ward, Allan, Earl and Urban Embleton; James and Gordon Johnston. Interment was made in the Harvey Cemetery.
They had the following children:
139 i. Sarah Lillian Johnston
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
56. Levi Talbot Wilson
Son of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell. Born 17 May 1884 in Harvey Sta. Died 5 Aug 1974 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Single. Died 5 Aug 1974, age 90 yr., at his residence.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
57. William A. "Bill" Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 1 Nov 1867 in South Tweedside. Died 29 Jan 1933.
Bill lived on a farm in South Tweedside.
He first married Ellen Isabel Messer, daughter of William Messer & Margaret Bell, 25 Dec 1895 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Born 7 Jan 1876. Died 19 May 1901 in Tweedside.
Copied from newspaper clipping (1901):
Terribly Burned
Mrs Wm Bell of Tweedside Badly Injured--Clothing Caught Fire.
Harvey Station, York Co., May 1 -- A terrible occurrence was reported from Tweedside, this county, yesterday. While Mrs William Bell was attending to her household about noon, her clothing caught fire from the stove.
She made every effort to extinguish the blaze, but was unsuccessful. In great fright she rushed out of the house, seeking the aid of her husband, who was at work in the field close by. Attracted by her cries, he was horrified to find his wife enveloped in flames. With difficulty he got the fire put out, but not before most of his wife's clothing was burned off.
Dr. Keith was sent for and attended at once. He found the unfortunate woman in a terrible condition, being burned nearly all over the body. He did all he could to relieve her suffering, but very little hope of her recovery is entertained.
They had the following children:
111 i. George Louis "Louie" Bell
112 ii. Mary Jane Agnes "Aggie" Bell
113 iii. Margaret Ellen Bell
He second married Cora. Born 12 May in Northern NB.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
58. Agnes Eva Bell
Daughter of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 22 May 1869 in South Tweedside. Died 9 Sep 1892. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Jack Segee, 4 Nov 1890.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
59. George Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 28 Feb 1871 in South Tweedside. Died 22 Nov 1888 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
60. Reuben Eastman Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 4 May 1872 in South Tweedside. Died 2 Aug 1878 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
61. Janet Oliver Bell
Daughter of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 17 Jul 1874 in South Tweedside. Died 1 Dec 1895 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Janet died of tuberculosis a few weeks after the birth of her son, William John Henry "Willie" Morrow.
She married James William "Jim" Morrow, son of William Benjamin Morrow & Elizabeth "Bess" Cleghorn, 30 Aug 1894 in Charlotte Co., NB. Born 28 Jan 1865 in Tweedside. Died 17 Jun 1958 in Harvey Hospital. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Name given as James Henry Morrow in funeral home records. Died 17 Jun 1958, age 93 yr.
They had the following children:
167 i. William John Henry "Willie" Morrow
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
62. John Eastman "Easty" Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 3 May 1879 in South Tweedside. Died 29 Jun 1944. Buried in Sunny Bank Cemetery, Magaguadavic.
Easty and his wife Ethel lived on a farm on the Lake Road.
From newspaper obituary:
Well Known Resident of Harvey Station Died at His Home, Aged 65 Years
Harvey Station, NB, July 6 -- The death of John Eastman Bell, occurred at his home here, June 29th at the age of 65 years. He was a lifelong resident of Harvey district, was of a cheerful disposition and highly respected by all who knew him. Mr Bell leaves to mourn his wife, formerly Ethel Carmichael, two sons, Stanley Bell, Fredericton; Malcolm, at home; three daughters, Mrs Cecil MacLean, Harvey; Mrs Stanley Hamilton, Magaguadavic, and Mrs Harold James, Devon; one brother, Edward, Tweedside, and one sister, Mrs Norman Messer, Harvey. Another sister, Mrs James Morecraft, of this place, passed away one half hour before him and was buried the same day.
The funeral took place from his home on Friday afternoon at 3.30 pm conducted by Mr MacDonald of the Knox Presbyterian Church and the members of the choir sang favorite hymns, Abide With Me, O God Our Help in Ages Past and Sleep on Beloved. The funeral was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral tributes. The pallbearers were four grandsons, Orlie and Milton MacLean, Jack and Murray Hamilton and two nephews, Russel Bell and Albert Shaw. He was laid to rest in Sunny Bank cemetery at Magaguadavic.
He married Margaret "Ethel" Carmichael, daughter of James Carmichael & Margaret "Maggie" Watt, 10 Jun 1903 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Born 29 May 1880 in Harvey. Died Sep 1963. Buried in Sunny Bank Cemetery.
They had the following children:
168 i. James "Melvin" Bell
169 ii. Margaret "May" Bell
170 iii. Helen Isabel Jane Bell
171 iv. Stanley Eastman Bell
172 v. Malcolm Glen Bell
173 vi. Bessie Eveline Bell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
63. James Robert Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 2 Mar 1881 in South Tweedside. Died 21 Mar 1941. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They lived on the Lake Road in Harvey, and had two children.
From newspaper obituary:
Died At Harvey
Harvey Station, NB, March 25 -- The death occurred on the 21st March of James Robert Bell at his home after a short illness at the age of 60 years. He was a highly respected citizen and made friends with all who came in contact with him. He had been a life long resident of Harvey and is a descendant of the first early settlers of this place and leaves to mourn his wife, one son, James Russel and one daughter, Margaret Blanche at home; three brothers, Charles, Eastman and Edward Bell of Harvey, and two sisters, Mrs James Morecroft and Mrs Norman Messer, residing at Harvey. Funeral services were held at home on Sunday, March 23rd by Rev. Allison McLean of Harvey, the Harvey choir rendering O God Our Help in Ages Past, O God of Bethel by Who's Hand and There is No Night in Heaven. Interment was made at Harvey cemetery.
He married Annie May Carmichael, daughter of James Carmichael & Margaret "Maggie" Watt, 7 Oct 1909 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Born 24 Aug 1884 in Harvey. Died 14 Aug 1967. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
174 i. James "Russell" Bell
175 ii. Blanche Margaret Bell
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
64. Charles Alexander Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 20 May 1882 in South Tweedside. Died 31 Mar 1943.
He married Margaret "Belle" Messer, daughter of John Messer & Margaret Agnes "Maggie" Moffitt, 23 Sep 1908 in York Co., NB . Born 15 Jun 1891 in Tweedside. Died 1 Oct 1941 in At Home. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
176 i. Mildred Jane Agnes Bell
177 ii. (Infant) Bell
178 iii. Inez Pearl Bell
179 iv. Norman John Bell
180 v. Mabel Elizabeth Bell
181 vi. Myles Arbeau Leslie Bell
182 vii. Joyce Christine Bell
183 viii. Jean Margaret Bell
Charles Alexander Bell
Born May 20, 1882 died March 31, 1943
Son of John ( Jack) Bell and Jane ( Jean) Cleghorn.
Married to Margaret " Belle" Messer,
Dather of Mildred, Inez;, Norman, Mabel, Miles,
Joyce and Jean Bell.
Charles Alexander Bell
Born May 20, 1882 died March 31, 1943
Son of John Bell and Jane Cleghorn.
note on picture= Charles had one leg off in
Fredericton hospital; on March 3, 1943, and has other
leg off on March 19, 1943.
Margaret " Belle" Messer
Born June 15, 1891 died October 1, 1941.
Daughter of John messer and Margaret Agnes Moffitt.

Dora Bertina Piercy
Born November 7, 1900
Daughter of Walter Piercy and Tressa Coburn.
Married to Clarence Kelley Swan ( son of Alexander Swan and
Annie Burrell)
Elizabeth " Alice" Swan
Born January 16, 1900
Daughter of Alexander Swan and Annie Burrell.
Married to Matthew Pierce Coburn.
William " Stephen " Russell Swan
Born December 12, 1894
Son of Alexander Swan and Annie Burrell.
Inez Pearls Bell
Born March 6, 1913
Daughter of Charles Bell and Margaret Messer.
Married to Stephen Swan,
Edith Annie Richardson Messer
Born May 19, 1896
Daughter of William messer and Isabel Torrence.
Married to Alexander " Roy" Swan (son of alexander Swan and
Annie Burrell)

Inez Pearls Bell
Born March 6, 1913 died December 11, 2003
Daughter of Charles Alexander Bell and Margaret Messer.
William " Stephen" Russell Swan
Born Dec 12, 1894 died 1984
Son of Alexander Swan and Annie Burrell.
Inez was 17 and Stephen was 35 when they were married.

Charles Alexander Bell
Born May 20, 1882 died March 31, 1943
Son of John Bell and Jane Cleghorn.
Margaret Bell Messer
Born June 15, 1891 died October 1, 1941
Daughter of John messer and Margaret Agnes Moffitt.
Charles and margaret were married on September 15,
their children-
Mildred Jane Agnes Messer
Born February 16, 1910
Married to Arden Wilson.
Inez Pearle Bell
Born March 6, 1913
Married to Stephen Swan
Norman John Bell
Born March 27, 1915 died January 4, 1920 of appendicitis.
--- not in picture.
Mabel Elizabeth Bell
Born December 3, 1917
Married to Roy Buchanan.
Miles Arbeau Leslie Bell
Born April 9, 1920
Married to Pauline Wynott.
not in this picture is Joyce and Jean, who are the
two youngest of the family.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
65. Amy Jane "Janie" Bell
Daughter of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 29 Apr 1885 in South Tweedside. Died 29 Jun 1944.
She married James Henry "Jim" Morecraft, son of George Morecraft & Jane Campbell, 20 Dec 1904 in York Co., NB. Born 29 Mar 1868. Died 18 Apr 1937. Buried in Magundy Cemetery.
They lived on the Lake Road.
Copied from newspaper obituary - undated:
Lake Road, NB, April 27 -- The death occurred at his home recently of James Henry Morecraft, son of the late Goerge and Jane Morecraft, after an illness of six months at the advanced age of seventy-one years. Mr Morecraft was well known throughout the district, having lived his entire life in this community. Besides his wife (formerly Miss Jennie Bell) he is survived by two daughters, Mrs Eldon Miller, Magaguadavic, Mrs Norah Currie, Lake George, and four sons, James of Lakeville Corner, Gordon, Hayward and Gray at home, two sisters, Mrs Richard Moody, Dumfries, Mrs Lindsay Hood, Magundy, two brothers, Arthur, of McAdam and George, of Lake George.
The funeral was held from the late home. Rev. Mr Kirkland of the Presbyterian Church conducted the service. Hymns rendered were Abide With Me, One Sweetly Solemn Thought and Shall We Gather at the River.
The pallbearers were Ward Embleton, Leonard Embleton, Allan Embleton, Malcolm Bell, Russell Bell, Allan Hargrove. Interment was in Magundy Cemetery.
They had the following children:
184 i. Nora Jane Morecraft
185 ii. James Gilford Morecraft
186 iii. Agnes Amy Morecraft
187 iv. John "Gordon" Morecraft
188 v. George "Hayward" Morecraft
189 vi. Melvin "Gray" Morecraft
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
66. Frederick Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 22 Oct 1886 in South Tweedside. Died 22 Jul 1904 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Fred died at age 17 yr. 9 mo., inflamation of bowels. (CR)
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
67. Beatrice Victoria Bell
Daughter of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 1 Sep 1889 in South Tweedside. Died 23 Jun 1971 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Norman Alwood Messer, son of John Messer & Margaret Agnes "Maggie" Moffitt, 12 Jul 1916 in York Co., NB . Born 11 Aug 1893 in Tweedside. Died 6 Aug 1979 in Oromocto. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
They had the following children:
190 i. Lloyd Douglas Messer
191 ii. Alfred John Messer
192 iii. Margaret Jean Messer

Beatrice and Norman Messer.
Beatrice Victoria Bell
Born September 1, 1888 died June 23, 1971
Daughter of Jack Bell and Jean Cleghorn.
Norman Elwood Messer
Born August 11, 1893 died Aug 6, 1979
Son of John messer and Margaret Agnes Moffitt.
Norman and Beatrice were married on July 12, 1916
They have 3 children
Lloyd, Alfred and Margaret ( Messer) Tracy.
Descendents of William Bell (12 Apr. 1813 - 23 May 1895)
and Janet Oliver (~1812 - 1 Sep 1895)
Third Immigrant Generation
68. George Edward "Ed" Bell
Son of John Alexander "Jack" Bell & Jane "Jean" Cleghorn. Born 12 Mar 1893 in South Tweedside. Died 8 Apr 1965 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried 10 Apr 1965 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
He married Hazel Alice Simmons, 28 Dec 1905. Born 3 May 1895 in Allandale. Died 24 Jul 1974 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried 26 Jul 1974 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Father - Alexander Simmons, Allandale; mother - Harriet Adams, Allandale.
They had the following children:
193 i. John Alexander Bell
194 ii. Iona Mildred Bell
195 iii. Bernice Thelma Bell
196 iv. Orie Evelyn Bell
197 v. Ronald Edward Bell
198 vi. Cecil Leroy Bell
Cora, spouse of 57
Apple, Mary, spouse of 24
Bailey, John T., spouse of 40
Barry, Charles T., spouse of 23
Bell, (Infant) 177
Bell, Agnes 2
Bell, Agnes "Nancy" 4
Bell, Agnes Eva 58
Bell, Amy Jane "Janie" 65
Bell, Beatrice Victoria 67
Bell, Bernice Thelma 195
Bell, Bessie Eveline 173
Bell, Blanche Margaret 175
Bell, Cecil Leroy 198
Bell, Charles Alexander 64
Bell, Eleanor "Ellen Or Nellie" 9
Bell, Elizabeth "Bessie" 11
Bell, Frederick 66
Bell, George 10
Bell, George 59
Bell, George Edward "Ed" 68
Bell, George Louis "Louie" 111
Bell, Helen Isabel Jane 170
Bell, Inez Pearl 178
Bell, Iona Mildred 194
Bell, Isabelle "Belle" 7
Bell, James "Melvin" 168
Bell, James "Russell" 174
Bell, James Robert 63
Bell, Jane 5
Bell, Janet Oliver 61
Bell, Jean Margaret 183
Bell, John Alexander 193
Bell, John Alexander "Jack" 8
Bell, John Eastman "Easty" 62
Bell, Joyce Christine 182
Bell, Mabel Elizabeth 180
Bell, Malcolm Glen 172
Bell, Margaret 3
Bell, Margaret "May" 169
Bell, Margaret Ellen 113
Bell, Mary 6
Bell, Mary Jane Agnes "Aggie" 112
Bell, Mildred Jane Agnes 176
Bell, Myles Arbeau Leslie 181
Bell, Norman John 179
Bell, Orie Evelyn 196
Bell, Rebecca Oliver 12
Bell, Rebecca Victoria 39
Bell, Reuben Eastman 60
Bell, Ronald Edward 197
Bell, Stanley Eastman 171
Bell, William 1
Bell, William A. "Bill" 57
Bell, William A. "Bill", spouse of 22
Bulmer, (Male) 109
Bulmer, George Gordon, spouse of 20
Bulmer, Margaret Olive 107
Bulmer, Mary Ann 108
Burrell, Agnes 119
Burrell, Anna 120
Burrell, John Robert, spouse of 27
Burrell, Nancy "Isabel", spouse of 28
Carmichael, Annie May, spouse of 63
Carmichael, Margaret "Ethel", spouse of 62
Cleghorn, Jane "Jean", spouse of 8
Davidson, Burton Alexander, spouse of 50
Dorcas, Barbara, spouse of 41
Dorcas, Minnie May, spouse of 42
Embleton, Alice Mildred 130
Embleton, Amy Pearl 136
Embleton, Bertha Fern 137
Embleton, Earle Christopher 134
Embleton, Florence Jane "Flossie" 135
Embleton, George "Allen" 132
Embleton, Helen Elizabeth 133
Embleton, Mary Jane, spouse of 26
Embleton, Robert Allan, spouse of 33
Embleton, Urban Burns 138
Embleton, Ward Beecher 131
Hawkes, T., spouse of 9
Hewitt, Katherine Mary 151
Hewitt, Robert Frederick, spouse of 45
Hood, Jane "Janie", spouse of 16
Johnston, Beulah Elizabeth 116
Johnston, Charles 35
Johnston, Christina 29
Johnston, Christopher, spouse of 4
Johnston, Dellas Embleton 117
Johnston, Florence 37
Johnston, George Henry Alfred 121
Johnston, Georgina "Georgie" 33
Johnston, Gordon 125
Johnston, Grace 38
Johnston, Hilda 122
Johnston, Hillard Christopher 115
Johnston, James Cephas 118
Johnston, Jane "Agnes" 30
Johnston, Jennette "Janet" 27
Johnston, John Albert "Ab" 36
Johnston, John Albert "Ab", spouse of 55
Johnston, Luke Craig 26
Johnston, Mabel May 124
Johnston, Margaret Ellen 34
Johnston, Mary Ann 31
Johnston, Robert Burrell 126
Johnston, Sarah Lillian 139
Johnston, Thomas Coburn 28
Johnston, Vernon 123
Johnston, William 32
Karney, Mabel, spouse of 24
McCann, James, spouse of 37
McCann, James, spouse of 38
McConnell, Edward Ira, spouse of 51
McConnell, Wilson Cogswell 163
McCoomb, Inez Maud, spouse of 48
McEachren, George, spouse of 30
Messer, Alfred John 191
Messer, Alice Brown 17
Messer, Annie Isabel 91
Messer, Chester Harold 94
Messer, Donald Charles Frederick 106
Messer, Doris Mildred Christina 105
Messer, Dorothy Mabel Marguerite 110
Messer, Edith Annie Richardson 85
Messer, Elizabeth Ethel "Bessie" 80
Messer, Ella Louise 76
Messer, Ellen Isabel 22
Messer, Ellen Isabel, spouse of 57
Messer, Emma Elizabeth Ellen 104
Messer, Everett Taylor 114
Messer, George "Oliver" 24
Messer, George Connell 102
Messer, Gertrude 86
Messer, Harry "Leonard" 103
Messer, Henry William 87
Messer, James "Robert" 88
Messer, James Allan 72
Messer, James Bell 13
Messer, Janet Ann 14
Messer, Jannie Maud 96
Messer, Jennette Olive "Janet" 20
Messer, Jennie "Estella" 78
Messer, Jessie Elizabeth 77
Messer, John 18
Messer, John "Andrew" Moffat 100
Messer, John "Wesley" 73
Messer, John Rutherford "Ford" 82
Messer, John Spafford 90
Messer, Julius "Edison" 79
Messer, Lloyd Douglas 190
Messer, Margaret "Belle" 97
Messer, Margaret "Belle", spouse of 64
Messer, Margaret Ann "Cecilia" 74
Messer, Margaret Ann Richardson 25
Messer, Margaret Jean 192
Messer, Margaret Jean "Maggie" 89
Messer, Mary "Alice" Victoria 99
Messer, Mary "Ellen" 92
Messer, Mary A. 23
Messer, Mary Isabella "Mayme" 70
Messer, Minnie May 75
Messer, Norman Alwood 98
Messer, Norman Alwood, spouse of 67
Messer, Peter Alexander "Sandy" 71
Messer, Roy William 101
Messer, Sarah Mary Isabell "Sadie" 84
Messer, Thomas 16
Messer, Thomas "Oscar" 83
Messer, Thomas George 93
Messer, Walter 19
Messer, Walter 21
Messer, William 15
Messer, William "Albert" 81
Messer, William Elmer 69
Messer, William, spouse of 3
Moffitt, Margaret Agnes "Maggie", spouse of 18
Morecraft, Agnes Amy 186
Morecraft, George "Hayward" 188
Morecraft, James Gilford 185
Morecraft, James Henry "Jim", spouse of 65
Morecraft, John "Gordon" 187
Morecraft, Melvin "Gray" 189
Morecraft, Nora Jane 184
Morrell, Hazel Loretta, spouse of 54
Morrow, James William "Jim", spouse of 61
Morrow, William John Henry "Willie" 167
Nesbitt, Elizabeth "Lizzie", spouse of 52
Oliver, Janet, spouse of 1
Rankine, James, spouse of 17
Rankine, LeRoy Messer 95
Robison, Archibald Harold 129
Robison, Delbert Jay 128
Robison, Harry Alvin 127
Robison, Joseph, spouse of 31
Rutherford, Sarah Elizabeth "Sadie", spouse of 15
Segee, Jack, spouse of 58
Simmons, Hazel Alice, spouse of 68
Smith, (Name Unknown) 143
Smith, Agnes Isabella 47
Smith, Alexander James, spouse of 6
Smith, Audrey May 142
Smith, Bertha Evelyn 141
Smith, Clifton 154
Smith, David 43
Smith, Edith A. 144
Smith, Edward 145
Smith, Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" 44
Smith, Ella 146
Smith, F. Everett 153
Smith, Fred Dunlop 149
Smith, George Edward 42
Smith, Harry Wilmot 148
Smith, Hugh "Talbot" 46
Smith, Janet "Jennie" 40
Smith, John "Everett" 48
Smith, Mabel E. 147
Smith, Margaret Edna 49
Smith, Mary Ann 45
Smith, Maurice 155
Smith, Nellie Millicent 50
Smith, Nellie Pauline 150
Smith, Ruby 152
Smith, William 41
Stewart, Elsie Mary, spouse of 21
Talbot, Levi A., spouse of 11
Taylor, Jessie R., spouse of 24
Torrance, Isabella, spouse of 15
Wilkin, David Lloyd 161
Wilkin, Elizabeth Joyce 158
Wilkin, James Herbert, spouse of 47
Wilkin, John Ronald "Jack" 160
Wilkin, Laurence Nicholas 156
Wilkin, Lorna Margaret 162
Wilkin, Roscoe James 157
Wilkin, Ruth M. E. 159
Wilson, Alexander "Jardine" 52
Wilson, Alexander, spouse of 7
Wilson, Edward Nesbitt 164
Wilson, Ellen Bell "Nellie" 55
Wilson, Ellen Bell "Nellie", spouse of 36
Wilson, Jennie Isabel 166
Wilson, Levi Talbot 56
Wilson, Oliver James 54
Wilson, Oswald A. 140
Wilson, Philip 165
Wilson, Robert Brown "Bob", spouse of 39
Wilson, Sarah Lillian "Sadie" 51
Wilson, William "Heber" 53
Wood, Julia Ann Cecilia, spouse of 13