Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
First Immigrant Generation
1. John Thompson
Born 1800 in Northumberland, Eng. Died 25 Aug 1888 in Harvey Settlement. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Teacher. Religion Presbyterian.
Not sure if John Thompson had middle name "Stuart", unable to confirm.
Copied from Cornhill Parish Marriage Register 1798-1850: "John Thompson of the Parish of Wooler and Elizabeth Swan of this Parish were married in this Chapel by Banns with Consent of Parents this twenty-ninth day of January in the Year One thousand eight hunderd and thirty-two by me, R. Jones.
"This Marriage was solemnized between us: John Thompson, Isabella Swan
"In the Presence of John Grey, Isabella Rogers, James Swan, Mary Thompson."
Among the original settlers of Harvey, N.B., they sailed from Berwick-upon-Tweed on May 28, 1837 on board the brig "Cornelius of Sunderland" which carried coals, glass, etc. and 137 passengers. They arrived at Saint John, N.B. on Wednesday, 12 July, and proceeded to Fredericton in the steamer, "Water Witch".
John received a land grant of 100 acres, Lot 9W, in Harvey Settlement. He had been educated as a school teacher and served in this role when he came to the Harvey community. He served as Clerk of the Session in the Presbyterian Church, and as an elder.
They had ten children, three born in England and seven born in Harvey. Isabella died when the youngest child was about two years old.
Undated carte de visite image of John Stuart Thompson as an elderly man (b. 1800, Northumberland - d. 25 Aug 1888, Harvey Settlement). Source: Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 9 Jun 2008.
Undated carte de visite image of sister of John Stuart Thompson. Image taken by John Foster High Street, Coldstream. Source: Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 19 Jun 2008.
Undated carte de visite image of sister of John Stuart Thompson. Image taken by John Foster High Street, Coldstream. Source: Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 19 Jun 2008.
Copied from New Brunswick Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser, Fredericton, 1 Sep 1888:
The correspondent for the 'Courier' for Harvey writes: John Thompson departed this life at noon on Saturday, and was carried to his long home on Monday. Mr Thompson was one of the first settlers and had reached the 90th year of his age. He was the only teacher or schoolmaster in the settlement for quite a length of time. There is only one person in the parish now living who can claim to have been born in the seventeenth century, George Davidson, who was likewise one of the first of the Harvey settlers.
The following is information gathered from research at the Provincial Archives of NB by Bruce Elliott, summer 2004, and contained in an e-mail to J. Hall,dated 19 Aug 2004:
"The first is Thompson's licence to teach school, in RS655 1844. On 2 Apr. 1838 he was approved by the Board of Education for the County of York. In the minute of the meeting he was called a native of the County of Northumberland, England, and it was said he had produced testimonials of "moral character, religious principles and sober habits" and passed an examination in the 3 R's and English grammar, and was granted a certificate as requested. A pity the testimonials were not placed on file. On 14 Oct. 1844 the trustees of schools for parish of Kingsclear certified that he had been teaching a school in the Harvey Settlement there for many years with exemplary conduct, and currently enrolled 19 males and 15 females; a renewal of his licence was approved 30 Dec. 1844.
"Secondly, the Dunham & McDougall Family Collection (MC167) includes a letter from Thompson to Jonathan McDougall who came to Stanley with the first party, but soon left. McDougall was said to have been living in Gagetown when he received this letter, but that is not apparent on the document itself. The file contains an inaccurate typescript version, but my copy below is from the original which is also there. The transcriber thought he had signed John C. Thompson, but there is no middle initial C, just a big curl at the start of the T. of Thompson. The letter was actually written by the nephew and namesake because John had injured his hand. Note that he refers to his father-in-law back in England, alas not by name. It would appear that McDougall and Thompson might have known one another in the old country. If not, then McDougall managed to hear of Thompson soon after his arrival and knew that he was a teacher. That John had already heard the news of the death of McDougall's wife and sent word home, however, suggests an old-country acquaintance. McDougall's first wife was a Mather from Northumberland, though he himself was born in Scotland; a letter from McD's father-in-law in Otonobee Twp. near Peterborough, Ontario was given to Trent University Archives there by the same donor who gave the Thompson letter to PANB.
"Here is the text of the letter:
"Stanley Feby 1st
My Dear Sir
I received your Letter stating that there is a Schoolmaster a wanting at the Place where you live but I have made up my mind to go to Harvey's settlement along with my Countrymen who are anxious for me to Settle amongst them and have offred a very advintageous proposal although I may expect to undergo more privations for one year then in that you recommend me to I have also the offer of the Company School at Stanley I have had a call of some of the Supporters of Mr. Henry offering to send there Children to me if I would remain but there is no money and things [offer?] a very gloomy aspect and are becoming mor so every day the people here condole with you in the loss of your Partner in life. The news of her death reached us before I wrote to my Friends in England and I took notice of it in my letter to my Father in law I feel grateful for your kindness in having me in your mind and recommending me to the Subscribers of the situation referr'd to We are all well but I am under the necessity of employing my Nephew to write this lettor on account of a severe bruise in my hand you are expected up here in the spring there are several talking about clearing out in the spring if the Company does not go on and there is little prospect as Cap Kendall is going home and Cap Hayne is to be Commissioner in his stead my Wifes has her best respects to you
I am Sir
Yours Truly
John Thompson"
Inscription on gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery:
On reverse side of stone: MARY A. / DIED / JULY 11, 1899 / AGED 50 YEARS / DAUGHTER OF / J & I THOMPSON/ MARGARET / 1836 - 1928 / ROBERT / 1846 - 1929
He married Isabella Swan, daughter of Henry Swan & Elizabeth Russell, 29 Jan 1832 in Cornhill Parish Marriage Register 1798-1850, England. Born Approx 1800 in Northumberland, Eng. Died 20 May 1851 in Harvey Settlement. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
They had the following children:
2 i. John T. Thompson
3 ii. Elizabeth Thompson
4 iii. Margaret Thompson
5 iv. Mary Ann Thompson
6 v. Isabel Thompson
7 vi. Henry Thompson
8 vii. Thomas "James" Thompson
9 viii. Robert Thompson
10 ix. Jane "Jennie" Thompson
11 x. Alexander Swan Thompson
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
2. John T. Thompson
Son of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 1833 in England. Died 11 May 1910 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
John was first married to Margaret Rutherford, who died 11 Mar 1861, and had one son, Samuel, from the first marriage. Second marriage was to Isabella Carmichael, and John and family lived on a farm in Tweedside.
He first married Margaret Rutherford, daughter of Archibald Rutherford, 5 Jul 1860 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born in Scotland. Died 11 Mar 1861 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Margaret to came from Scotland in 1852 with her father and siblings.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Harvey Piercy and Alison Rutherford.
They had the following children:
12 i. Samuel Thompson
He second married Isabella Carmichael, daughter of John Carmichael & Margaret Hume, 12 Apr 1865 in Harvey, York Co. By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 1842 in Harvey. Christen 24 Dec 1843 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died Jun 1916 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were James Carmichael and Mary Ann Thompson.
Church records indicate Isabella died of consumption.
They had the following children:
13 i. Alexander Thompson
14 ii. Margaret Thompson
15 iii. Isabella Thompson
16 iv. Mary "Jane" Thompson
17 v. Robert H. Thompson
18 vi. James "Frederick" Thompson
19 vii. Angelina Thompson
20 viii. Harvey Thompson
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
3. Elizabeth Thompson
Daughter of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 1834 in England. Died 4 Feb 1909 in Brooklyn, NY. Buried 7 Jul 1909 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married John Pagan, 1 Sep 1862 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. Dr. John M. Brooke . Born 1840. Died 6 Sep 1916. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were William Pagan and Margaret Thompson.
Elizabeth and John Pagan had six children, all born in Harvey. Later they lived in New York, and Elizabeth died in Brooklyn, NY, and was buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery 7 Jul 1909.
They had the following children:
21 i. William Henry Pagan
22 ii. John Thompson Pagan
23 iii. Harvey Pagan
24 iv. Isabella P. Pagan
25 v. Anna Mae Pagan
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
4. Margaret Thompson
Daughter of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born Jun 1836 in England. Died 29 Mar 1928 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary:
Harvey Sta., April 3 (1928) -- The last direct link between Harvey and England was severed on March 29, when Miss Margaret Thompson, the last survivor of the party of 25 families who left England in 1837 and settled soon afterward in what is now the parish of Manners Sutton, passed away at her home here, at the age of 91 years.
She was born in Northumberland County, England, near the Scottish border, in June 1836, and came to New Brunswick next year with her parents, John and Isabella (Swan) Thompson. Her father was for years the village schoolmaster of Harvey.
Excerpt from newspaper article - 9 Jun 1927--
Six-Day Celebration to Mark 90th Anniversary of Founding of Settlement and Dedication of New Church. One Original Settler Still Living.
It is an interesting fact that Miss Margaret Thompson, aged 91 years, who is living today at Harvey, was a toddling baby when the unsettled section was entered by the Scotch families and homes established. Naturally Miss Thompson will be a central figure in the proposed Old Home Week of June.
Miss Thompson, in a recent interview given a representative of the Telegraph-Journal, recalled interesting phases of early life in Harvey. She stated that during those early days wild animals were frequent visitors to the settlement and it was necessary for the men of the village to organize hunting parties to exterminate as many of the more troublesome kind as possible or to drive them as far afield as possible in order to protest their stock.
Supplies were sometimes very difficult to get, she said, and she remembered that one spring the little band of settlers were obliged to live chiefly on honey and milk because it was impossible to get through to Fredericton to procure food. A Mr. Wilson and his boy used to go every week, when possible, to Fredericton to bring back food.
Oxen were used for several years before horses were brought to the settlement.
Speaking of the houses in which they lived in the early days, Miss Thompson stated that the structures were about 12 feet wide and about 16 feet long and were built of spruce logs with bark on them. Each dwelling consisted of only one room, and all the houses were built alike. The head boards of the beds and the posts were six feet high with a curtain suspended from rings so that when one wished to retire he could secure privacy by pulling the curtains around and closing in the occupant.
For about 15 years the people were without a regular pastor and were accustomed to meet each Sabbath in the different homes, when the elders read the sciptures and gave the sermons. This continued until the school was built. Due to the scattered settlement it was necessary for the children to walk six miles to reach school before that time.
Miss Thompson remarked that while her people had somewhat hard times in Harvey in those early days, it must be remembered that they had left hard times in Scotland, where the women and children all worked and received the equivalent of 10 cents per day for pulling turnips and doing other hard work about the farm.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
5. Mary Ann Thompson
Daughter of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born Jul 1838 in Harvey. Died 11 Jul 1889 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Reputed to have been the first child born in Harvey Settlement.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
6. Isabel Thompson
Daughter of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 3 Aug 1840 in Harvey. Christen 22 Aug 1840 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 10 Jul 1930 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
3702. Ca 1870 tin type image of family of Thomas Craig. Left to Right. Isabel Thompson with son John in lap; daughter Etta standing; Thomas Craig seated with son Henry in lap. Age of photograph is based on probable age of John, who was born 24 Jul 1869. He appears to be between age 1 and 2 in photograph. Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
From unidentified newspaper clipping:
Mrs Isabella Craig Dies Five Months After Her Husband in 90th Year
Harvey, July 11 -- Mrs Isabella Craig, widow of Thomas Craig, who predeceased her by only five months, passed away July 10th at her home at the advanced age of 89 years and 11 months. The deceased, who had been a life-long member of the Presbyterian Church, leaves to mourn two sons, H. P., and J. T. Craig, one daughter, Mrs Alexander Wilson, also fourteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted at home of deceased by Rev. G. E. Knight of Knox Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev. J. F. MacKay. The pall-bearers were Kay, William, Arthur and James Craig, Arden and Frank Wilson. Interment in Harvey burying grounds.
She married Thomas Frank Craig, son of Henry Craigs & Isabella Kay, 11 Jul 1866 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 9 May 1841 in Harvey. Christen 30 May 1841 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 16 Feb 1930 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were John Howitt and Jane Thompson.
Thomas lived all his life on the original grant of land granted to his father, Henry.
From "Files of The Gleaner of 1887", reprinted 1937: "Mr Thomas Craig has the contract for carrying the mails between Harvey and Brockway. He goes on the route the first of October. Mr Craig being prompt and careful in all his undertakings will without doubt make a good carrier, and will get his mails through on time."
From newspaper obituaries - 1930:
Thomas Craig
Harvey Station, Feb. 17 -- The death of Thomas Craig occurred at his home in Manners Sutton yesterday morning after an illness of some five weeks. Deceased, who was born in Manners Sutton on May 9, 1841, was the son of the late Thomas and Isabel Kay Craig, of Berwick-on-Tweed, England, who were among the first Settlers at Harvey, coming to this country in 1837. Deceased was a life-long Presbyterian.
He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Isabel Thompson, who was also the child of two Harvey Pioneers, the late Mr and Mrs John Thompson, of Northumberland county, England, and three children, Henry P. Craig, John T. Craig and Mrs Alexander Wilson, all of Manners Sutton, also 14 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Died in Harvey
Thomas Craig, One of the Oldest Residents, Passes Away After Short Illness.
Harvey, N.B., Feb 19 -- The death of Thomas Craig, one of Harvey's oldest residents, occurred Sunday morning, February 16, after a short illness. Deceased, who spent all his life in Harvey, is survived by his aged widow, two sons, H.P. and J. T. Craig; one daughter, Mrs Alexander Wilson, all of Harvey; fourteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Deceased was a member of the Presbyterian Church, taking an active part in all church work, for a period of eighteen years being a leader of the choir. The funeral was held Monday afternoon, a short service at the house being conducted by Rev. G. E. Knight and Rev. J. H. McLean and in Knox Presbyterian Church by Rev. G. E. Knight, where, in spite of the inclement weather, a large number met for the funeral service. The hymns sung were, Asleep in Jesus; Peace, Perfect Peace, by the choir; and a solo, Going Down the Valley One by One, by Rev. G. E. Knight. The pallbearers were six grandsons, Kay, Willie, Arthur and James Craig, Arden and Frank Wilson. Interment was made in the Harvey burying ground.
aThey had the following children:
27 i. Henrietta Elizabeth "Etta" Craig
28 ii. Henry Patterson Craig
29 iii. John Thompson Craig
30 iv. Annabella Craig
31 v. Thomas Frank Craig
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
7. Henry Thompson
Son of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 1842 in Harvey. Christen 13 Nov 1842 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy .
Henry is reputed to have gone to the Black Hills of North Dakota, to have become an Indian scout, to have been a personal friend of Buffalo Bill, and to have been killed by the Indians. (Documentation to verify this account has not been found.)
3699. Tin type image of Henry Thompson (b. 1842, Harvey Settlement. Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
8. Thomas "James" Thompson
Son of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 1843/1844 in Harvey. Christen 23 Jun 1844 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 13 Jan 1913 in Harvey.
From Daily Telegraph, 11 May 1872: "Married by Rev. Samuel Johnson, 8th ult., James Thompson, Harvey and Miss Margaret Craig, Stanley (York Co.)"
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Thompson and Margaret Craig.
From newspaper item - undated:
Family Reunion
Six Sisters United For First Time in 40 Years at Family Reunion
Stanley, Sep 30 -- A reunion of the family of the late Mr and Mrs James Thompson of Harvey, was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs James Craig, Stanley, on Saturday, September 19th, James Craig being a brother of the late Mrs Thompson and only surviving uncle of the family.
Those of the family present were Mrs Ada McCann, Mrs Perry Thombs and Mrs Mary Smith all of Brownville Junction, Maine; Mrs William Tant of Hanne, Alberta, Mrs William Maxwell and Mrs Russell R. Swan of Harvey Station, NB.
The scene of the reunion was the birthplace and childhood home of Margaret Thompson, nee Craig, the mother of the six ladies who were reunited for the first time in forty years.
He married Margaret "Maggie" Craig, daughter of Thomas Craigs & Margaret Reid, 8 May 1872 in Harvey By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 4 Jan 1846 in Red Rock, NB. Died 5 Mar 1896 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
At time of marriage, Maggie was living in Stanley.
They had the following children:
32 i. Ada Bertha Thompson
33 ii. Annie J. Thompson
34 iii. Maretta Thompson
35 iv. Ella Jessie Thompson
36 v. Mary Thompson
37 vi. Thomas Thompson
38 vii. Margaret Jane "Maggie" Thompson
39 viii. Robert Leroy "Roy" Thompson
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
9. Robert Thompson
Son of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 1845 in Harvey. Christen 28 Dec 1845 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 1929 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Unmarried. Farmer in Harvey.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
10. Jane "Jennie" Thompson
Daughter of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 1 Aug 1847 in Harvey. Christen 22 Aug 1847 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 15 Jun 1926 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Peter Wood, son of Peter Wood & Mary Moffitt, 11 Jul 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. John M. Brooke . Born 30 Sep 1850 in Scotland. Died 8 Mar 1913 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Surveyor. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Thompson and Jessie C. Wood.
From parochial registers of Eckford in Roxburghshire (Researched by Bruce Elliott, 2004): "1850 Peter Wood Hedger Ormiston and Mary Moffat his wife their child Born 30th Sept 1850 and Bapt. Named Peter."
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1913:
Peter Wood
Harvey Station, March 11 -- Peter Wood, sixty-three years old, died on Saturday at his home here from an attack of heart trouble, complicated with asthma. For the past two years he had been suffering from asthma and was confined to his home for the last month. He was the eldest son of the late Peter Wood, of Tweedside, and was a native of England. He emigrated to this country while very young, with his father, who was a surveyor. The son also learned the same profession. Mr Wood was very highly respected, being a man of kind disposition and upright in character. He leaves a widow, who is a sister of Councillor Thompson, of this parish, and two daughters, Mrs Harry Swan of McAdam and Mrs Frank Coburn, of this place; three sisters, Mrs Edward James and Mrs Jas. T. Swan of Tweedside and Mrs Craig of McAdam, and one brother, George, of Tweedside, surviving him. The funeral took place on Monday, being very largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev. M. J. Macpherson, of the Presbyterian Church of which the deceased was a faithful member.
Peter Wood Jr. died 8 Mar 1913, age 62 yrs. 5 mo. 8 days.
They had the following children:
40 i. Lena Isabelle Wood
41 ii. Mary "Mayme" Wood
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
11. Alexander Swan Thompson
Son of John Thompson & Isabella Swan. Born 1849 in Harvey. Christen 13 May 1849 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Occupation House Painter.
He married Rebecca "Jane" Anderson, daughter of William H. Anderson Jr. & Lucy Ann, 3 Aug 1870 in Fredericton, NB, By Peter Melville, Presbyterian Clergy . Born Approx 1849 in Fredericton, NB.
Witnesses to marriage were Henry Doors and Fannie Thompson
Jane Anderson was a daughter of William Anderson, and sister of Countess Ashburnham.
They had the following children:
42 i. W. Arthur Thompson
3730.Undated tin-type image of Mrs. Anderson (L), W. Arthur Thompson (C), and his mother Mrs. Jane (Anderson) Thompson (R). Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. The album originated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed from the print of scanned copy 30 August 2007 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
12. Samuel Thompson
Son of John T. Thompson & Margaret Rutherford. Born 1861 in Harvey. Died 18 Jan 1918 in Harvey.
Unmarried. Believed to be buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery, but no grave marker.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
13. Alexander Thompson.
Son of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 1865/1867 in Harvey. Died 9 Oct 1935 in Lincoln, Maine.
He married Dora Tripp. Born 7 Jul 1881. Died 17 Aug 1934 in Lincoln, Maine.
Alex and his family lived in Lincoln, Maine.
They had the following children:
43 i. Marjorie Thompson
44 ii. Lyda Isabel Thompson
45 iii. Vernard Thompson
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
14. Margaret Thompson
Daughter of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 24 May 1868 in Harvey. Died Jun 1942 in BC.
She married John Wilson. Died Mar 1950 in BC.
Margaret and her husband John Wilson lived in British Columbia, and had four children: Lottie, Ella, Bell and David.
They had the following children:
46 i. Lottie Wilson
47 ii. Ella Wilson
48 iii. Bell Wilson
49 iv. David Wilson
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
15. Isabella Thompson
Daughter of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 9 May 1870 in Harvey. Died 14 Nov 1960 in Torryburn, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Not married. Died 14 Nov 1960 at Mrs Smith's Convalescent Home, Torryburn.
Isabel Thompson
Born October 31, 1871 died November 14, 1960.
Never married and lived in Tweedside.
Isabel was listed on her death certificate as a domestic.
She became totally blind and for the last few years of her
life, she was in a convalescent home in Saint John.
buried in Harvey Cemetery.
Angelia Lena Thompson
Born 1881 1882
Married on August 28, 1907 to Arthur M Tripp, from
Penobscott, where he was a farmer.

Isabel Thompson
Born October 31, 1871 died November 14, 1960.
Daughter of John Thompson and Isabel Carmichael.
Never married and lived in Tweedside.
Isabel was listed on her death certificate as a domestic.
She became totally blind and for the last few years of her
life, she was in a convalescent home in Saint John.
buried in Harvey Cemetery.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
16. Mary "Jane" Thompson
Daughter of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 1872/1873 in Harvey. Died Mar 1934.
Not married.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
17. Robert H. Thompson
Son of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 1875 in Harvey. Died 12 Jan 1949. Occupation CPR, McAdam.
Not married. Worked for the CPR in McAdam. Died 12 Jan 1949, age 73 years.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
18. James "Frederick" Thompson
Son of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 1876/1877.
Not married. No further information.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
19. Angelina Thompson
Daughter of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 1878/1879 in Harvey.
She married Arthur M. Tripp, 28 Aug 1907 in York Co., NB. Born in Penobscott, Maine.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
20. Harvey Thompson
Son of John T. Thompson & Isabella Carmichael. Born 12 Aug 1880 in Harvey. Died 14 Mar 1963 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
He married Minnie May Christie, daughter of William James Christie & Elizabeth Jane Dorcas, 12 Jan 1920. Born 6 Oct 1895. Died 16 Nov 1947. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Minnie died as a result of an accident.
They lived on a farm in Tweedside.
They had the following children:
50 i. Blanche Elizabeth Thompson
51 ii. Olive May Thompson
52 iii. Gordon William Thompson
53 iv. Gladys Isabell Thompson
54 v. Stanley Alexander Thompson
55 vi. Harry Thompson
56 vii. Winnifred Elizabeth Thompson
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
21. William Henry Pagan
Son of John Pagan & Elizabeth Thompson. Born 29 Oct 1863 in Harvey. Died 11 Jul 1870 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
second Immigrant Generation
22. John Thompson Pagan
Son of John Pagan & Elizabeth Thompson. Born 8 Oct 1865 in Harvey.
He married Lida, in Brooklyn, NY.
3762. Undated tin-type image identified on back as John Pagan. Source: Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
23. Harvey Pagan
Son of John Pagan & Elizabeth Thompson. Born 22 Sep 1867 in Harvey. Died Jun 1870 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
24. Isabella P. Pagan
Daughter of John Pagan & Elizabeth Thompson. Born 6 Nov 1869 in Harvey. Died 26 Dec 1912 in Brooklyn, NY.
She married George Young, in New York City.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
25. Anna Mae Pagan
Daughter of John Pagan & Elizabeth Thompson. Born 1872 in Harvey. Died Nov 1872 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
third Immigrant Generation
26. Charles "Frederick" Herbert Pagan
Son of John Pagan & Elizabeth Thompson. Born 20 Sep 1873 in Harvey.
Fred was a Supreme Court Stenographer in New York in 1906.
He married Annie Armbruster, in New York City.
3758. Undated tin-type image of "Fred Pagan". Born 20 Sep 1873 in Harvey. Source: Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed 9 Jun 2008. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
27. Henrietta Elizabeth "Etta" Craig
Daughter of Thomas Frank Craig & Isabel Thompson. Born 11 Apr 1865 in Harvey Settlement. Christen 23 Jun 1866 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 13 Dec 1929 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
3702. Ca 1870 tin type image of family of Thomas Craig. Left to Right. Isabel Thompson with son John in lap; daughter Etta standing; Thomas Craig seated with son Henry in lap. Age of photograph is based on probable age of John, who was born 24 Jul 1869. He appears to be between age 1 and 2 in photograph. Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
From newspaper obituary - 1929:
Died at Harvey
Miss Henrietta E. Craig Passes Away Suddenly Afater Short Illness
Harvey Station, Dec 31 -- The death of Miss Henrietta E. Craig, oldest child of Mr and Mrs Thomas Craig, of Manners Sutton, occurred suddenly early Friday morning, Dec. 13th, after a short illness. Deceased, who had spent all her life in Manners Sutton, is survived by her aged parents, two brothers, H. P. and John T. Craig, and one sister, Mrs Alexander R. Wilson, all of whom reside at Harvey Station.
The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, a short service at the house being conducted by Rev. G. E. Knight assisted by Rev. J. H. McLean and in Knox Presbyterian Church by Rev. George E. Knight, where a large number of friends and relatives met for a last look at one who was a friend to all who knew her. The hymns sung were Take Comfort, Christian, and Forever With the Lord. The pallbearers were seven nephews of deceased, Arthur, James, Kay and William Craig and Arden, Frank and Willis Wilson. Interment being made in Manners Sutton cemetery.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
28. Henry Patterson Craig
Son of Thomas Frank Craig & Isabel Thompson. Born 28 May 1867 in Harvey Settlement. Died 13 Apr 1952 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Death date on gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery is 13 Apr 1952, whereas death date in obituary is 14 Apr. Not sure which is correct.
3702. Ca 1870 tin type image of family of Thomas Craig. Left to Right. Isabel Thompson with son John in lap; daughter Etta standing; Thomas Craig seated with son Henry in lap. Age of photograph is based on probable age of John, who was born 24 Jul 1869. He appears to be between age 1 and 2 in photograph. Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
From unidentified newspaper obituary:
Harvey Station -- The death of Henry P. Craig occurred at him home April 14, following an illness of a few weeks. Mr Craig was in his 85th year, and was born in Harvey where he had spent his entire life. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, being an elder for 40 years.
Predeceased by his wife Amelia, 16 years ago, he leaves to mourn two daughters, Mrs Thomas Craig of Taymouth, and Mrs George Moffitt, Harvey and two sons, James of Fredericton and Arthur, at home.
Prayers were held at the home followed by a service in Knox Presbyterian Church by Rev. Mr Sproule, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. John Rose, Pastor of Harvey United Church. Abide With Me, and Will There Be Any More Stars, favorite hymns of the deceased were sung by the choir. A solo, Resting, was sung by Mrs Little Little.
Pall-bearers were two sons, James and Arthur Craig, Willis Wilson, Cay Craig, George Moffitt and Delbert Lister. Interment was in Harvey Cemetery.
He married Amelia Nesbit Swan, daughter of John "Jack" Swan & Mary Simpson Rutherford, 27 Jun 1894 in Harvey, York Co., NB. Born 1 Sep 1876 in Harvey Sta. Died 18 Oct 1936 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Housewife. Religion Presbyterian.
From The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, 4 Jul 1894: Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Harvey (York Co.) June 27th, by Rev. J. A. McLean, Henry Craig and Amelia M. Swan, eldest daughter of John Swan and granddaughter of Postmaster Rutherford, Tweedside.
From an unidentified newspaper obituary:
Mrs H. P. Craig Well Known Woman Died After Four Months of Illness
Harvey Station, Oct 23 -- The death of Mrs Henry P. Craig occurred at her home Sunday evening, Oct. 18th, after four months illness, aged 60 years.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs Thomas Craig of Stanley and Mrs George Moffitt, Harvey; two sons, Arthur and James Craig, Harvey; five grandsons; four brothers, Albert and Russell Swan, Harvey; Harry, McAdam; George, Brownville Junction, Me.; and one sister, Mrs John E. Lister, Harvey.
Mrs Craig was a life-long member of the Presbyterian Church, a member of the W.M.S. and took an active part in all church work. She will be greatly missed by her family and a large circle of relatives and friends for her cheerful and kindly disposition.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon with prayers at the home at 2:30 and a very impressive service conducted by Rev. R. J. Kirkland in Knox Presbyterian Church at 3 o'clock. The hymns were In the Sweet Bye and Bye and I Want to Go There and a solo On the Resurrection Morn, sung by Mrs Kirkland. The pall-bearers were her two sons, Arthur and James Craig, and four brothers, Albert, Russell, Harry and George Swan. Interment was made in the Harvey Burying Ground.
Henry P. and Amelia lived in Harvey and farmed on Lot #10, second tier. They had five children: Lottie, Lizzie, Russell, Arthur and James.
They had the following children:
57 i. Mary "Lottie" Isabell Craig
58 ii. Elizabeth Maude "Lizzie" Craig
59 iii. Russell S. Craig
60 iv. John Thomas "Arthur" Craig
61 v. James McLean Craig
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
29. John Thompson Craig
Son of Thomas Frank Craig & Isabel Thompson. Born 24 Jul 1869 in Harvey. Christen 26 Sep 1869 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 1 Mar 1962 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Died 1 Mar 1962, age 92 yr 7 mo 5 days, at home.
3702. Ca 1870 tin type image of family of Thomas Craig. Left to Right. Isabel Thompson with son John in lap; daughter Etta standing; Thomas Craig seated with son Henry in lap. Age of photograph is based on probable age of John, who was born 24 Jul 1869. He appears to be between age 1 and 2 in photograph. Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
Obituary from the Daily Gleaner, March 1962:
Senior Citizen Dies At Harvey
Harvey Station (Special) -- Harvey Station lost one of its senior citizens when John Thompson Craig passed away at his home. Mr Craig, who was 92, had lived his entire life in this community.
He was married in 1896 to Janet McGowan, who with three daughters predeceased him. He leaves to mourn two sons, Thomas Kay and William John both of Harvey, seven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren.
An elder of the United Church of Canada, Mr Craig was honored last summer on the occasion of fifty-seven years in this role. He also served for many years as Sunday School Superintendent and was a member of the church choir.
Though blind for 15 years, he had been in good health, and maintained an unusually active interest in world and community affairs.
Funeral services were held from St. Andrew's United Church with Rev. W. L. Randall officiating, assisted by Rev. S. R. Jackson. A wide circle of relatives and friends gathered to pay their last respects.
Pallbearers were Arden Wilson, Willis Wilson, Arthur Craig, James Craig, Hollie Craig and Daniel Manzer. Interment was in the Harvey Cemetery.
Attending the funeral from outside points were Mr and Mrs Daniel Manzer, Brownville Jct., Maine; Mr and Mrs Avens Craig, Nashwaaksis; Mr and Mrs Murray Craig, Moncton; James Craig, Fredericton; Mr and Mrs Hollie Craig, St. John; Mr and Mrs Ward Logan and Mrs John Black, Dumbarton Station.
He married Janet "Jennie" McGowan, daughter of John McGowan & Jane "Jeanie" Little, 25 Nov 1896 in Harvey. Born 11 Mar 1865 in Tweedside. Died 29 Mar 1940 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
62 i. Janet McGowan Craig (Twin)
63 ii. Thomas "Kay" Craig (Twin)
64 iii. Olive Isabella Craig
65 iv. (Infant) Craig
66 v. Lila Margaret Craig
67 vi. William John Craig
68 vii. Ella Henrietta Craig
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
30. Annabella Craig
Daughter of Thomas Frank Craig & Isabel Thompson. Born 3 Jun 1872 in Harvey. Died 14 Sep 1955 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary:
Annabelle Wilson Buried at Harvey
Harvey Station -- Mrs Annabelle Wilson, widow of Alex R. Wilson, passed away at her home after a lengthy illness.
A daughter of the late Thomas and Isabelle Craig she was 83 years of age and life long resident of Harvey. Her husband predeceased her in February 1945. Mrs Wilson was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and a regular attendant before her illness.
She is survived by three sons and three daughters: Arden and Willis Wilson, Harvey; Frank Wilson, Sagwa, NB; Mrs Angus Swan; Mrs Irvine Little and Miss Annie Wilson, Harvey; five grandchildren, Shirley Wilson, Janice, Sandra, Beverley and Vaughan Little; and one brother, John T. Craig, all of Harvey.
Following a prayer service at her home the funeral was held from Knox Church and was conducted by Rev. Howard Grace of St. Stephen. Charles Watson sang a favorite hymn, The Old Rugged Cross, and the choir of Knox Church sang Beyond the Sunset and In the Beautiful Garden of Prayer.
She married Alexander R. Wilson, son of Robert Wilson & Elizabeth "Betsy" Torrance, 14 Nov 1894 in Harvey. Born 4 Aug 1870 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 5 Feb 1945 in VPH, Fredericton. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
They had the following children:
69 i. Robert "Arden" Wilson
70 ii. Thomas "Frank" Wilson
71 iii. Willis Hammond Wilson
72 iv. Mabel "Isabelle" Wilson
73 v. Annie Velma Wilson (Twin)
74 vi. Bessie Thelma Wilson (Twin)
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
31. Thomas Frank Craig
Son of Thomas Frank Craig & Isabel Thompson. Born 27 Jun 1875 in Harvey. Died 29 Mar 1879 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Daily Telegraph, 9 Apr 1879:
Died Harvey Settlement 29th ult., Thomas Frank Craig, youngest son of Thomas Craig and Isabella Craig, age 3 years, 9 mos.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
32. Ada Bertha Thompson
Daughter of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 24 Sep 1872 in Harvey. Died 19 Apr 1969 in Brownville, Me.
She married William Frederick "Fred" McCann, 1 Jun 1898 in York Co., NB . Born 13 Apr 1875 in St. Stephen. Died 29 Mar 1924 in Brownville, Me. Occupation CPR In Brownville, Maine.
Fred was the son of William McCann and Margaret of St. Andrews, NB.
Fred and Ada lived in Brownville, Maine, where Fred worked for the CPR.
They had the following children:
75 i. William James McCann
76 ii. Margaret Magdelene McCann
77 iii. John F. "Jack" McCann
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
third Immigrant Generation
33. Annie J. Thompson
Daughter of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 16 Dec 1874 in Harvey. Died 27 Feb 1948 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
3768. Undated tin-type image of Annie Thompson-Maxwell (L) (b. 16 Dec 1874, Harvey; d. 27 Feb 1948, Harvey) and Annabella C. Wilson (R). Source: Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album originated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
She married William James Maxwell, 21 Dec 1900 in Charlotte Co., NB. Born 26 Oct 1852 in St. George. Died 14 Mar 1940 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary (undated) --
Died Harvey Station
William Maxwell, 88, Born at St. George, Lived at Harvey Station 20 years.
Harvey Station, N.B. March 22 -- The death occurred March 14th of William Maxwell, an aged and respected citizen of this place. He was born in St. George, Charlotte County, 88 years ago where he spent most of his life until about 20 years ago he came to Harvey to live.
He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs Wellington Tracey of McAdam Junction and Mrs Thomas McDowell of Pennfield; one son, James Maxwell of Harvey Station; five grandchildren and several nephews and nieces.
The funeral was held March 15th from his home and was largely attended. There were many beautiful floral tributes from relatives and friends. Service was conducted by Rev. Allison McLean, of the Presbyterian Church. Interment was in the Harvey cemetery.
They had the following children:
78 i. James Moore Maxwell
79 ii. Gertrude Annie Maxwell
80 iii. Ada Mae Maxwell
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
34. Maretta Thompson
Daughter of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 13 May 1876 in Harvey. Died 15 Dec 1946 in Hanna, Alta.
Maretta and her husband William Tant lived in Peace River District of B.C., and had one daughter, Doris. No further information.
From unidentified newspaper clipping:
The death occurred in the Hanna Hospital on Thursday, Dec 15th of Mrs William Tant at the age of 71 years.
Born in Harvey, NB, she came to Hanna with her husband in 1914 where the family have since made their home with the exception of seven years residence at Sexsmith, Alta. The late Mrs Tant was a member of First United Church, Morning Light Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Rebekah Lodge and took an active part in both church and fraternal organizations.
Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Mrs Doris Simons of Edmonton and four sisters; Mrs Ada McCann, Mrs Mary Smith, Mrs Maggie Thombs of Brownville Junction, Me., and Mrs Ella Swan of Harvey, NB.
Funeral services were held from First United Church at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon with Rev. J. Edgar Clarke officiating. Funeral arrangements were in charge of Whyte's Funeral Home. Interment took place in the Hanna Cemetery.
She married William Tant.
They had the following children:
81 i. Doris Tant
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
35. Ella Jessie Thompson
Daughter of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 28 Apr 1877 in Harvey. Died 20 Nov 1967 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married John "Russell" Rutherford Swan, son of John "Jack" Swan & Mary Simpson Rutherford, 9 Sep 1903 in York Co., NB. Born 8 Dec 1882 in Harvey Sta. Died 28 May 1964 in Orchard Nursing Home. Buried 30 May 1964 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Russell died 28 May 1964, age 81 yr 5 mo 1 day, at Orchard Nursing Home. (Birth date given as 27 Dec 1882 in funeral home records.)
They had the following children:
82 i. John Robert Henry "Bert" Swan
83 ii. Gordon Thompson Swan
84 iii. Lawrence Russell Swan
85 iv. Herbert Smith Swan
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
36. Mary Thompson
Daughter of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 5 Sep 1878 in Harvey. Died 13 Oct 1963.
Mary lived in Brownville Jct., ME where she was the keeper of the Y after Herb's early death in an accident on the CPR when he was quite young. No children.
She married Herbert Edwin Smith, 18 Oct 1910 in York Co., NB.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
37. Thomas Thompson
Son of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 1879 in Harvey. Died 1880 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
38. Margaret Jane "Maggie" Thompson
Daughter of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 5 Apr 1881 in Harvey. Died 17 Jan 1981 in Dover-Foxcroft, ME. Buried in Brownville, Maine.
From an unidentified newspaper clipping:
Margaret J. Thombs - Brownville Jct.
Margaret J. Thombs, 99, widow of Perry F. Thombs, died in Dover-Foxcroft nursing home Jan 17, 1981. She was born in Harvey Station, York County, NB, April 5, 1881, daughter of James and Margaret Thompson. She was married in Milo June 28, 1905. She was a member of the Brownville Junction Methodist Church and the Methodist Church Club; a charter member of the Women's Society for Christian Service; a past Matron and 50-year member of the Echo Chapter of the Eastern Star, and a 60-year member of the Ladies Society of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman and Engineers. She is survived by one son, Robert of Dexter; two daughters, Dorothy M. Robertson of North Windham, Gladys H. Lutterell of Brownville Junction; seven grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandson. She had been awarded the gold-headed cane as the oldest citizen of Brownville. Funeral services will be held at 1 pm Tuesday at the Brownville Junction Methodist Church with the Rev. Ann Stead officiating. Spring burial will be in the Pine Tree Cemetery. Friends may call 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Monday at the Lary Funeral Home, Milo. Friends who wish may send donations in her memory to the Brownville Junction Methodist Church.
She married Perry Fuller Thombs, 28 Jun 1905 in Milo, ME. Born 10 Sep 1879. Died 22 Jun 1965.
Perry was the son of Warren R. Thombs and Henrietta Harmon. Perry and Margaret lived in Brownville, Maine.
Maggie and Perry had four children: Bob, Maretta, Dorothy and Gladys.
They had the following children:
86 i. Robert "Bob" Thombs
87 ii. Dorothy Thombs
88 iii. Gladys Thombs
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
Third Immigrant Generation
39. Robert Leroy "Roy" Thompson
Son of Thomas "James" Thompson & Margaret "Maggie" Craig. Born 15 Feb 1893 in Harvey Station. Died Approx 1950. Buried in Brownville Jct, ME.
Roy may have been adopted and/or a grandson. His birthdate was registered as Feb 15 but it may have been Sep 10 according to a family source.
Roy lived in Newport, Vermont, and had one son, Raymond Thompson.
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
third Immigrant Generation
40. Lena Isabelle Wood
Daughter of Peter Wood & Jane "Jennie" Thompson. Born 22 Apr 1878. Died 30 Mar 1947 in Harvey York Co., NB. Occupation Postmistress. Religion Presbyterian.
4309. Undated photograph of Lena Isabelle Wood, daughter of Peter Wood & Jane "Jennie" Thompson.( b 22 Apr 1878, d. 30 Mar 1947, Harvey). She married John "Franklin" Chambers Coburn, son of John G. Coburn & Margaret Ann Nesbitt (b. 22 Mar 1874, Harvey, d. 30 Mar 1941, Harvey).
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson, 7 Aug 2008.
4307. Undated image of "Frank Coburn & Lena". Lena Isabelle Wood was the daughter of Peter Wood and Jane "Jennie" Thompson. She was married to Frank Coburn.
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson, 7 Aug 2008.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1947) --
Mrs Frank Coburn Died at Harvey
Harvey Station, April 5 -- Many friends will learn with deep regret of the death of Mrs Frank Coburn, postmistress at Harvey Sta., which occurred at her home on Sunday evening, March 30.
Mrs Coburn, who had been in her usual health, suffered a severe heart attack on Thursday and despite constant medical care, failed to rally. Her death came as a great shock to her family and friends. Before marriage she was Miss Lena B. Wood, a daughter of Peter and Jane (Thompson) Wood of this place. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and an active member of the Sewing Circle and W.M.S. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs Ross Coburn, Kentville, N.S.; two sons, Percy of Newport, Vermont, and Ralph Coburn, at home; one sister, Mrs Harry Swan, McAdam, N.B. and five grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Her husband predeceased her on March 30, 1941.
She married John "Franklin" Chambers Coburn, son of John G. Coburn & Margaret Ann Nesbitt, 5 Sep 1900 in Harvey Presbyterian Church, Harvey . Born 22 Mar 1874 in Harvey. Died 30 Mar 1941 in Harvey, York Co., NB .
They had the following children:
89 i. Inez Antonetta Coburn
90 ii. John Percival "Percy" Coburn
91 iii. Peter Robert "Bertie" Coburn
92 iv. Ralph Wood Coburn
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
third Immigrant Generation
41. Mary "Mayme" Wood
Daughter of Peter Wood & Jane "Jennie" Thompson. Born 11 Nov 1885. Died 30 Sep 1967. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
4256. Undated cabinet card of Mary "Mayme" Wood. Daughter of Peter Wood and Jane "Jennie" Thompson. Caption on photograph reads "Mamie Wood - lived down where Gordon & Doris Davis live. Cousin to Pop Wood". Part of the Ross Wood photographic album. This image was also found in an album copied from Darrell Messer. Notation on sticky that was attached to the Messer photograph read "Sadie??" The image from the Messer album could be removed from the album and the identity of the photographer could be read. Photographer: Colpitts & CO. PORTLAND, ME, EXTRA FINISH". Text on back of photograph reads: COLPITTS & CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO 514 Congress St. Portland ME. Enlargements can be furnished from this negatuve. Fine crayons a specialty."
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson7 Aug 2008.
4295. Undated photograph of Mary "Mayme" Wood. (b. 11 Nov 1885, d. 30 Sept 1967). Daughter of Peter Wood and Jane "Jennie" Thompson. Caption on photograph reads "Mamie Wood - lived down where Gordon & Doris Davis live. Cousin to Pop Wood". "Pop" Wood was a nickname for George Thomas Wood (b. 16 Apr 1865, d. 30 Apr 1931). Mayme Wood was married to Henry Robert (Harry) Swan, (b. 30 Apr 1885, d. 17 Jan 1970)
Source: Ross Wood, Tweedside, Harvey, York Co., N.B. Rephotographed, by Tim Patterson, 7 Aug 2008.
She married Henry Robert "Harry" Swan, son of John "Jack" Swan & Mary Simpson Rutherford, 10 Jul 1907 in York Co., NB. Born 30 Apr 1885 in Manners Sutton, NB . Died 17 Jan 1970 in MacLean Memorial Hospital, McAdam. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam. Occupation Machinist - Railroad.
Harry and Mayme lived in McAdam, NB, and had one daughter, Velma.
They had the following children:
93 i. Velma Doreen Swan
Descendents of John Thompson (1800 – 25 Aug 1888)
and Isabella Swan ( ca 1800 – 20 May 1851)
third Immigrant Generation
42. W. Arthur Thompson
Son of Alexander Swan Thompson & Rebecca "Jane" Anderson. Died Feb 1933 in Sommerville, Mass.
3733. Arthur Thompson (d. 1933, Sommerville, MA). Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. The album originated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
3730.Undated tin-type image of Mrs. Anderson (L), W. Arthur Thompson (C), and his mother Mrs. Jane (Anderson) Thompson (R). Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. The album originated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed from the print of scanned copy 30 August 2007 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast
He married Kate MacKay.
They had the following children:
94 i. Frederick A. Thompson
Anderson, Rebecca "Jane", spouse of 11
Armbruster, Annie, spouse of 26
Carmichael, Isabella, spouse of 2
Christie, Minnie May, spouse of 20
Coburn, John "Franklin" Chambers, spouse of 40
Coburn, John Percival "Percy" 90
Coburn, Peter Robert "Bertie" 91
Craig, Elizabeth Maude "Lizzie" 58
Craig, Henrietta Elizabeth "Etta" 27
Craig, John Thomas "Arthur" 60
Craig, Margaret "Maggie", spouse of 8
Craig, Mary "Lottie" Isabell 57
Craig, Thomas Frank, spouse of 6
Maxwell, William James, spouse of 33
McCann, William Frederick "Fred", spouse of 32
McGowan, Janet "Jennie", spouse of 29
Pagan, Charles "Frederick" Herbert 26
Rutherford, Margaret, spouse of 2
Smith, Herbert Edwin, spouse of 36
Swan, Amelia Nesbit, spouse of 28
Swan, Henry Robert "Harry", spouse of 41
Swan, John "Russell" Rutherford, spouse of 35
Swan, John Robert Henry "Bert" 82
Thombs, Perry Fuller, spouse of 38
Thompson, Blanche Elizabeth 50
Thompson, James "Frederick" 18
Thompson, Margaret Jane "Maggie" 38
Thompson, Robert Leroy "Roy" 39
Thompson, Stanley Alexander 54
Thompson, Winnifred Elizabeth 56
Tripp, Arthur M., spouse of 19