Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
65. James Piercy
Son of Walter Piercy & Sarah Swan. Born 18 Apr 1869 in Harvey. Christen 6 Jun 1869 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 27 Sep 1947 in McAdam. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam. Occupation Meat & General Grocery Store. Religion United Church.
Copied from newspaper obituary -1947:
James Piercy Died In McAdam
McAdam, Sept 29 -- (Special) -- The death of James Piercy of McAdam occurred at his home early on Saturday morning. Mr Piercy had been in ill health for the last three months, but his death was sudden.
He was born at Coburn, York County and in 1898 was united in marriage to Elizabeth Lister of York Mills, who survives him. He came to McAdam to reside about 45 years ago, and opened a meat and general grocery store, which he ran up to about 11 years ago when he retired. He was a member of St. Paul's United Church, and a past worshipful master of Ashlar Lodge No. 36 F. and A.M. of McAdam. During his long business career in this town, he made many friends who will learn with regret of his death.
He is survived by his wife and four sons, Harry, McAdam; Walter, Kingston, Ont.; Franklin, Cartier, Ont; Donald, Ottawa; and one daughter, Miss Nellie Piercy, McAdam; three grandchildren, two brothers, Harry, Vancouver Island, B.C.; Matt, Loma, Montana; a twin sister, Mrs John E. Coburn, Harvey and another sister, Mrs Thomas Burrell, Tweedside, and a large number of nieces and nephews.
He married Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie" Lister, daughter of James M. Lister & Eleanor "Ellen" Piercy, 3 Aug 1898 in York Co., NB. Born 4 May 1873 in Harvey. Christen 8 Jun 1873 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 16 Nov 1956 in McAdam. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1956:
McAdam Resident Passes at Home
McAdam (Special) -- The death of Mrs Elizabeth Piercy occurred at McAdam after a short illness. She was 83 years of age. Her husband predeceased her.
Mrs Piercy was born at York Mills, a daughter of the late James and Eleanor Lister and came to McAdam in 1901. Since then she has been a devout member of St. Paul's United Church and its organizations.
In the community she will be remembered for her untiring work and service in the Red Cross and for which she was awarded the Red Cross Service Badge. She held life membership in the Sewing Circle of St. Paul's United Church, was a member of the Women's Missionary Society, and taught Sunday School for several years.
Mrs Piercy is survived by four sons, Harry and Frank of McAdam; Donald, Ottawa; Walter, Kingston; two brothers; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren and several nieces andnephews.
Funeral services were conducted from the residence to St. Paul's United Church with Rev. James Adamson officiating. Pallbearers were James O. Piercy, Clarence Swan, Haris Murray, Howard Little, Ward Little, Arnold Little.
They had the following children:
313 i. Samuel Walter "Lister" Piercy
314 ii. Henry William "Harry" Piercy
315 iii. Sarah Ellen "Nellie" Piercy
316 iv. Stanley Piercy
317 v. Walter James Piercy
318 vi. Franklin Boothby Piercy
319 vii. Donald Cameron Piercy
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
66. Sarah "Sadie" Piercy
Daughter of Walter Piercy & Sarah Swan. Born 18 Apr 1869 in Harvey. Christen 6 Jun 1869 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 23 Mar 1962 in Harvey Community Hospital, Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Died 23 Mar 1962, age 92 yr 11 mo 5 days.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1962:
Mrs Sarah Coburn
Harvey Station -- The funeral service for Mrs Sarah (Piercy) Coburn of Harvey was held from Knox Presbyterian Church here with Rev. S. Raymond Jackson, minister of the church, officiating.
Pallbearers were three nephews, Harry, James and Franklin Piercy, all of McAdam; a grandson, Jack Coburn, Harvey; and two grand-nephews, Thomas Briggs and Walter Piercy, both of Harvey.
Interment was in the family lot at Harvey Cemetery.
Born at Harvey in 1869, Mrs Coburn was a daughter of the late Walter and Sarah (Swan) Piercy. Her death occurred at Harvey Community Hospital following a long illness. She had resided the greater part of her life at Harvey.
Following her marriage to John E. Coburn, she resided with her husband for a brief period at Boston, Mass., and Saint John. She had assisted in the operation of her husband's general store business at Manners Sutton for many years. Her husband died in 1930.
Mrs Coburn was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and a life member of the Women's Missionary Society and Sewing Circle of that church.
Surviving are a daughter, Florence, at home; two grandsons, David and John Coburn, both of Harvey; four great grandsons, Allister, Kenneth, Laurence and Robert Coburn, all of Harvey. A daughter, Bessie, and a son, Edgar, predeceased her.
She married John Ervin Coburn, son of Thomas Cockburn (Coburn) & Nancy Johnston, 20 Jan 1892 in York Co., NB . Born 26 Dec 1860 in Harvey. Christen 21 Apr 1861 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 9 Jul 1930 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Operated A General Store Business.
Name given as "John Irving" in Harvey Presbyterian Church baptism records.
They had the following children:
320 i. Elizabeth Edith "Bessie" Coburn
321 ii. Florence Christina "Flossie" Coburn
322 iii. James "Edgar" Coburn
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
67. George Alexander Piercy
Son of Walter Piercy & Sarah Swan. Born 23 Dec 1871 in Harvey. Christen 31 Mar 1872 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 10 Apr 1927 in North Berwick, Maine. Occupation Moulder With Hussey Plow Co.
From newspaper obituary - North Berwick, 1927:
Our community was greatly shocked last week to learn of the sudden death of George Piercy, who died of pneumonia at his home on Wells Street, Sunday, April 10th. He was one of our most highly respected citizens. For more than fourteen years he has been employed by the Hussey Plow Co. as moulder. He was faithful, honest and industrious and will be greatly missed in the community.
He married Julia Goodale, 31 Aug 1913 in North Berwick, Maine.
Julia was the daughter of Enoch Goodale and Hannah Stevens of Wells.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
68. Margaret Piercy
Daughter of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born 30 Sep 1850. Christen 12 Oct 1850 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Died 1851 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
69. Margaret Ann Piercy
Daughter of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born 15 Apr 1852 in Coburn, York Co., NB. Died 27 Aug 1942 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
From newspaper obituary - 1942:
Mrs John Cleghorn Died in Tweedside
Was One of Pioneers of South Tweedside--Was 90 Years of Age.
Harvey Station, Aug 28 -- The death yesterday morning of Mrs Margaret Ann Cleghorn, aged 90 years, at her home in South Tweedside removes one of the oldest residents of the community.
Mrs Cleghorn, who was the daughter of the late Thomas and Margaret (Tait) Piercy, was born at Coburn, NB, and lived there until her marriage to John Cleghorn, Oct 16, 1877, when she removed to South Tweedside. There they cleared a farm out of virgin forest, erected a home and reared a family of nine children, three of whom are living, Thomas of McAdam, Charles of Lake Road, and Elvin of South Tweedside.
Mrs Cleghorn was a life-long member of the Presbyterian Church. She was well known and highly regarded by a wide circle of friends.
Mr Cleghorn passed away two years ago at the age of 88 years, and since that time Mrs Cleghorn had been in failing health due to advancing age.
In addition to her sons she is survived by a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The funeral was held this afternoon. Following prayers at her home a service was held in Knox Presbyterian Church at 3 o'clock. In the absence of the minister of the church, Rev. A. O. McLean, the service was conducted by Rev. J. F. MacKay of St. Paul's United Church, McAdam. A choir composed of Mrs Lorne Morrow, Miss Evelyn Martin, Andrew McCullough and G. Wesley Coburn sang "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and "Abide With Me." Miss Florence Coburn was organist.
The pallbearers were Harold Cleghorn, Alton Cleghorn, Donald Thorburn and Colin Cleghorn. Interment was made in the cemetery at Manners-Sutton.
She married John "Joak" Cleghorn, son of George Cleghorn & Agnes Hogg, 16 Oct 1877 in St. Stephen By Rev. Gould. Born 25 Mar 1852. Christen 7 Apr 1868 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 4 May 1940. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
There are three birth dates for John, not sure which is correct: 25 Mar 1952 (family record), 14 Mar 1854 (church record), and 1853 (census record).
John and his wife Margaret Ann Piercy were farmers in South Tweedside, and had nine children.
From newspaper item, undated:
South Tweedside Couple Married Sixty-one Years
Mr and Mrs John Cleghorn Honored by Friends and Relatives.
Harvey Station, Oct 18 -- Mr and Mrs John Cleghorn of South Tweedside observed the sixty-first anniversary of their marriage at their home Sunday and received congratulations and good wishes.
Last night about 60 friends and relatives gathered at their home and spent an enjoyable evening with cards, music and dancing. Eastman Bell and Edward James furnished violin music, accompanied on the guitar by Mrs Stanley Hamilton of Magaguadavic.
During the evening many gifts were presented the honored couple including a beautiful three tier wedding cake, surmounted by a miniature bride and groom, made by Mrs Wesley Cleghorn and Mrs Russell Swan.
Mr Cleghorn was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, 86 years ago, but came to Tweedside when a small child. His parents were George and Agnes (Hogg) Cleghorn, pioneers of Tweedside. Mrs Cleghorn who is also 86, was born at Coburn, the daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Tait) Piercy.
They were married in St. Stephen by Rev. Mr Gould, Oct 16th, 1877, following which they returned to South Tweedside where they cleared a farm out of virgin forest, building a home which they have occupied ever since, and rearing a family of nine children, four of whom are living. Thomas Cleghorn of McAdam Junction; Charles Cleghorn, Lake Road; Wesley Cleghorn, Harvey Station, and Elvin Cleghorn of South Tweedside.
Mr and Mrs Cleghorn have always been highly respected citizens and both have a host of warm friends who for a number of years have made it a custom to gather at the Cleghorn home on the anniversary of their marriage. Both are life long members of the Presbyterian Church.
Mrs Cleghorn suffered a serious illness last spring but is fully recovered and was able to entertain her guests last evening. Mr Cleghorn is at present confined to his bed but received callers all evening, greeting all in his usual cheery manner. Among those who attended from outside points were Mrs Agnes Brooks of Forest City, Me., a niece of Mr Cleghorn; Mr and Mrs Thomas Cleghorn and Mr and Mrs Donald Thorburn, McAdam; Mr and Mrs Walter Cleghorn of Butte, Montana, and Mrs Thompson of Salmon Creek, NB.
They had the following children:
323 i. George Thomas "Tommy" Cleghorn
324 ii. Robert Alexander "Bob" Cleghorn
325 iii. Charles Cleghorn
326 iv. John "Wesley" Cleghorn
327 v. James William "Jim" Cleghorn
328 vi. Walter Ervine Cleghorn
329 vii. Elvin John Cleghorn
330 viii. Leonard Milledge Cleghorn
331 ix. Margaret "Maggie" Cleghorn
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
70. Barbara Elizabeth "Betty" Piercy
Daughter of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born 1853 in Harvey. Died 27 Oct 1918 in Thomaston. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary, (1918):
Mrs Wm Cleghorn
The death of Mrs Wm Cleghorn occurred October 27th at the home of her daughter, Mrs Amos Dorcas, Thomaston. The late Mrs Cleghorn was sixty-five years of age and is survived by one daughter, Mrs Amos Dorcas, two sisters and two brothers. The sisters are Mrs Elisha Embleton, Harvey, and Mrs John Cleghorn, Tweedside; the brothers are George Piercy, Harvey, and Robert Piercy, Rumford Falls, Me. Interment was made in the Harvey cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. McGuire, McAdam.
She married William "Bill" Cleghorn, son of George Cleghorn & Agnes Hogg, 9 Jan 1889. Born 13 Jan 1857 in Tweedside. Christen 24 May 1857 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 20 Oct 1913. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Bill and his wife Betty lived in South Tweedside for a while, and later moved to Flume Ridge.
They had the following children:
332 i. Thomas Piercy
333 ii. Margaret Agnes "Maggie" Cleghorn
334 iii. Mary Elizabeth "Jane" Cleghorn
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
71. George Thomas Piercy
Son of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born 30 Apr 1855 in Harvey. Died 25 Nov 1936 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1936:
Manners Sutton, N.B., Nov 25 -- George Piercy, an elderly resident of this district passed away this morning at the home of his son, Ernest. He was seized with a stroke of paralysis last night and never regained consciousness.
Deceased was a son of Thomas and Margaret (Tait) Piercy, pioneer settlers of Harvey. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs Gardiner Essensa of Harvey Station; six sons, Gates of Tweedside; Roy, of York Mills; Ernest and Ward, at home; George and John of McAdam; one sister, Mrs John Cleghorn of South Tweedside and one brother, Tait Piercy, residing in New Hampshire. His wife formerly Miss Christina Nesbitt predeceased him several years ago.
He married Isabella Christina "Tina" Nesbitt, daughter of John B. Nesbitt & Elizabeth Chambers, 30 Mar 1892 in Harvey. Born 12 Sep 1865 in Harvey. Christen 31 Dec 1865 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 8 Feb 1905 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
335 i. Edith Nesbitt
336 ii. Thomas "Ward" Piercy
337 iii. Ernest Piercy
338 iv. Margaret Velma Piercy
339 v. John Nesbitt Piercy
340 vi. Roy G. Piercy
341 vii. George Lister Piercy
342 viii. Gates Poore Piercy

Roy Piercy.
Roy Piercy
Born December 15, 1899 died August 3, 1962
Son of George Piercy and Christina Nesbitt.
Married to Olive Embleton.
George Piercy.
George Lister Piercy
Born December 10, 1901
Son of George T Piercy and Christine Nesbitt.
Married to Elizabeth Speedy.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
72. Jane Piercy
Daughter of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born 19 Jul 1858 in Harvey. Died 6 Mar 1923 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Elisha Embleton, son of George Embleton & Elizabeth Twizell, 21 Dec 1881 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt. Another date for marriage is 21 Dec 1882. Not sure which is correct. Witnesses to marriage were Mrs A. J. Mowatt and Mrs A. Turnbull. Born 4 Apr 1859 in Harvey Settlement. Christen 10 Jul 1859 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 13 Mar 1944 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Elisha and Janie were farmers in Harvey. No children.
From newspaper obituary - 1944:
E. Embleton Dead. Well Known Resident of Harvey Station, Was Born in 1859.
Harvey Station, March 20 -- The death of Elisha Embleton occurred at his home on Monday morning, March 13th. Although in failing health for several months, his condition was not considered serious until a week before his death when he suffered a severe heart attack.
Mr Embleton was born here on April 4th, 1859, youngest member of the family of the late George and Elizabeth (Twizel) Embleton, who came to this country from the north of England among the early settlers of Harvey. He lived his entire life on the old Embleton homestead and was the last of his family, his wife Jane (Piercy), having predeceased him twenty-one years ago. He is survived by several nephews and nieces. He was a life-long and devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, from which the funeral was held at three o'clock after prayers at the home at 1.30, March 14th.
The funeral service, which was largely attended was conducted by Rev. J. F. McKay, pastor of St. Paul's United Church, McAdam, former pastor of the Harvey charge and personal friend of the deceased. The choir beautifully rendered the hymns The Lord's My Shepherd; Safe In The Arms Of Jesus; and Good Night Here, Good Morning Up There.
The pallbearers were Manzer Embleton, Irvine Embleton, James Johnston and Pembroke Little. Interment was made in the family lot in the Harvey Cemetery.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
73. Robert Piercy
Son of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born Approx 1862 in Harvey. Died in Grand Falls, Maine.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
74. James Piercy
Son of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born 14 Jan 1865 in Harvey. Christen 24 Jul 1865 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Died 1907.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 31 Oct 1894: “Married at the Manse, Oct 31st., by Rev. Willard MacDonald, James Piercy, Manners Sutton (York Co.) and Letitia E. Till, Gladstone (Sunbury Co.)”
He married Letitia E. Till, 31 Oct 1894 in St. Paul's, Fredericton. Born in Gladstone, Sunbury Co., NB.
They had the following children:
343 i. Clarence Piercy
344 ii. Alward Elisha Piercy
345 iii. James "Jim" Piercy
346 iv. Bowman Piercy
347 v. Dora Piercy
348 vi. George Piercy
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
75. Mary Piercy
Daughter of Thomas Piercy & Margaret Tait. Born 17 Apr 1867 in Harvey. Christen 2 Jul 1867 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Died 1 Jan 1905 in Harvey.
She married Matthew Henry Lister, son of Edward Irving Lister & Mary Ann Piercy, 22 Jun 1887 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By J. A. McLean . Born 6 Nov 1865 in Harvey. Christen 14 Jan 1866 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 29 Jun 1946 in Fredericton. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Witnesses to marriage were James Piercy and Maggie E. Lister.
Mary died when her youngest child was an infant.
From newspaper obituary - 1946:
Late M. H. Lister. Well Known Resident of Harvey Station Suffered Stroke. Many At Funeral.
Harvey Station, July 19 -- The death of Matthew H. Lister at the Fredericton Hospital on June 29th removed from Harvey one of its oldest residents. He suffered a stroke about two and a half years ago and had been bedfast every since. Mr Lister was born at Harvey, Nov. 6th, 1869, the son of the late Edward and Mary Ann (Piercy) Lister. He was a life long resident of this place, highly respected by all who knew him and he will ever be remembered for his kindly manner and thoughtfulness for others.
For a number of years he was councillor. He was also a member of the Session of the United Church.
He is survived by four sons, George of West Saint John; Roy and Emery of McAdam; and Maurice of Harvey; two daughters, Mrs David Rutherford, of McAdam and Mrs George McFadyen of Harvey. Ten grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He also leaves two brothers and four sisters, Nicholas, of Westfield; Thomas of Harvey; Mrs Eben Little, Mrs Kenneth Embleton, Mrs John Embleton of Harvey, Mrs Raymond Lord of Ipswich, Mass. John E. Lister, who passed away last September, was another brother.
They had the following children:
349 i. Thomas Irvine Lister
350 ii. George Odbur Lister
351 iii. Dora May Lister
352 iv. Mabel Victoria Lister
353 v. Roy McLean Lister
354 vi. Emery Irvine Lister
355 vii. Mary Jane Lister
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
76. Elizabeth Piercy
Daughter of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 10 Aug 1849 in Harvey. Christen 29 Nov 1849 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy.
She married Gates Poor.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
77. George Piercy
Son of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 27 Sep 1850 in Harvey. Christen 12 Oct 1850 in St. Paul's Church Records. Died 1914 in Harvey. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
78. Mary Jane Piercy
Daughter of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 21 Feb 1852 in Harvey. Christen 23 Mar 1852 in St. Paul's Church Records. Died 21 Feb 1876 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Inscription on broken white marble gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: I know that my Redeemer Liveth. In memory of Mary Jane, daughter of Robert and Eleanor Piercy, who died Feb 21, 1876 aged 21 years.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
79. John Piercy
Son of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 1853 in Harvey. Died 1856 in Harvey.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
80. Ann P. "Annie" Piercy
Daughter of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 1855 in Harvey. Died 16 Mar 1880 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
81. Margaret Isabella Piercy
Daughter of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 1857 in Harvey. Died 1882 in Harvey
Supplemental data:
Based on a mtDNA test result of direct maternal descendat Ellis Craig the haplogroup designation and HVR1 mutations of Mary Davison are provided below. Since mtDNA is passed directly from mothers to their children with virtually no changes the test values obtained are generally applicable to all direct maternal descendants including granddaughter Margaret Isabella Piercy.

Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
82. Matilda "Caroline" Piercy
Daughter of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 29 Jul 1859 in Harvey. Christen 29 Sep 1859 in St. Paul's Church Records. Died 1877 in Harvey.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
83. Robert Henry Piercy.
Son of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 2 Apr 1861 in Harvey. Christen 27 Jun 1861 in St. Paul's Church Records. Died 20 Mar 1907 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 2 Nov 1894: “Harvey (York Co.) Oct 29 -- a quiet event passed off on the 24th when Robert Piercy of Little Settlement was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Hood of Magaguadavic.”
He married Sarah Hood, 24 Oct 1894 in York Co., NB. Born 6 Jun 1871 in Magaguadavic. Died 25 Aug 1919 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
They had the following children:
356 i. Frederick Winter Piercy
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
84. Eleanor "Maria" Piercy
Daughter of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 8 Aug 1864 in Harvey. Christen 21 Mar 1865 in St. Paul's Church Records.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
85. Phillis Piercy
Daughter of Robert Piercy & Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman. Born 31 Aug 1866 in Harvey. Christen 5 Oct 1866 in St. Paul's Church Records. Died 19 Apr 1895 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
She married David Coleman Valley.
They had the following children:
357 i. Stephen Piercy Valley
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
86. Isaac Burrell.
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 28 Mar 1845 in Wooler District, Northumberland, England. Died 31 Dec 1902 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Isaac was a farmer in the Harvey area.
From St. Stephen Courier, 31 May 1867: "Married, Harvey, by Rev. Samuel Johnston, 22nd inst., Isaac Burrel and Miss Nancy Christie."
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Burrell and George Cockburn.
He married Nancy Christie, daughter of John Christie & Catherine Elizabeth Balmer, 22 May 1867 in Harvey, York Co., By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 27 Jan 1843/1844 in Tryon, N.B. Died 23 Jul 1930 in McAdam. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
After the death of her husband, Nancy moved to Watt Junction, Charlotte Co. The property she purchased belonged to her daughter Annie Levina and husband Will Doherty, and she kept boarders who worked on the railroad. She was living in Watt Junction in 1908, but by 1910 she was living in McAdam on Highland Avenue. Son John Howard and his wife Carrie lived in the upstairs apartment of her McAdam house. (Information on this family is contained in the book "John Christie and Descendants 1815-1994, compiled by Edgar Christie.")
They had the following children:
358 i. Mary Elizabeth Burrell
359 ii. Annie Lavina Burrell
360 iii. Victoria Burrell
361 iv. John "Howard" Burrell
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
87. George Piercy Burrell
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 2 Jan 1847 in Harvey. Christen 27 Feb 1847 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 6 Feb 1923 in Oak Bay Road, Charlotte County, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Railroad Station Man (1891). Religion Presbyterian.
From Saint Croix Courier, 22 Feb 1923: Deaths - BURRELL - At Oak Bay Road, Feby 7, George P. Burrell, aged 78 years.
He married Isabella "Belle" Coburn, daughter of George Cockburn (Coburn) & Mary Piercy, 26 Feb 1879 in Harvey, York Co. By Edward Roberts . Born 2 Oct 1852 in Harvey. Died 21 Jul 1913 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Alexander Burrell and Margaret Cockburn.
They had the following children:
247 i. Mary Ann Burrell
248 ii. Robert Walter "Simpson" Burrell
249 iii. Gertrude Maggie Burrell
250 iv. Lizzie May Burrell
251 v. Annie Winnifred Burrell
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
88. Robert Burrell
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 1848 in Harvey. Christen 22 Oct 1848 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 27 Sep 1851 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Inscription on gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: In memory of Robert, son of Robert & Ann Burrell, died Sept 27, 1851 aged 3 years. Suffer the little children to come unto Me & forbid them not.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
89. Jane Ann Burrell
Daughter of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 13 Jun 1850 in Harvey. Christen 30 Jul 1850 in St. Paul's Church Records.
From Colonial Farmer, 2 Dec 1872: "Married Commercial Hotel, 26th Nov., by Rev. T. H. Porter, William Weinhouse, youngest son of Thomas Weinhouse, Esq., of Lee House, Halifax, Yorkshire, England, and Jane Ann Burrell, eldest daughter of Robert Burrell, Manners Sutton, York Co."
Witnesses to marriage to William Weinhouse were Oliver G. Brown and Harris D. Burden.
(Jane's middle name is given as Amy in the records of her children's births.)
She first married William Wainhouse, 26 Nov 1872 in Commercial Hotel, Fredericton, York Co. By T. H. Porter . Born in England. Died Before 1880.
They had the following children:
362 i. Ann Wainhouse
363 ii. Apelina Wainhouse
She second married Peter McClymont, 13 Jul 1880 in St. Paul's, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt . Born in Parish Of St. David, Charlotte Co., NB.
At the time of marriage Peter's residence was Parish of St. David, Charlotte Co., NB. Witnesses to marriage were Mrs A. J. Mowatt and Mrs Thomas Corbett.
They had the following children:
364 i. Margaret Ann "Maggie" McClymont
365 ii. Mary Almira McClymont
366 iii. Elizabeth Maud "Lizzie" McClymont
367 iv. John Henry McClymont
368 v. James Russell McClymont
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
90. Elizabeth Burrell
Daughter of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 20 Jun 1852 in Harvey. Christen 16 Aug 1852 in St. Paul's Church Records. Died 21 Jun 1934 in West Saint John. Buried 23 Jun 1934 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
When Elizabeth died in 1934, besides her husband, she was survived by four daughters: Mrs Harry Watters, Fairville; Mrs W. G. Humble, Vancouver; Mrs G. M. McCutcheon, Boston; Mrs George Swan, Brownville, Me.; one son, Albert Hay, West Saint John.
In the 1901 Census, Elizabeth's birth date is given as: 8 Sep 1852.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Late Mrs John Hay
Harvey Station, June 27 -- The body of the late Mrs John Hay was brought from Saint John for burial on Saturday, June 23rd.
The funeral service was held in the Presbyterian Church at two o'clock and conducted by Rev. George E. Knight. The choir sang Peace Perfect Peace, Asleep in Jesus and Abide With Me.
The church was filled with relatives and friends who came to pay their last respects to one who by her kindly quiet and sympathetic way won her a host of friends among the young as well as older people. She was always interested in any good work and ever ready to lend a helping hand where needed. Mrs Hay lived in Harvey all her life until about five years ago, when she moved to Saint John. She was a life long member of the Presbyterian Church. There was a large number of beautiful floral pieces from friends in Saint John and Harvey. The pall bearers were John Calvin, Pearly Watters, Wesley Hay, Albert Messer, Hazen Burrell, Colby Brown. Service at the grave also by Mr McKnight.
She married John Alexander Hay, son of Alexander Hay Jr. & Susanna Nesbitt, 9 Oct 1874 in St. Paul's, Fredericton, By Rev. John M. Brooke . Born 7 Nov 1848 in Harvey. Christen 24 Dec 1848 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 10 Mar 1937 in Saint John. Buried in Harvey Settlement
Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Alexander Hay and Frances Hay.
In 1901 Census for Manners Sutton, John Hay had 150 acres, a 5-room house, 4 barns, and the family was living adjacent to Isaac and Nancy Burrell.
They had the following children:
369 i. Priscilla Jane "Celia" Hay
370 ii. Ella Marion Hay
371 iii. Albert Alexander "Ab" Hay
372 iv. Annie May Hay
373 v. Cora Davis Hay
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
91. Robert Simpson "Sim" Burrell
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 27 Sep 1854 in Harvey.
He married Cora Davis.
No children, but raised niece Anna Burrell, in Portland, Oregon.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
92. Alexander Smith Burrell
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 10 Nov 1856 in Harvey. Died 6 May 1935 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
From newspaper obituary - 1935:
Alex S. Burrell, aged 79, Passed Away at Harvey
Harvey, NB, May 9 -- Alex S. Burrell, 79 years, passed away on the 6th inst. He was predeceased by his wife about 15 months ago. Deceased was born and lived all his life at Harvey and leaves three daughters, Mrs Harry Hicks, Sackville; Mrs Fred Hanselpacker, and Mrs Arthur Mowatt, Harvey; and two sons, Arthur of Moncton and Hazen at home, with whom he was living. Funeral was held Wednesday. Service at home was conducted by Rev. A. MacKay, assisted by a quartette composed of Mrs George Speedy, Mrs Edgar Coburn, Robert V. Dorcas and G. Wesley Coburn. Interment in Harvey Cemetery. Pallbearers were Fred Grieve, Albert Hay, Saint John; Russell Moffitt, Arthur Mowatt, Fred Hanselpacker and Gordon Burrell
He married Eleanor "Ellen" Coburn, daughter of Andrew Wood Cockburn (Coburn) & Elizabeth Messer, 24 Jun 1885 in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. M. Born 25 Sep 1861 in Harvey. Christen 1 Dec 1861 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 21 Feb 1934 in Harvey.
Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Moffat and Mary J. Coburn.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1934:
Mrs Alexander S. Burrell
Harvey Station, York Co., Feb 27 -- The death occurred, after a lingering illness, of Ellen Burrell, wife of Alexander Burrell, at her home in Harvey Station on Feb 21. She was the daughter of the late Elizabeth and Andrew Coburn, and was born at Harvey, on Sept 25, 1861. She was a devoted member of the Presbyterian and later the St. Andrew's United Church, and until ill health prevented was an interested and active worker in all women's organizations connected with the church.
She leaves to mourn her husband, three daughters, Mrs Arthur E. Mowatt and Mrs Fred B. Hanselpacker, Harvey Station, and Mrs Harry L. Hicks, Sackville; two sons, Arthur G., Moncton, and Hazen W., with whom she resided; two sisters, Mrs Belle Grieve, Harvey Station, and Mrs Mary Burpee, Nashwaaksis, one brother, John W. Coburn, Nanaimo, BC, and 12 grandchildren.
They had the following children:
374 i. Arthur Alexander Gordon Burrell
375 ii. Alice "Maude" Burrell
376 iii. Russell Coburn Burrell
377 iv. Bessie Louise Burrell
378 v. Annie Norah Burrell
379 vi. Wallace "Hazen" Burrell
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
93. Mary Ann Burrell
Daughter of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 22 Dec 1858 in Harvey. Died 19 Apr 1931 in McAdam.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1931):
Mrs Odbur Stannix
McAdam, April 19 -- The community was saddened when it was learned that Mrs Mary Stannix, wife of Odbur Stannix had passed away at an early hour on Tuesday morning, April 19th, aged 73 years, after a short illness.
Mrs Stannix was one of the oldest residents of McAdam coming here as a bride with her husband 50 years ago. She will be sadly missed by her neighbours and friends. She leaves to mourn her passing besides her husband, 3 sons and 2 daughters: William and Clarence of McAdam; Joe, of Boston; (Jennie) Mrs Fred Sheenan of New York, and Mrs Vera Fisher, at home and 8 grand children. Mrs John Hay, of West Saint John, is a sister and 2 brothers, Thomas Burrell, of McAdam and Alex Burrell, of Harvey. Funeral will be held on Thursday from St. Paul's United Church.
She married Odbur Stannix, 2 Dec 1882 in Harvey, York Co., NB By Robert Nairn, Presbyterian . Born Approx 1850 in Parish Of Prince William, York Co., NB. Died Approx 1940.
Name is spelled "Stenix" in marriage records. Witnesses to marriage were John and Annie Burrell.
Odbur died at age 94 years.
They had the following children:
380 i. Verna Stannix
381 ii. Jennie Faile Stannix
382 iii. William B. Stannix
383 iv. Joseph Earl Stannix
384 v. Vera Ann Stannix
385 vi. Clarence Odbur Stannix
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
94. John Robert Burrell
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 10 Mar 1861 in Harvey. Died 10 Jul 1892 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, 5 Apr 1884: Married St. Paul's Manse, Fredericton (York Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. A. J. Mowatt, John Burrell and Miss Jennette Johnston, both of Manners Sutton.
Witnesses to marriage were Alexander Burrell and Ellen Coburn.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 21 Mar 1890:
Harvey Station (York Co.) March 18 -- The Burrell Bros., John Burrell and William Burrell will start for Oregon on Thursday.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 11 Aug 1890:
Harvey Station (York Co.) Aug 8 -- John Burrell, former resident of Harvey and in the employment of N.B. Railway, went to Oregon last spring and sends accounts from that place to his friends. He is working on the largest bridge in the state across the Cowetchin River.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 16 Jul 1891:
John Burrell and William Burrell have returned from British Columbia to visit their old home at Manners Sutton (York Co.)
He married Jennette "Janet" Johnston, daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell, 3 Apr 1884 in St. Paul's, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt, Presbyterian. Born 9 Jun 1861 in Harvey. Christen 25 Aug 1861 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 2 Jan 1890 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
They had the following children:
386 i. Agnes Burrell
387 ii. Anna Burrell
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
95. Thomas Sterling Burrell
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 26 Nov 1863 in Harvey. Died 22 Sep 1934 in McAdam.
Thomas Burrell and his wife Jane Moody Patterson lived on a farm on the Swan Road, Harvey, near location where Ben Swan lived. The family is said to have moved to McAdam in 1901, though a number of family events took place in Harvey through the middle of 1906. There is also some evidence that their daughter Grace became a US citizen (at age 3) in 1907, though who would have been caring for her at that time is not clear; she was listed, age 15, in the 1920 census of Portland, Maine, living at the residence of Walter Wilbert McFarland, whose wife Lettie was Grace's oldest sister.
Thomas's first wife Jane died 10 Nov 1912, seven days after the birth of their last baby. Five babies died at birth, born and died on the following dates: 10 Oct 1901, Harvey; 5 May 1906, Harvey/McAdam; 15 Sep 1910, McAdam; 10 Oct 1911, McAdam; and 3 Nov 1912, McAdam.
He first married Jane Moody "Janie" Patterson, daughter of James Wesley "Jim" Patterson & Mary Swan, 20 Sep 1888 in Harvey. Born 10 Aug 1871 in Hanwell, NB. Christen 8 Oct 1871 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 10 Nov 1912 in McAdam, NB.
Witnesses to marriage were F. Gregory and Celia McAlpine.
Jane died 10 Nov 1912, seven days after the birth of her last baby.
They had the following children:
388 i. Mary Ann "Lettie" Burrell
389 ii. Jennie Verna Burrell
390 iii. Annie Burrell
391 iv. James "Hayward" Burrell
392 v. Robert "John" Burrell
393 vi. William "Alward" Burrell
394 vii. Carrie Mae (Carolyn May) Burrell
395 viii. Thomas "Delbert" Burrell
396 ix. Baby Burrell
397 x. Grace Bertha Burrell
398 xi. Baby Burrell
399 xii. Helen "Josephine" Burrell
400 xiii. Baby Burrell
401 xiv. Baby Burrell
402 xv. Baby Burrell
He second married Annie Theresa Taylor, 22 Oct 1914 in Charlotte Co., NB . Born 4 May 1887 in Hanwell. Died 11 Nov 1952 in Fredericton.
From John Burrell's book, page 24, Thomas Sterling Burrell married secondly Annie Theresa TAYLOR CARVELL. (In NB Marriage records RS141B7 1911-1915, Annie "Smith" married Thomas Burrell in Charlotte Co., NB 22 Oct 1914. Film F15956, Code B4/1914/ #1370. Same reference date and reference numbers, Thomas married Annie "Taylor". Not sure which is Annie's maiden name. )
They had the following children:
403 i. Odbur Andrew "Bunny" Burrell
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
96. William Alexander Burrell
Son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 4 May 1865 in Harvey. Died 3 Jan 1914 in Vancouver, WA, USA.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 21 Mar 1890:
Harvey Station (York Co.) March 18 -- The Burrell Bros., John Burrell and William Burrell will start for Oregon on Thursday.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 16 Jul 1891:
John Burrell and William Burrell have returned from British Columbia to visit their old home at Manners Sutton (York Co.)
William travelled west on two occasions before his marriage and later emigrated to USA. The first was with his older brother John (date uncertain, but some time after 1881, both were listed in the Manners Sutton census of that year.) "John became sick, both returned to Harvey, where John died."--information in letter from Gladys Burrell Mason to Guy Burrell in 1971. In fact, John's wife Jennie died 2 1/2 years before he died; John's death left their daughter, Anna, an orphan. William went west again, presumably in 1892 after both Anna's parents had died, taking Anna with him to be raised by his brother Robert "Sim" and Cora, who were married and living in Portland, Oregon. William "returned to Harvey to marry".
William Alexander Burrell and Grave Winnifred Embleton's six children were born in Harvey, NB. Later they emigrated to the Oregon/Washington border area of USA in November 1903. Their children and grandchildren are scattered over the Northwest, some in Utah, California, Washington and Oregon.
Further information on this family starting on page 28 in "The Wilsons of Harvey 1798 - 1983" by Jocelean Swan Hall.
He married Grace Winnifred Embleton, daughter of Robert Wilson Embleton & Elizabeth "Bess" Piercy, 14 Dec 1892 in Harvey. Born 7 Oct 1873 in Harvey. Died 12 Oct 1940 in Portland, Oregon. Witnesses to marriage were Adam E. and Priscilla Hay.
They had the following children:
404 i. Robert "Odbur" Burrell
405 ii. John "Edgar" Burrell
406 iii. Gladys Elizabeth Burrell
407 iv. William Eldon Burrell
408 v. Wilbert Alexander Burrell
409 vi. Willis Embleton "Dutch" Burrell
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
97. Nancy "Isabel" Burrell
Daughter of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy. Born 22 Nov 1868 in Harvey. Died 24 Dec 1927. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1927 --
Mrs Thos Johnston Has Passed Away
McAdam, Dec. 26 -- After a lingering illness of nearly four years, Mrs Isobell Johnston, wife of Thomas Johnston, has passed away. She was born in Harvey, Nov 22, 1868.
She leaves to mourn her husband, two brothers, Thomas Burrell of McAdam, and Alexander Burrell, of Harvey; two sisters, Mrs Odburn Stamers (sic), of McAdam and Mrs John Hay, of Harvey; also three sons, George of Brownville, Gordon and Robert, of McAdam, and one daughter, Mrs Roy Grant, of McAdam.
The services were held at her late home today at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. E. Gosline, assisted by Rev. G. A. Ross.
She married Thomas Cockburn Johnston, son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell, 22 Sep 1886 in Harvey By J. A. McLean, Presbyterian . Born 22 Feb 1863 in Harvey. Christen 14 Jun 1863 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 1932. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Witnesses to marriage were Thomas Burrell and Christina Johnston.
From Harvey Presbyterian Church records:
Hildah Johnston d. 8 Jun 1891, age 14 mo.
Vernon Johnston d. 4 Jun 1890, age 2 mo.
May have been children of Thomas Cockburn Johnston and Nancy "Isobel" Burrell??
hey had the following children:
410 i. George Henry Alfred Johnston
411 ii. Hilda Johnston (Twin)
412 iii. Vernon Johnston (Twin)
413 iv. Mabel May Johnston
414 v. Gordon Johnston
415 vi. Robert Burrell Johnston
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
98. Mary Ann Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 18 Aug 1846 in Little Settlement, York Co, NB. Christen 27 Sep 1846 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 15 Nov 1918 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Ref: Emerson Moffitt, "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement New Brunswick 1791-1991", 1992, p. 43. Res: Harvey, York Co, NB.
From Obituary: MRS MARY A. SPEEDY
Harvey Station, Nov. 19 -- Mrs Mary A. Speedy, wife of William Speedy, of Manners Sutton, died at her home there on Monday morning from the effects of a stroke of paralysis sustained a few days ago. She was in the seventy-third year of her age and was a daughter of Andrew Moffatt, one of the pioneers of Harvey. She is survived by her husband, five sons and five daughters, also several brothers and sisters, among whom are John Moffatt, of St. Stephen, George Moffatt, Thomas Moffatt and Robert Moffatt, of Manners Sutton; Mrs George Cleghorn and Mrs John Messer, of Tweedside. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. McGuire, of McAdam.
She married William A. Speedy, son of Thomas Speedy & Isabella Patterson, 22 Jul 1864 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 10 Jun 1842 in Harvey. Christen 10 Jul 1842 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 20 Jan 1921 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
PANB, marriages #F15552, p. 566: William Speedy to Mary Ann Moffitt on Jul 22, 1864 by Samuel Johnson, witnesses James Patterson and Mary Swan.
From Obituary -- WILLIAM SPEEDY
Harvey Station, York Co., Jan 24--William Speedy, an old resident of Manners Sutton, died at his home there on Thursday evening. He was in he seventy-ninth year of his age and has been in poor health for some time. He was a son of Thomas Speedy, one of the first settlers of the place, and is survived by a large family, among whom are George and Thomas Speedy, of Manners Sutton, Andrew and Nelson Speedy, of McAdam, and Allan, residing at Rumford, Me. His wife died about two years ago. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs James Rutherford and Mrs Isabel Messer, of Manners Sutton, and two brothers, Thomas R. Speedy, of St. Stephen, and John Speedy, residing in Minnesota. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended, the services being conducted by Rev. J. F. McKay.
They had the following children:
416 i. Thomas Alexander Speedy
417 ii. Andrew Tait "Dan" Speedy
418 iii. Jane Eleanor "Janie" Speedy
419 iv. John Alexander Speedy
420 v. Margaret Isabella "Maggie" Speedy
421 vi. William "Allen" Speedy
422 vii. George Albert Speedy
423 viii. Robert "Nelson" Speedy
424 ix. Eva May Speedy
425 x. Mary Agnes McLean Speedy
426 xi. Archibald Noble Speedy
427 xii. Myrtle Olive Speedy
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
99. John "Jack" Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 11 Jun 1848 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 28 Jan 1931. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
For details of this family see "The Moffitt of Harvey Settlement, New Brunswick 1791-1991" by Emerson Moffitt.
He married Jane "Janie" Lister, daughter of David Lister & Janet Gass, 22 May 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. John M. Brooke . Born 14 Dec 1856 in Harvey Settlement. Christen 24 May 1857 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 1917. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were George Moffitt and Agnes Lister.
They had the following children:
428 i. Albion Andrew Moffitt
429 ii. Agnes Lister "Aggie" Moffitt
430 iii. David "Irvine" Moffatt
431 iv. William Earl "Billie" Moffitt
432 v. Manzer Eugene Moffitt
433 vi. Nellie Jane Moffitt
434 vii. Sydney Alvan Moffitt
435 viii. Bertha Maud Moffitt
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
100. Eleanor "Ellen" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 16 Apr 1850 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 1935 in Watertown, MA. Buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Boston, MA.
From St. Stephen Courier, 1 Oct 1874: "Married Manse, 30th Sept., by Rev. Robt. Wilson, John McKenzie and Miss Eleanor Moffitt, both of Harvey, York Co."
Ellen lived for decades with her daughter Edna in the Boston region.
Information on the MacKenzie family from C. Fred Bentley, Edmonton, Alberta, to Emerson Moffitt in Sep 1997. Fred Bentley is a descendant of this family. (Further information including dates from Brian Manson to J. Hall, Nov 1999.)
Many of the MacKenzie family are buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Boston. The MacKenzie/Horton/Hayden/Ramsay/Gordon burials are just off of Glen Avenue in Lot 7335 on Amethyst Path at its intersection with Greenbrier Path. There are thirteen names on the monument, which is beautiful polished dark granite, measuring approx. 5' long, 3.5' high and 1.5 wide, with the long axis on a North-South orientation. (From Brian Manson, Jan 2000).
The inscriptions read: North face:
HORTON, Harriett Mackenzie 1834-1934
MOTHER, Ellen Mackenzie 1850-1935
South face:
RAMSAY William W. 1877-1936
his wife Mary H. Mackenzie 1877(?)-1960
West face:
James I. Hayden Oliver Purl Gordon
1866-1943 1877-1947
his wife his wife
Sarah J. Mackenzie Catherine MacKenzie
1875-1948 1878-1958
East face:
J. Andrew MacKenzie Francis W. Thompson
1880-1951 1887-1961
his wife his wife
Elizabeth Robertson Edna M. MacKenzie
1881-1949 1886-1963
She married John Murdock MacKenzie, 30 Sep 1874 in St. Stephen. Born Mar 1848 in Rose Valley, PEI. Christen 1 Apr 1848 in Breadalbane, PEI. Died 1898 in Leadville, CO. Buried in Caledonian Cemetery, CO.
He was called "Yankee John" to distinguish him from about 5 or 6 other John MacKenzies in the Rose Valley area in the 1870s and onward.
From obituary in Leadville Colorado Herald (no date):
The funeral of Mr John MacKenzie took place yesterday from the residence of Mr Samuel D. Nicholson. Rev. A. Grant Evans officiating and was very largely attended. Among others, the Messrs. MacKenzie from Victor and Mr Murt Nicholson from Lake City were present. For some time previous to his death Mr MacKenzie had noticed various premonitory symptoms of heart weakness, but without experiencing any serious suffering or entertaining any fears of fatal results. On the day of his death he went to work as usual, but early in the afternoon quit work complaining of a pain in the chest. He went to his house after seeing a neighbor and arranging with the latter to go to work in his place. In the evening the mine foreman and engineer called to see him, but getting no reply on knocking at his door, they concluded he had gone to his nephews (Mr Nicholson) or downtown. Not having seen him in the meantime they became uneasy on the following evening and called the matter to Mr Nicholson's attention, who at once proceeded to Mr MacKenzie's house, and having affected an entrance found that he had passed peacefully away, no doubt shortly after retiring on his return from work Saturday afternoon.
The deceased lived for many years in Rose Valley, P.E.I. which he left about years ago. He leaves a large family in Rose Valley. Coroner Price of Leadville was summoned and took charge of the remains. The deceased was about 52 years of age and leaves a large number of friends and relatives in P. E. Island to mourn the loss of a kind and generous father and friend.\
They had the following children:
436 i. Sarah Jane "Sadie" MacKenzie
437 ii. Murdock John MacKenzie
438 iii. Mary Helen MacKenzie
439 iv. Catherine Elsie "Katie" MacKenzie
440 v. John "Andrew" MacKenzie
441 vi. Lavina Ann "Vinee" MacKenzie
442 vii. Harriet Anne "Hattie" MacKenzie
443 viii. Robert "Bob" MacKenzie
444 ix. Edna Menetta MacKenzie
445 x. Mabel Lucinda MacKenzie
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
101. George Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 19 Jul 1851 in Harvey. Died 7 Feb 1935 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
From undated newspaper obituary (1935):
George Moffitt Died at Harvey
Well-known Farmer Passed Away Thursday at Home of Son -- Funeral
Harvey Station, NB, Feb 9 -- George Moffitt, of Manners Sutton passed away on Thursday at the home of his son, Frank W. Moffitt. He was in his 84th year and was born in Manners Sutton where he resided all his life, engaged in farming. About two years ago he received injuries in a fall and has been an invalid every since. The deceased was well known and was of sterling character.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs Charles Swan and one son, Frank, with whom he made his home since his wife predeceased him five years ago. He leaves six grandchildren.
The funeral was held yesterday afternoon after prayers at the house from Knox Presbyterian Church and Rev. Mr Kirkland was in charge of the service. Interment was made in the Harvey cemetery.
The pallbearers were six nephews, A. Moffitt, William Moffitt, M. Moffitt, George Moffitt, Roy Moffitt, and Daniel Dow. A quartette Mrs Edgar Coburn, Miss L. Pheny, A. McCullough and Rev. Mr Kirkland sang.
He married Emily Jane Jones, daughter of Thomas H. Jones & Mary Cowe, 9 May 1879 in York Co., NB By Waldow W. Brewer, Methodist . Born 1858 in Rusagonis. Died 13 Mar 1930 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were M. B. Brewer and Mary Burke.
From newspaper obituary (undated):
Mrs George Moffatt
Harvey Station, March 17 -- The funeral of Mrs George Moffatt took place Saturday afternoon from her late home at 2.30 o'clock. Her death occurred on Thursday after two weeks' illness of heart trouble. She was 71 years of age. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and was highly respected and greatly beloved by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her husband, one son, Frank, at home, a daughter, Mrs Charles Swan; one brother, Dunbar Jones, and one sister, Mrs Frank Wood, Augusta, Me., and six grandchildren.
The services at the home and church were conducted by Rev. Geo Knight, of Knox Presbyterian Church.
They had the following children:
446 i. Andrew "Wilbert" Moffitt
447 ii. Thomas Edwin Moffitt
448 iii. Frank Wood Moffitt
449 iv. Etta Maude Moffitt
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
102. Andrew "Dan" Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 1 May 1853 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Christen 26 Jun 1853 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 1 Jan 1917 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Andrew was a farmer in Harvey. His first and second wives both died within a few months of marriage. His third marriage ended in separation.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1917):
The Late Andrew Moffitt
Tweedside, NB, Jan 8 -- The funeral of the late Andrew Moffitt of Harvey took place from the home of his brother, George Moffitt, on Tuesday last. Rev. Mr McKay conducted the service. The late Mr Moffitt had suffered for a long time with a cancer and his death was not unexpected. The deceased was in his sixty-fourth year. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, who was formerly Miss Lydia Treadwell; also six sisters and four brothers. The deepest sympathy is extended to his wife and relatives by friends in this vicinity.
He first married Annie Isabelle Till, 27 Jan 1892 in York Co., NB. Born 1874. Died 9 Mar 1892 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
He second married Catherine A. "Katie" McLeod, 1 Mar 1893 in York Co., NB. Born 1864. Died 20 May 1893.
He third married Lydia (Treadwell) Harrison, 16 Feb 1898 in York Co., NB.
Lydia was from Brockway, NB, and had two children from her previous marriage to Mr Harrison.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
103. Helena "Jane" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 2 Jan 1855 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 17 Jun 1938.
She first married Warren Toft, 1 Oct 1872 in York Co., NB By Leonard Gaetz, Wesleyan . Born 1837. Died 1918. Witnesses to marriage to Warren Toft were John Moffitt and Carrie B. Gaetz.
Helena Jane and Warren Toft lived in Tower Hill, and had eight children.
In marriage records surname is spelled "Tufts".
They had the following children:
450 i. Bessie Jane Toft
451 ii. Andrew M. Toft
452 iii. John P. Toft
453 iv. Fred Toft
454 v. Hazel Toft
455 vi. Pearl Toft
456 vii. Ella May Toft
457 viii. Helen Toft
She second married George Hyslop. Born 1844. Died 1923.
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
104. Elizabeth "Bess" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 11 Mar 1857 in Harvey Settlement, York Co, NB. Christen 14 Jun 1857 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 30 Jul 1938 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - undated:
Mrs E. Cleghorn Dead
Well Known South Tweedside Woman, Invalid for Nine Years Died at Home.
South Tweedside, NB, Aug 4--This community was deeply grieved on Saturday, July 30th, when Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn died at the age of 81 years after a long illness.
The late Mrs Cleghorn was a woman of fine qualities, generous and patient through her nine years of being confined to her home, she was loved by all who knew her and her passing has left a vacancy that will be hard to fill. She leaves to mourn their loss, four daughters, Mrs J. A. Duplessis of Sherbrooke, Que., Mrs F. J. Smith, Greenville, Me., Mrs Celia J. Stiles, Oakfield, Me., and Mrs Arthur Cleghorn with whom she lived and one son, George of Tweedside.
The funeral was held on Monday at 2:30 from her late home, the service was conducted by Rev. G. E. Knight of Saint John, which was most comforting to the relatives and others who gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased and sympathy for the bereaved family. The hymns sang were Lead Kindly Light, Does Jesus Care, and a solo Good Night Here, Good Morning up There by Rev. G. E. Knight.
There were many beautiful floral tributes from friends and relatives including sprays from the family. The pallbearers were Edward Morrow, Russell and Chester Cleghorn, William Moffitt, Irvine Moffitt and Manzer Moffitt. Interment was made in Manners Sutton Cemetery.
She married George "Dode" Cleghorn, son of George Cleghorn & Agnes Hogg. Born 28 Aug 1851 in Scotland. Died 22 Jun 1919. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
George and his wife Elizabeth Moffitt were farmers in South Tweedside, and had eleven children.
They had the following children:
458 i. George Alexander "Jordy" Cleghorn
459 ii. Ida Jane Cleghorn
460 iii. Christina A. Cleghorn
461 iv. Eva Isobel Cleghorn
462 v. Andrew Moffitt Cleghorn
463 vi. Lila Elizabeth Cleghorn
464 vii. Rose Ella "Rosy" Cleghorn
465 viii. Celia Jessie Cleghorn
466 ix. Tina Agnes Cleghorn
467 x. Wallace Alward Cleghorn
468 xi. Cora Victoria Cleghorn
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
105. Thomas Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 16 May 1859 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Christen 17 Jul 1859 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 23 Dec 1927 in Coburn (Harvey). Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Tom farmed the south half of his father's farm and built a house on the Frog Lake Road side. Tom and Mary Ann had eleven children.
From newspaper obituary - 1927:
Thomas Moffitt
Harvey Station, Dec 26 -- The funeral of the late Thomas Moffitt, of Coburn, who died on Friday morning, at the age of about 70 years, took place Christmas afternoon. Services were held at his late residence and in Knox Presbyterian Church, the pastor, Rev. Geo E. Knight, officiating. There were many beautiful floral tributes. The pallbearers were four of the sons of deceased.
Interment was in Manners Sutton Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Knox Church. He leaves a widow and six daughters and four sons.
He married Mary Ann Wightman, daughter of John Wightman & Ann Isabel "Annie" Messer, 8 Apr 1885 in York Co., NB By William Ross, Presbyterian. Born 16 May 1864 in Harvey. Christen 31 Jul 1864 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 1953 in McAdam. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Moffitt and Alice J. Wightman.
For family details, see "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement, New Brunswick 1791-1991" by Emerson Moffitt.
From newspaper obituary:
Mrs Mary Moffitt
McAdam -- Mrs Mary Ann Moffitt died at the home of her son, Fred N. Moffitt after an illness of eight months. She was the widow of Thomas Moffitt of Harvey, who predeceased her 25 years ago. Her parents, the late John and Annie Wightman were pioneers of Harvey. The last surviving is Mrs Fred Grieve, of Harvey Station, a sister.
She leaves to mourn six daughters, (Annie) Mrs Ernest Little, (Elizabeth) Mrs Stanley Harris, (Mabel) Mrs Herbert Bull, (Helen) Mrs Horace Nason; (Emma) Mrs Carroll Patterson, (Edna) Mrs Gerald Nason; four sons, Arden and Fred of McAdam, Russell and Roy of Harvey.
She leaves 39 great-grandchildren and 31 grandchildren.
Funeral service was held in Knox Presbyterian Church of which she was a member and interment in the nearby cemetery. The pallbearers were her grandsons, Hazen Little, Ronald Harris, Paul Moffitt, Edward Moffitt, Floyd Moffitt and Carl Nason, all of McAdam.
They had the following children:
469 i. Annie May Moffitt
470 ii. Andrew "Arden" Moffitt
471 iii. Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" Moffitt
472 iv. Allan Moffitt
473 v. Mabel Isabella Moffitt
474 vi. Frederick Norman Moffitt
475 vii. Helen Mary Moffitt
476 viii. Thomas "Russell" Moffitt
477 ix. Emma Selena Moffitt
478 x. Roy Sydney Moffitt
479 xi. Alice "Edna" Moffitt
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
106. Isabella S. "Bell" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 30 Mar 1862 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Christen 27 Jul 1862 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 1950.
Her name is listed as "Isabel Tate" Moffitt in Harvey Presbyterian Church baptism records (1862).
She married William Bedford Noble, 29 Sep 1880 in York Co., NB By Joseph McLeod, Free Baptist . Born 24 Dec 1852 in Rusagonis, NB. Died Sep 1941 in Rusagonis. Buried in Rusagonis Cemetery. Occupation Lumberman, Farmer.
Witnesses to marriage were Lillie Burtt and Ida McLeod.
From newspaper obituary (1941):
William B. Noble Died At His Home
Born at Rusagonis, Carried on Lumbering, was in Eighty-Ninth Year.
The death occurred at an early hour this morning at his home in Rusagonis of William Bedford Noble, in the eighty-ninth year of his age.
Mr Noble was born in Rusagonis and lived there his entire life. He carried on extensive lumbering operations in York and Sunbury Counties and was known to lumbermen throughout Canada. He also carried on farming and was known for his fair dealings, his honesty and integrity and deep interest in the welfare of the Community in which he lived. He retired from active work about eight years ago and in spite of his advanced age kept in touch with the activities of Rusagonis and the war from day to day. He will be greatly missed and his death regretted by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow, (Isabell Moffett); three sons, Charles A. Noble, with the C.P.R. Fredericton Junction; Alfred J. Noble, with the C.N.T., Moncton, and Donald B. Noble, at home; three daughters, Mrs Lottie Conant, Auburn, Me.; Miss Bessie Noble, Portland, Me., and Mrs Ludow Malloy, Milltown; two brothers, Charles Noble, of Boston and Marvin Noble, Rusagonis; a sister, Mrs Shelburn Phillips, Devon, 16 grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon with prayers at his late home at two o'clock followed by service in the United Baptist Church, Rusagonis at 2.30 o'clock by Rev. Kenneth Blakeney and interment in Rusagonis Cemetery.
They had the following children:
480 i. Lottie Amelia Noble
481 ii. Adam Thomas Noble
482 iii. Bessie Jean Noble
483 iv. Brittina Alice Noble
484 v. Charles Andrew Noble
485 vi. Alfred Joseph Noble
486 vii. Donald Bedford Noble
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
107. Robert Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 4 Apr 1865 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Christen 28 May 1865 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 31 Jan 1930. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Ref: Emerson Moffitt, "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement New Brunswick 1791-1991", 1992, p. 11, 14.
He married Mary Isabella "Bella" Hay, daughter of John "Jack" Hay & Elizabeth "Lizzie" Dorcas, 5 Oct 1887 in York Co., NB By J. A. McLean, Presbyterian . Born 11 Nov 1869 in Harvey. Died 17 Nov 1909 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were John Messer and Maggie Moffatt.
Twins born and died 17 Nov, 1909, when Isabella also died after giving birth to them, at the age of forty years.
They had the following children:
487 i. Lewis Andrew Moffitt
488 ii. John Wesley Moffitt
489 iii. Jannie Verna Moffitt
490 iv. Charlotte Elizabeth "Lottie" Moffitt
491 v. Amos Alexander Moffitt
492 vi. George McLean Moffitt
493 vii. Robert "Allen" Moffitt
494 viii. James "Melvin" Moffitt
495 ix. Agnes Isabell Moffitt
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
108. Margaret Agnes "Maggie" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 30 Jul 1867 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Christen 22 Sep 1867 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 5 Jun 1921 in Saint John . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituaries - 1921:
Messer -- At the resident of her daughter, Mrs W. Fred Clifford, 96 Portland Street, on June 5, Maggie, wife of John Messer, of Tweedside, York County, N.B., leaving her husband, six sons, five daughters, four brothers and four sisters to mourn. Interment will take place at Manners Sutton, York Co.
Mrs John Messer
The death of Mrs John Messer, of Tweedside, York County, N.B., occurred yesterday morning at the resident of her daughter, Mrs W. Fred Clifford. Mrs Messer came to visit her daughter a few days ago to receive medical treatment. The news of her death will come as a great shock to her many friends. She was a native of York County and was fifty-four years of age. The body will be taken to Manners Sutton for interment. Besides her husband, Mrs Messer leaves six son--Norman and Roy at Coburn, York County; Andrew, of Regina; and George, Leonard and Donald, at home at Tweedside; five daughters--Mrs Fred W. Clifford, of this city; Mrs Charles Bell, of Lake George, York County; Mrs Walter Steed, of Chapleau, Ont., and Emma......(rest of clipping missing)
She married John Messer, son of William Messer & Margaret Bell, 25 Jul 1888 in York Co., NB . Born 24 Mar 1867 in Tweedside, NB. Christen 14 Jul 1867 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 26 Sep 1937 in Tweedside . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
From newspaper obituary (1937):
Many Mourn Passing of Well Known Resident of Tweedside, NB
Tweedside, NB, Sept 30 -- John Messer, a well known resident of Tweedside, passed away in his sleep early Sunday morning. Discovery of the death was made by his son George, with whom he resided. Mr Messer was apparently in his usual good health and had done a good day's work on Saturday, had spent some time talking with his son and daughter before retiring at 10:30 pm. He was found dead in his bed, cause of death being placed as heart failure. He was 70 years of age.
The late John Messer was born in 1867, at Tweedside, son of the late William and Margaret Messer. He was a life-long resident of Tweedside, engaged in farming. His wife, Margaret Moffit, daughter of the late John Andrew Moffit, predeceased him by 16 years. His loss is greatly regretted in the community, where he was well and widely known and respected.
Surviving are five daughters, Mrs F. Clifford (Jannie) of Saint John; Mrs W. Stead (Alice) of Chapleau, Ontario; Mrs C. Bell (Bell) of Lake Road, NB; Mrs H. Treadwell (Emma) of Brockway, NB; Mrs Gordon David (Doris) of Tweedside; six sons, Norman and Roy, of Coburn, Leonard and Donald, of Saint John; Andrew, in the West, and George, with whom he resided; three brothers, William and Thomas, of Tweedside, and George O., of McAdam; two sisters, Mrs Charles Berry, of Boston and Mrs James Rankine, of Boston; also 33 grandchildren.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon, with service conducted by Rev Mr Kirkland. Deceased was a valued member of the Presbyterian Church. There were prayers at the home, and service in Knox Church. Pall-bearers were his three sons, Leonard, Norman and Roy, and three sons-in-law, Fred Clifford, Henry Treadwell, and Gordon Davis. Flower bearers were his sons George and Donald, and four grandsons, Willis and Willard Clifford, Lloyd and Alfred Messer. There were many beautiful floral tributes.
Favorite hymns were sung by the choir, "He Leadeth Me," "O God Our Help in Ages Past," and "Asleep in Jesus." Interment was made in the family lot at Manners Sutton.
They had the following children:
496 i. Jannie Maud Messer
497 ii. Margaret "Belle" Messer
498 iii. Norman Alwood Messer
499 iv. Mary "Alice" Victoria Messer
500 v. John "Andrew" Moffat Messer
501 vi. Roy William Messer
502 vii. George Connell Messer
503 viii. Harry "Leonard" Messer
504 ix. Emma Elizabeth Ellen Messer
505 x. Doris Mildred Christina Messer
506 xi. Donald Charles Frederick Messer
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
109. William Grieve
Son of Patrick Turnbull Grieve & Mary Piercy. Born 4 Oct 1852 in Parish Of Manners Sutton, NB. Died 21 Apr 1903 in McAdam, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
William was a farmer. He inherited Lot 7E, 1st tier, from his grandfather, William Grieve Sr. At the time of William's death he had been working in McAdam as a carpenter. William and Annie lived in Harvey.
Copied from newspaper obituary, 1903:
Well Known Resident of Harvey Passed Away at McAdam
Our Harvey Station correspondent writing Wednesday, says:
The residents of this place were much shocked yesterday morning when they learned that William Grieve had died suddenly at McAdam the night before. He had been working there as a carpenter most of the winter and had almost finished up for the season. He had not been feeling well for some days. On Monday morning he was seized with internal cramps and suffered very severely and seemed to be better in the afternoon, but in the evening he became much worse and his wife was sent for and he died shortly after she reached his bedside.
The remains were brought home at noon yesterday, and the funeral will take place this afternoon. He was about 50 years of age and leaves a widow (the daughter of Mr William Pass of Acton), three sons and two daughters; t wo sons and one daughter are nearly grown up. He also leaves an aged mother, five brothers and one sister. His brothers are John H., Thomas P. and Robert, who reside here, and George and Joseph who reside in British Columbia, Mrs Thomas Wilson of the Rear Settlement is his sister.
Mr Grieve was one of the leading farmers here, and only a short time ago purchased the Pass farm which lies along side his own. He took an active interest in public affairs, and was for some time a school trustee and secretary treasurer to the board of trustees. He was highly respected and had many warm friends, and his sudden and untimely death has cast a deep gloom over the community and many expressions of sorrow and sympathy are heard for the bereaved family.
He married Anne "Annie" Pass, daughter of William Pass & Charlotte Cockburn (Coburn), 15 Nov 1882 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt. Born 13 May 1861 in Harvey (Acton). Christen 9 Sep 1861 in St. Paul's Church Records (Fredericton). Died 12 Aug 1942 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were Patrick Grieve and Ellen Coburn.
Annie's sister, Hattie, married her husband's brother, George.
Obituary from newspaper, 1942:
Well known Harvey Station Woman, Was Daughter of One of Pioneer.
Harvey Station, Aug 28 -- Friends of Mrs Ann Grieve, widow of William Grieve, learned with regret of her death on Aug 12th at the home of her son, Cecil Grieve.
Mrs Grieve was born April 13, 1861, at Acton, NB, a daughter of William and Charlotte (Coburn) Pass. Her father was a native of Shropshire, England, and came to Canada in 1839 with his parents, settling in Acton, NB, which they named after their home in Acton, England. Mrs Grieve's mother was also a pioneer, having come to New Brunswick from Northumberland, England in the year 1837. Mrs Grieve's death removes the last member of the family.
Mrs Grieve was a member of St. Andrew's United Church, the Ladies Sewing Circle and the W.M.S. and while her health permitted, was always ready to do her share of the work of these organizations.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs George Speedy, Sudbury, Ont., and Mrs Fred Lilley, Oakfield, Me., three sons, Melvin, Wilmot and Cecil Grieve all of Harvey; twelve grandsons and six granddaughters, three great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
They had the following children:
507 i. Charles "Melvin" Grieve
508 ii. Charlotte "Lovisa" Grieve
509 iii. Wilmot Lorne Grieve
510 iv. Elizabeth Florence "Flossie" Grieve
511 v. William "Cecil" Grieve
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
110. George Alexander Smith Grieve
Son of Patrick Turnbull Grieve & Mary Piercy. Born 26 May 1854 in Harvey. Died 20 Jul 1933 in Vancouver, BC. Buried in Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, BC.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 7 May 1890:
Harvey Station (York Co.) May 5 - Geo Grieve and family left here by the C.P.R. last Monday for Nanaimo, BC.
In 1891 George was a carpenter and worked at a sawmill in Nanaimo, BC. George and Hattie were in Union (Cumberland), BC in 1894. In 1907 and 1908, George was a conductor for the CPR and lived at 1215 West 7th Ave. in the Oakridge area of Vancouver. In the early 1900s, this area was known as Langara Golf Course area of Langara. In 1909 he was a yard foreman. In 1911, his daughter Laura was living at the same address. In 1916 he was in Penticton and in 1920 and 1921, he was a rancher in Penticton, BC. From 1922 to 1929 inclusive, his address was 481 West 51st, Vancouver. In 1931, George was retired and lived at 295 West 49th. He died in Vancouver in 1933.
Obituary from Vancouver Sun, 22 Jul 1933:
GRIEVE -- PASSED AWAY JULY 20th, 1933, George Alexander Smith Grieve, late of 295 W. 49th Ave., in his 79th year. He leaves to mourn his loss besides his wife, four sons and three daughters, Sterling, City; Percy and Albert, Detriot; Mrs C. Taylor, Tecumseh; Mrs George McCaig, Seattle; Mrs H. Kirkpatrick, Penticton; also one sister and two brothers. Funeral will be held Tuesday July 25th, at 3:30 p.m. from the parlors of the Independent Undertaking Co., 705 West Broadway, Rev. A. D. Archibald officating. Interment Ocean View Burial Park.
He married Harriett "Hattie" Pass, daughter of William Pass & Charlotte Cockburn (Coburn), 24 Sep 1879 in Harvey, York Co., NB By Rev. Edward Roberts . Born 15 Jul 1859 in Harvey (Acton). Christen 19 Oct 1859 in St. Paul's Church Records (Fredericton). Died 7 Jun 1935 in Vancouver, BC.
Buried in Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, BC.
Witnesses to wedding were James Coffey and William Pass.
Hattie was found dead in a bathtub in her home. It was believed she died of natural causes. She had been suffering from heart disease for some time.
Obituary from Vancouver Sun, 12 Jun 1935:
GRIEVE -- PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY AT her home, June 7th, Harriet, widow of the late J. (sic) A. Grieve of 295 W. 49th Ave., in her 76th year. She leaves to mourn her passing four sons and three daughters, Sterling of this city, Percy and G. Albert of Detroit and William of Portland; Mrs C. Taylor of Tecumseh, Michigan; Mrs G. McCaig of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs H. C. Kirkpartrick of Penticton. The funeral will be held on Friday, June 14th, at 2 o'clock from the parlors of the Independent Funeral Service, 705 W. Broadway, Rev. H. E. Horton officiating. Interment in family plot, Ocean View Burial Park.
They had the following children:
512 i. Sterling Wilfred Grieve
513 ii. Alexander "Sandy" Grieve
514 iii. Charlotte Lavilla "Villa" Grieve
515 iv. Hattie "Mabel" Grieve
516 v. Percival Roy "Percy" Grieve
517 vi. William Lewis "Willie" Grieve
518 vii. Laura Elizabeth Grieve
519 viii. Lila May Grieve
520 ix. George "Albert" Grieve
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
111. John Henry "Jack" Grieve
Son of Patrick Turnbull Grieve & Mary Piercy. Born 4 Jun 1855 in Parish Of Manners Sutton, NB. Died 8 Aug 1925 in Victoria Public Hospital, Fredericton.
Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer And Lumber. Religion Presbyterian.
Jack was born on Lot E ( with Pratt Brook running through it) on the Magaguadvic River about half-way between Thomaston Corner and Brockway. He was a farmer and was involved in lumbering. He was also a financier as he held a number of mortgages at various times.
Jack was driving a team of horses when he touched one with a stick to increase speed. The horse kicked and drove the stick against Jack's abdomen causing internal injuries. His injuries resulted in death after several days.
From newspaper obituary - 1925:
John H. Grieve, Who Was Injured at Harvey a Few Days Ago, Died as Result
John H. Grieve, of Harvey Station, passed away Satuarday night in the Victoria Hospital in this city at the age of 70 years. Death was the result of injuries received several days ago. Mr Grieve was driving a team of horses when he touched one with a stick which he was carrying to increase the speed. The horse kicked and drove the stick against the driver's abdomen causing internal injuries.
Mr Grieve is survived by his widow and two sons, Frederick and Oswald, both of Harvey; also by two daughters, Mrs Walter Hood and Mrs Roy McMullen, of Prince William Station. Other surviving relatives are three brothers, Thomas Grieve, of Harvey, and George and Joseph Grieve of British Columbia. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs Thomas Wilson. There are fifteen grandchildren. The body was taken to Harvey today.
He married Charlotte Isabella "Belle" Coburn, daughter of Andrew Wood Cockburn (Coburn) & Elizabeth Messer, 3 Dec 1879 in Harvey, York Co., By Edward Roberts . Born 12 Oct 1857 in Harvey Settlement. Christen 13 Dec 1857 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 19 Dec 1945 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Birth date in Harvey Presbyterian Church records given as 6 Oct 1857. (Not sure which date is correct.)
Witnesses to marriage were James Whittle and Alice S. Coburn.
Belle suffered a broken hip four years before her death and although operated on she was never able to walk again.
From newspaper clipping (undated):
Harvey Station, NB, Oct 18 -- Mrs John Grieve, who has been an invalid for the past four years when she fell and broke her hip, celebrated her 87th birthday on October 12th at her home. She received a number of cards and presents, including a box of fruit from the W.M.S.
From Newspaper obituary - 1945:
Well Known Woman of Harvey Station Died in Her Eighty-eighth Year
Harvey Station, Dec 26 -- The death occurred Wednesday evening, Dec 19, at her home, of Mrs John H. Grieve, widow of the late John H. Grieve, Harvey Station, at the age of eighty-eight years, after being an invalid for five years.
Mrs Grieve suffered a broken hip and although operated on was never able to walk again. She was the daughter of the late Elizabeth and Andrew Coburn. She lived her entire life at Harvey Station, and her many friends will learn with regret of her death. She was a member of the United Church, also the Woman's Missionary Society. She is survived by four children, two daughters, Mrs Walter Hood and Mrs Roy McMullin, both of Upper Magaguadavic, NB, and two sons, Frederick and Oswald, of Harvey Station. A sister, Mrs Mary Burpee, of Nashwaaksis, also twenty-two grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
They had the following children:
521 i. Frederick Andrew Grieve
522 ii. Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Grieve
523 iii. Alice Bertha "Bertie" Grieve
524 iv. John "Oswald" Coburn Grieve
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
112. Thomas Patrick Grieve
Son of Patrick Turnbull Grieve & Mary Piercy. Born 25 Nov 1856 in Parish Of Manners Sutton, NB. Died 1 Feb 1948 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Tom and his wife Ellen were farmers in Harvey.
From newspaper obituary - 1948:
Died At 91
Thomas P. Grieve, One of Oldest Residents of Harvey, Died At His Home.
Harvey, NB, Feb 6 -- Harvey has lost one of the oldest residents in the passing of Thomas P. Grieve, at the age of 91 years.
Mr Grieve had been in his usual good health until a week before he died. He was stricken with a heavy cold and complications developed, in spite of medical care and tender nursing he passed away on Sunday, February 1st.
Mr Grieve had spent all of his life in Harvey, with the exception of a few years of his early life in California and British Columbia. He retained all his faculties until the end and had a keen memory, could tell many interesting tales of the "old days" and could remember when there was only a footpath through Harvey Station, which is now a very prosperous village.
In June 1890, he was united in marriage with Miss Ellen Wightman, who survives him, and of their union four children were born, all of whom are living, Mrs Estelle Seavey, of Auburn, Maine; Lewis Grieve, of St. Croix; Mrs Emery Lister, of McAdam; and Charles Grieve, with whom he lived, and five grandchildren, Mrs Paul Crandlemire, Lowell, Mass.; Miss Glennis Seavey, Salem, Mass.; Miss Pauline Lister, McAdam, and Ellsworth and Marina, at home; and one sister, Mrs Eleanor Wilson, of Fredericton.
The funeral was held Tuesday at two o'clock with prayers at the home and services from the United Church of which Mr Grieve was a lifelong member. Service was conducted by Rev. W. E. Aitken. Rock of Ages and Abide With Me were sung by a mixed choir and Beautiful Garden of Prayer, solo by Charles Watson.
Pallbearers were Cecil, Wilmot, Fred and Oswald Grieve and Willard Wilson, nephews of the deceased, and Emery Lister of McAdam. Interment was made in Harvey Cemetery.
He married Eleanor "Ellen" Wightman, daughter of John Wightman & Ann Isabel "Annie" Messer, 5 Jun 1890. Born 20 Dec 1871 in Tweedside. Christen 10 May 1876 in Presbyterian Church, Harvey. Died 26 Jul 1949 in McAdam. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - 1949:
Died At McAdam
Mrs Ellen Grieve, Well Known Resident of Harvey Had Been Ill Short Time.
The death of Mrs Ellen Grieve occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs Emery Lister, of McAdam, following a brief illness. Mrs Grieve was the widow of Thomas Grieve of Harvey.
Survivors are two daughters, Mrs Estelle Seavey, Auburn, Maine; Mrs Emery Lister, McAdam; two sons, Lewis, St. Croix; and Charles of Harvey; two sisters, Mrs Mary Moffitt, McAdam; and Mrs Fred Grieve of Harvey. Five grandchildren and three great grandchildren survive.
Prayer service was conducted by Rev. E. P. Wickens, pastor of the Pentecostal Church, at the home of Mrs Lister and the remains was taken to the United Church in Harvey where the deceased had been a life long member. Service was conducted by Rev. A. H. Sproule, pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church. The pallbearers were Oswald, Cecil and Wilmot Grieve, Russell and Fred Moffitt, and Willard Wilson, nephews of the deceased. Many floral tributes were received including those from the St. Andrews Sewing Circle and the Women's Missionary Society.
Interment was made in the Harvey Cemetery.
They had the following children:
525 i. Annie Estella "Stella" Grieve
526 ii. Lewis Roy Grieve
527 iii. Charles Russell Grieve
528 iv. Jennie Elizabeth Grieve
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
113. Robert Piercy "Bob" Grieve
Son of Patrick Turnbull Grieve & Mary Piercy. Born 24 Dec 1857 in Parish Of Manners Sutton, NB. Died 28 Sep 1907 in Stockton Springs, ME. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Railway Section Foreman.
Robert and Isabelle lived in Harvey until 1905 when they bought the Cape Jellison House, a hotel at Stockton Springs, Maine. In Harvey, Robert and son Oscar worked for the CPR, while Allan, the eldest son was a dispatcher for the Boston & Maine Railroad in Bangor, Maine. Son Everett was very musical, he was a pupil of Annie Smith, a well known teacher in Harvey, and later became quite famous as a musician and composer in Maine.
Robert suffered a serious injury from which he did not recover. Sons Allan died after an illness of three days, and Wallace, age 17 years, died of tuberculosis of the lungs--three deaths in the family within a short period of time.
He married Isabelle "Belle" Robison, daughter of Marshall Robison & Mary Herbert, 23 Nov 1881 in Fredericton, York Co., NB By James Scott Mullin . Born 1 May 1860 in Harvey. Christen 17 Jun 1860 in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 17 Sep 1932 in Camden, ME. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were Thomas R. Rutherford and Jane Robinson.
After Bob died, Belle married Rupert (Jack) M. Dorr on 9 June, 1910 at Searsport, ME.
From newspaper obituary - 1932:
Mrs Isabell Dorr, Formerly of Harvey, Passes Away--Buried at Harvey.
Harvey Station, Sept 19 -- Many friends learned with much regret of the passing of Mrs Isabell Dorr, aged 72 years, of Camden, Maine, a former resident of Harvey Station, on Saturday morning, Sept 17th, after a lingering illness of 3 years.
In the arrival of the body on Sunday accompanied by Mr and Mrs Everett Grieve, Mr and Mrs Lawrence Richards and Mrs Robt Little, was taken to St. James United Church, where they rested until Monday, 2 p.m., when the funeral service was held. Rev. A. MacKay conducted the service, music was furnished by Prof. J. Peterson, assisted by the choir, when hymns by request were sung. Home of the Lord, Face to Face, Wait and Murmur Not, were sung by Misses Elda Robison and Dora Hunter.
The floral tributes were many and beautiful showing the high esteem of the late Mrs Dorr.
The pall bearers were six nephews, Messrs. Cecil Grieve, Oswald Grieve, Charles Grieve, Clarence Little, Howard Robison, Marshall Robison, and interment in the Harvey Cemetery.
Those who survive are two sons, Oscar Grieve, of Calgary, Alberta; Everett Grieve, of Camden; Mrs Lawrence Richards, of Camden; six grandchildren, one sister, Mrs Robt Little, York Mills; four brothers, Andrew Robison of Harvey Station; Robert Robison, Alexander Robison and Kenneth Robison, of Vancouver, BC. Also a host of nephews, nieces and other relatives and friends.
Mrs Dorr was formerly Miss Isabel Robison of Harvey Station, and was twice married, her first husband being R. P. Grieve of Harvey Station. They lived in Harvey until about 26 years ago when they moved toa Cape Jelllison, Maine.
While in Harvey Mrs Dorr was a willing worker and always ready to help those who were in trouble. She was a charter member of the first Ladies Sewing Circle organized 46 years ago, and worked hard to raise the money that helped to build St. James Church. She was a very active church member and worked in all the branches of the church.
After Mr Grieve died 25 years ago, Mrs Dorr moved to Camden, Maine where she had lived every since. While in good health, she was happiest ministering to those around her who were in need.
Mrs Dorr predeceased her sons years ago and she has lived with her daughter until a few years ago.
They had the following children:
529 i. Allan Lewis Grieve
530 ii. Oscar Marshall Grieve
531 iii. Wallace McGregor Grieve
532 iv. Gilbert Grieve
533 v. Robert "Everett" Grieve
534 vi. Frank Grieve
535 vii. Kenneth Joseph Alexander Grieve
536 viii. Margaret Luella Grieve
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
114. Joseph Wesley "Joe" Grieve
Son of Patrick Turnbull Grieve & Mary Piercy. Born 29 Aug 1859 in Harvey. Died 10 Jan 1937 in New Westminister, BC. Buried in Fort Langley Cemetery, BC. Occupation Farmer.
Joe was known as "Black Joe" because of his black hair and to distinguish him from others called Joe. He moved to BC sometime after 1881, and settled on Vancouver Island in the Comox area. He went twice to the Klondike prospecting for gold.
His farm was 60 acres located in the Comox area. Joe cleared the land and made it into a dairy farm. He also became foreman of the Courtenay Milk Condensory.
In 1919, Joe and his family sold everything and moved to a farm located on the banks of the Fraser River in Glen Valley (East Langley). The family arrived at the farm in March 1920. The farm was eventually taken over by his son Bill until his retirement when it was sold.
Joe's obituary refers to him by his middle name "Wesley", but his gravestone has Joseph W.
Copied from obituary - 1937:
GRIEVE -- Passed away after a short illness on January 10th, 1937, Wesley Grieve, aged 77 years, of Glen Valley, BC. He leaves to mourn his passing besides his widow, two sons, William I. of Pitt Meadows and John W. at home, also five daughters, Mrs C. Welse(sic) of Alberta, Mrs I. Armstrong of Cheam View, BC, Mrs A. McClelland(sic) and Mrs D. McClelland(sic) both of Glen Valley, BC, and Miss Phyllis at home.
The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Fort Langley United church, Rev. J. H. Hobbins officiating. Interment in the Fort Langley cemetery. Columbia Funeral Service in charge.
He married Adaline "Blanche" Davis, daughter of William "Isaac" Davis & Jane Bryden, 12 Feb 1902 in Courtenay, BC. Born 28 Apr 1875 in Parish Of Richmond, Carleton Co., NB. Died 19 Jun 1949 in New Westminster, BC. Buried in Fort Langley Cemetery, BC.
Blanche was born in the Parish of Richmond, Carleton County, NB, the oldest of three daughters and one son of William "Isaac" Davis and Jane Bryden. The Davis farmily moved to BC when their children were young. Blanche was also known as "Addie", short for Adaline.
Copied from The Columbian (New Westminister), Mon., 20 Jun 1949:
Addie Blanche Grieve, 225 Sixth street, New Westminister, passed away in the Royal Columbia hospital on Sunday.
Born in New Brunswick, 74 years ago, she lived in Courtenay for 40 years and in Glen Valley for 26 years. Three years ago she moved to the Royal City.
She is survived by two sons, William, East Langley; John, Winnipeg; five daughters, Mrs C. Wiltse, Stettler, Alta.; Mrs A. McLellan, East Langley; Mrs I. Armstrong, Chilliwack; Mrs D. McLellan, Glen Valley; Miss Phyllis Grieve, New Westminister; one sister, Mrs L. Mounce, North Vancouver; 22 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Funeral service will be at St. Andrew's United church, Fort Langley, Tuesday, at 3:30 pm with Rev. G. R. Tench, officiating. Interment will be in the Fort Langley cemetery.
They had the following children:
537 i. Myrtle Irene Grieve
538 ii. Alma May Grieve
539 iii. William Isaac "Bill" Grieve
540 iv. Etta Roberta Grieve
541 v. Mary Elizabeth "Liz" Grieve
542 vi. John Wesley "Jack" Grieve
543 vii. Phyllis Lorraine Grieve
Descendents of Thomas Piercy (ca 1760 - unknown)
and Elizabeth Unknown (unknown)
Fourth Immigrant Generation
115. Eleanor Turnbull Grieve
Daughter of Patrick Turnbull Grieve & Mary Piercy. Born 23 Feb 1861 in Harvey, NB. Died 12 Sep 1952 in McAdam, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
The youngest of seven children and the only girl, Eleanor was born 23 February 1861, three months after her father, Patrick Turnbull Grieve had died.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1952:
The death of Mrs Eleanor Turnbull Wilson, age 91, occurred Sept. 12, 1952 at the home of her daughter, Mrs Amos Moffitt, McAdam, after an illness of several months.
She was born in Harvey Sta., York Co,, where she lived the greater part of her life. During the last four years she had made her home with her daughters and had been with Mrs Moffitt since March. She was a member of the United Baptist Church.
She is survived by one son, Willard, McAdam, and 7 daughters: Mrs Judson Gregg, Toronto; Mrs Herbert Kimball, Springfield, Mass.; Miss Mabel Wilson, Portland, Maine; Mrs Alexander Wood and Mrs Clarence Swan both of Harvey, and Mrs Amos Moffitt, McAdam.
The funeral service was held at the home of Mrs Moffitt, conducted by Rev. B. R. Hamilton, pastor of the United Baptist Church, assisted by Rev. D. C. Johnstone of St. Paul's United Church. Pallbearers were 6 grandsons, Herbert and Arleigh Wilson, Eugene Moffitt, George Wood, Richard Dykeman and Charles Kimball.
Interment was made in the Harvey Cemetery.
She married Thomas Wilson, son of Thomas Wilson & Janet Little, 28 Mar 1881 in St. Pauls Church, Fredericton, N.B. By Rev. A. J. Mowatt . Born 8 Dec 1853 in Harvey, NB. Died 28 Jan 1927 in Harvey Sta., NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were William Grieve and Annie Pass.
Tom was an only son, he was a farmer and the family lived on the farm first settled by his father. Tom's first wife was Levina Little, daughter of Matthew Little and Isabella Hay. Levina died giving birth to a son who also died. His second marriage was to Eleanor Grieve, in 1881.
From newspaper obituary - 1 Feb 1927:
Thos Wilson Dies At Harvey Station
Harvey Station, Feb 1 -- The death occurred at his home here on Friday morning of Thomas Wilson, one of Harvey's most respected residents, at the age of 73 years. Mr Wilson had been a lifelong resident of this locality, having been engaged in farming for many years. Although in failing health for several years he remained active and interested in the life of the community until death came suddenly at the last.
He is survived by his wife, who was Eleanor T. Grieve; three sons, Hugh A., of Harvey; Willard N. of McAdam, and Thomas E. of New York; and seven daughters, Mrs J. A. Wood of Tweedside, Mrs Amos Moffitt of McAdam, Mrs Gordon Dykeman of Hoquiam, Wash., the Misses Mabel and Helen, of Portland, Me., and the Misses Zella and Dora, at home.
The funeral took place from his late residence on Sunday afternoon and was very largely attended. Rev. G. E. Knight, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Harvey, conducted a very impressive funeral service and sang a lovely solo, "Will the Circle Be Unbroken." Other hymns sung were "Asleep In Jesus" and "Peace, Perfect Peace."
Interment was made in the Manners Sutton Cemetery.
They had the following children:
544 i. Mary "Alma" Wilson
545 ii. Jennie Myrtle Wilson
546 iii. Hugh Alvin Wilson
547 iv. Nellie Wilson
548 v. (Infant) Wilson
549 vi. Willard Newton Wilson
550 vii. Ellen "Selena" Wilson
551 viii. Thomas Earl Wilson
552 ix. Reta Lillian Wilson
553 x. Mabel Lela Wilson
554 xi. Zella May Wilson
555 xii. Dora Lucille Wilson
556 xiii. Gladys Elizabeth Wilson
557 xiv. Helen Muriel Wilson
Allen, Helen Cameron 210
Allen, Mary DeLancy 211
Allen, William DeLancy, spouse of 32
Atcheson, Catherine "Kitty", spouse of 42
Atcheson, Mary Ann, spouse of 19
Berkeley, Annetta "Nettie" 201
Berkeley, Belle 205
Berkeley, Estella Agnes 207
Berkeley, John Reverley, spouse of 29
Berkeley, Lance Isaac 203
Berkeley, Minnie Rose 200
Berkeley, Reverly 204
Berkeley, Walter Drew 206
Berkeley, William Matthew 202
Burrell, Agnes 386
Burrell, Annie Norah 378
Burrell, Annie Winnifred 251
Burrell, Arthur Alexander Gordon 374
Burrell, Carrie Mae (Carolyn May) 394
Burrell, George Piercy, spouse of 46
Burrell, Helen "Josephine" 399
Burrell, Mary Ann "Lettie" 388
Burrell, Odbur Andrew "Bunny" 403
Burrell, Robert Simpson "Sim" 91
Burrell, Robert Walter "Simpson" 248
Burrell, Sarah Elizabeth Jane "Bessie" 312
Burrell, Thomas A. S., spouse of 64
Burrell, Victoria 360
Burrell, Wallace "Hazen" 379
Burrell, Wilbert Alexander 408
Burrell, Willis Embleton "Dutch" 409
Cameron, William M., spouse of 30
Cleghorn, George "Dode", spouse of 104
Cleghorn, George Alexander "Jordy" 458
Cleghorn, George Thomas "Tommy" 323
Cleghorn, James William "Jim" 327
Cleghorn, John "Joak", spouse of 69
Cleghorn, Leonard Milledge 330
Cleghorn, Lila Elizabeth 463
Cleghorn, Margaret "Maggie" 331
Cleghorn, Margaret Agnes "Maggie" 333
Cleghorn, Mary Elizabeth "Jane" 334
Cleghorn, Robert Alexander "Bob" 324
Cleghorn, Rose Ella "Rosy" 464
Cleghorn, Tina Agnes 466
Cleghorn, Wallace Alward 467
Cleghorn, Walter Ervine 328
Cleghorn, William "Bill", spouse of 70
Coburn, Andrew Lambert "Bert" 224
Coburn, Charlotte Isabella "Belle", spouse of 111
Coburn, Eleanor "Ellen", spouse of 92
Coburn, Elizabeth Ann "Betsy Ann" 44
Coburn, Elizabeth Edith "Bessie" 320
Coburn, Elizabeth Etta "Pearle" 237
Coburn, Elizabeth Victoria "Lizzie" 216
Coburn, Florence Christina "Flossie" 321
Coburn, George Harvey Lesley 213
Coburn, George Wesley "Wes" 228
Coburn, Georgie Ann Nesbitt "Annie" 221
Coburn, Isabella "Belle", spouse of 87
Coburn, James "Alexander" MacLean 219
Coburn, James "Edgar" 322
Coburn, James Alexander "Sandy" 229
Coburn, John "Franklin" Chambers 214
Coburn, John Ervin, spouse of 66
Coburn, Mary Helena "Mame" 218
Coburn, Minnie Gertrude J. 232
Coburn, Thomas Wilbert "Wil" 230
Coburn, Tressa Bertina, spouse of 63
Coburn, William Walter "Lewis" 217
Cockburn (Coburn), George, spouse of 8
Davis, Adaline "Blanche", spouse of 114
Dorcas, Andrew Thomas, spouse of 48
Embleton, Eleanor Camilla "Ellen", spouse of 60
Embleton, Elisha, spouse of 72
Embleton, Grace Winnifred, spouse of 96
Embleton, Mary Christina Estella 281
Embleton, Robert Wilson, spouse of 56
Embleton, Roy Winslow Deforest 282
Embleton, Sarah Ella "Sadie" 279
Embleton, Walter Piercy 278
Embleton, Wilbert Arthur 276
Fanjoy, Edith Christina 307
Fanjoy, Gladys Wilhelmina 306
Fanjoy, Sarah "Ellen" 305
Fanjoy, Wallace DeForest, spouse of 62
Fanjoy, William Alexander 308
Goodale, Julia, spouse of 67
Grieve, Alexander "Sandy" 513
Grieve, Alice Bertha "Bertie" 523
Grieve, Allan Lewis 529
Grieve, Alma May 538
Grieve, Annie Estella "Stella" 525
Grieve, Charles "Melvin" 507
Grieve, Charles Russell 527
Grieve, Charlotte "Lovisa" 508
Grieve, Charlotte Lavilla "Villa" 514
Grieve, Eleanor Turnbull 115
Grieve, Elizabeth Florence "Flossie" 510
Grieve, Etta Roberta 540
Grieve, Frank 534
Grieve, Frederick Andrew 521
Grieve, George "Albert" 520
Grieve, George Alexander Smith 110
Grieve, Gilbert 532
Grieve, Hattie "Mabel" 515
Grieve, Isabella "Belle", spouse of 26
Grieve, Jennie Elizabeth 528
Grieve, John "Oswald" Coburn 524
Grieve, John Henry "Jack" 111
Grieve, John Wesley "Jack" 542
Grieve, Joseph Wesley "Joe" 114
Grieve, Kenneth Joseph Alexander 535
Grieve, Laura Elizabeth 518
Grieve, Lewis Roy 526
Grieve, Lila May 519
Grieve, Margaret "Maggie", spouse of 59
Grieve, Margaret Luella 536
Grieve, Mary Elizabeth "Liz" 541
Grieve, Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" 522
Grieve, Myrtle Irene 537
Grieve, Oscar Marshall 530
Grieve, Patrick Turnbull, spouse of 17
Grieve, Percival Roy "Percy" 516
Grieve, Phyllis Lorraine 543
Grieve, Robert "Everett" 533
Grieve, Robert Piercy "Bob" 113
Grieve, Sterling Wilfred 512
Grieve, Thomas Patrick 112
Grieve, Wallace McGregor 531
Grieve, William 109
Grieve, William "Cecil" 511
Grieve, William Henry, spouse of 29
Grieve, William Isaac "Bill" 539
Grieve, William Lewis "Willie" 517
Grieve, Wilmot Lorne 509
Harrison, Lydia (Treadwell), spouse of 102
Hay, Albert Alexander "Ab" 371
Hay, Annie May 372
Hay, Cora Davis 373
Hay, Ella Marion 370
Hay, John Alexander, spouse of 90
Hay, Mary Isabella "Bella", spouse of 107
Hay, Priscilla Jane "Celia" 369
Henderson, Mary, spouse of 2
Hood, Sarah, spouse of 83
Hyslop, George, spouse of 103
Johnston, George Henry Alfred 410
Johnston, Gordon 414
Johnston, Hilda 411
Johnston, Jennette "Janet", spouse of 94
Johnston, Mabel May 413
Johnston, Robert Burrell 415
Johnston, Thomas Cockburn, spouse of 97
Johnston, Vernon 412
Jones, Emily Jane, spouse of 101
Kelly, Janet I. "Janie", spouse of 57
Lister, Annie Piercy 158
Lister, David Edward 144
Lister, Dora May 351
Lister, Edward Irving, spouse of 21
Lister, Eleanor "Ellen" 141
Lister, Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" 154
Lister, Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie" 142
Lister, Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie", spouse of 65
Lister, Emery Irvine 354
Lister, George Odbur 350
Lister, Ida May 157
Lister, Isabel Victoria 153
Lister, Isabella Victoria "Bell" 155
Lister, James "DeWitt" Talmage 146
Lister, James M., spouse of 20
Lister, Jane "Janie", spouse of 99
Lister, Jane Agnes 137
Lister, Jane Agnes 139
Lister, John Edward 151
Lister, Lottie Selena 156
Lister, Mabel Victoria 352
Lister, Margaret Ann 138
Lister, Margaret "Ellen" 150
Lister, Mary Agnes 149
Lister, Mary Isabel 140
Lister, Mary Jane 355
Lister, Matthew Henry 148
Lister, Matthew Henry "Harry" 143
Lister, Matthew Henry, spouse of 75
Lister, Nicholas 136
Lister, Nicholas E. 147
Lister, Roy McLean 353
Lister, Thomas Harvey 152
Lister, Thomas Irvine 349
Lister, Ward M. 145
Lord, Samuel A., spouse of 80
Lyttle, Anna Matilda "Annie", spouse of 28
MacKenzie, Catherine Elsie "Katie" 439
MacKenzie, Edna Menetta 444
MacKenzie, Harriet Anne "Hattie" 442
MacKenzie, John "Andrew" 440
MacKenzie, John Murdock, spouse of 100
MacKenzie, Lavina Ann "Vinee" 441
MacKenzie, Mabel Lucinda 445
MacKenzie, Mary Helen 438
MacKenzie, Murdock John 437
MacKenzie, Robert "Bob" 443
MacKenzie, Sarah Jane "Sadie" 436
McClymont, Elizabeth Maud "Lizzie" 366
McClymont, James Russell 368
McClymont, John Henry 367
McClymont, Margaret Ann "Maggie" 364
McClymont, Mary Almira 365
McClymont, Peter, spouse of 89
McCullough, Agnes 55
McCullough, Andrew Ernest "Dan" 268
McCullough, Annie 271
McCullough, Dora Lorena "Rena" 267
McCullough, Harry Albert 269
McCullough, Ida Minetta Maud "Daisy" 270
McCullough, Isabel "Gertrude" 266
McCullough, Isabella 54
McCullough, Jane 53
McCullough, Marjory Annetta 265
McCullough, Mary 52
McCullough, Minnie "Lulu" 273
McCullough, Peter Sterling 264
McCullough, Peter, spouse of 9
McCullough, Sarah Mavilla "Pearl" 272
McCullough, Thomas 51
McCullough, William 50
McKay, Elizabeth Henderson "Lizzie" 33
McKay, Ellen 36
McKay, Isabella 32
McKay, John 37
McKay, John Robertson, spouse of 7
McKay, Mary 30
McKay, Mary "Helen" 208
McKay, Matthew Piercy Brooke 39
McKay, Minna Gertrude 35
McKay, Sarah Jane 38
McKay, Thomas 34
McKay, William 31
McLeod, Catherine A. "Katie", spouse of 102
McPhee, Bertha May 183
McPhee, Horace Matthew 181
McPhee, Joseph, spouse of 25
McPhee, Mabel Agnes 182
McPhee, Thomas "Judson" MD 180
McPhee, Wallace Piercy 184
McPhee, Walter Sterling 179
Messer, Donald Charles Frederick 506
Messer, Doris Mildred Christina 505
Messer, Emma Elizabeth Ellen 504
Messer, George Connell 502
Messer, Harry "Leonard" 503
Messer, Jannie Maud 496
Messer, John "Andrew" Moffat 500
Messer, John, spouse of 108
Messer, Margaret "Belle" 497
Messer, Mary "Alice" Victoria 499
Messer, Norman Alwood 498
Messer, Roy William 501
Moffatt, David "Irvine" 430
Moffitt, Agnes Isabell 495
Moffitt, Agnes Lister "Aggie" 429
Moffitt, Agnes, spouse of 6
Moffitt, Albion Andrew 428
Moffitt, Alice "Edna" 479
Moffitt, Allan 472
Moffitt, Amos Alexander 491
Moffitt, Andrew "Arden" 470
Moffitt, Andrew "Dan" 102
Moffitt, Andrew "Wilbert" 446
Moffitt, Andrew, spouse of 16
Moffitt, Annie May 469
Moffitt, Bertha Maud 435
Moffitt, Charlotte Elizabeth "Lottie" 490
Moffitt, Eleanor "Ellen" 100
Moffitt, Elizabeth "Bess" 104
Moffitt, Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" 471
Moffitt, Emma Selena 477
Moffitt, Etta Maude 449
Moffitt, Frank Wood 448
Moffitt, Frederick Norman 474
Moffitt, George 101
Moffitt, George McLean 492
Moffitt, Helen Mary 475
Moffitt, Helena "Jane" 103
Moffitt, Isabella S. "Bell" 106
Moffitt, James "Melvin" 494
Moffitt, Jannie Verna 489
Moffitt, John "Jack" 99
Moffitt, John Wesley 488
Moffitt, Lewis Andrew 487
Moffitt, Mabel Isabella 473
Moffitt, Manzer Eugene 432
Moffitt, Margaret Agnes "Maggie" 108
Moffitt, Mary Ann 98
Moffitt, Nellie Jane 433
Moffitt, Robert 107
Moffitt, Robert "Allen" 493
Moffitt, Roy Sydney 478
Moffitt, Sydney Alvan 434
Moffitt, Thomas 105
Moffitt, Thomas "Russell" 476
Moffitt, Thomas Edwin 447
Moffitt, William Earl "Billie" 431
Neill, Annie, spouse of 31
Nesbitt, Edith 335
Nesbitt, Isabella Christina "Tina", spouse of 71
Nesbitt, Margaret Ann, spouse of 41
Noble, Adam Thomas 481
Noble, Alfred Joseph 485
Noble, Bessie Jean 482
Noble, Brittina Alice 483
Noble, Charles Andrew 484
Noble, Donald Bedford 486
Noble, Lottie Amelia 480
Noble, William Bedford, spouse of 106
Pass, Anne "Annie", spouse of 109
Pass, Arthur Gordon 244
Pass, Charles "Wesley" 241
Pass, Eleanor Johnson "Ellen" 240
Pass, Elizabeth "Lila" 245
Pass, George Venables 242
Pass, Harriett "Hattie", spouse of 110
Pass, John Coburn Jr. 243
Pass, John Cockburn "Jack", spouse of 44
Pass, Mary Ann 238
Pass, Susan Charlotte "Susie" 239
Pass, William Everett "Willie" 246
Patterson, Jane Moody "Janie", spouse of 95
Piercy (Pearcy), Alexander William 286
Piercy (Pearcy), Wilbur 287
Piercy (Percy), Thomas 288
Piercy (Percy), Walter Russell 283
Piercy, Agnes 29
Piercy, Agnes Ella 129
Piercy, Agnes Margaret "Maggie" 185
Piercy, Alexander 197
Piercy, Alfred Warden "Ward" 300
Piercy, Alice 284
Piercy, Alvin Henry 190
Piercy, Alward Elisha 344
Piercy, Andrew 11
Piercy, Andrew 130
Piercy, Ann 15
Piercy, Ann P. "Annie" 80
Piercy, Archie Lister 192
Piercy, Barbara Elizabeth "Betty" 70
Piercy, Bessie Lavina 299
Piercy, Bowman 346
Piercy, Clarence 343
Piercy, Donald Cameron 319
Piercy, Dora 347
Piercy, Dora Bertina 311
Piercy, Edith Sarah 298
Piercy, Edna Adeline 193
Piercy, Edward Irvine 125
Piercy, Eleanor "Ellen" 20
Piercy, Eleanor "Maria" 84
Piercy, Elizabeth 7
Piercy, Elizabeth 76
Piercy, Elizabeth "Bess" 56
Piercy, Elizabeth "Lizzy" 27
Piercy, Elizabeth Camilla 303
Piercy, Elizabeth Dorothy 134
Piercy, Elizabeth Selena "Lena" 118
Piercy, Ellen Isabelle 188
Piercy, Ernest 337
Piercy, Ethel Annie 191
Piercy, Franklin Boothby 318
Piercy, Frederick Winter 356
Piercy, Gates Poore 342
Piercy, George 3
Piercy, George 348
Piercy, George 77
Piercy, George Alexander 67
Piercy, George Lister 341
Piercy, George Martin "Dodd" 296
Piercy, George Thomas 71
Piercy, Guy Irvine Walter 309
Piercy, Harvey Wilson 122
Piercy, Henry "Harry" 59
Piercy, Henry S. 196
Piercy, Henry William "Harry" 314
Piercy, Ida Catherine 135
Piercy, Isabella 61
Piercy, Isabella 9
Piercy, Isabella "Bell" 25
Piercy, Isabella "Belle" 117
Piercy, Isabella Christina "Tina" 64
Piercy, James 65
Piercy, James 74
Piercy, James "Artall" 304
Piercy, James "Jim" 345
Piercy, James Leslie 178
Piercy, James Oscar 310
Piercy, James Walter B. 123
Piercy, Jane 22
Piercy, Jane 72
Piercy, Jane "Victoria" 131
Piercy, Jean 194
Piercy, John 19
Piercy, John 79
Piercy, John Frederick 120
Piercy, John Nesbitt 339
Piercy, Joseph "Stanley" 198
Piercy, Joseph Berkley "Bert" 133
Piercy, Lillian Jane 297
Piercy, Margaret 5
Piercy, Margaret 68
Piercy, Margaret "Jane" 16
Piercy, Margaret "Maggie" 23
Piercy, Margaret Agnes 121
Piercy, Margaret Ann 69
Piercy, Margaret Isabella 81
Piercy, Margaret Jane "Maggie" 62
Piercy, Margaret Velma 338
Piercy, Margery 127
Piercy, Mary 17
Piercy, Mary 58
Piercy, Mary 75
Piercy, Mary 8
Piercy, Mary Ann 195
Piercy, Mary Ann 21
Piercy, Mary Ellen Jane 124
Piercy, Mary Jane 78
Piercy, Mary Jane "Maida" 189
Piercy, Matilda "Caroline" 82
Piercy, Matthew 6
Piercy, Matthew 60
Piercy, Matthew Alexander 116
Piercy, Matthew Austin 177
Piercy, Matthew Fraser 187
Piercy, Matthew Henderson 128
Piercy, Matthew Henry 24
Piercy, Minnie Irene 301
Piercy, Phillis 85
Piercy, Robert 14
Piercy, Robert 4
Piercy, Robert 73
Piercy, Robert "Alvin" 302
Piercy, Robert Francis 176
Piercy, Robert Henry 83
Piercy, Rose Lavina 126
Piercy, Roy G. 340
Piercy, Samuel Johnson 26
Piercy, Samuel Walter "Lister" 313
Piercy, Sarah "Fanny" 186
Piercy, Sarah "Sadie" 66
Piercy, Sarah Ellen "Nellie" 315
Piercy, Stanley 316
Piercy, Thomas 1
Piercy, Thomas 10
Piercy, Thomas 13
Piercy, Thomas 2
Piercy, Thomas 332
Piercy, Thomas 57
Piercy, Thomas "Ward" 336
Piercy, Thomas "Wesley" 119
Piercy, Thomas H. 18
Piercy, Walter 12
Piercy, Walter 63
Piercy, Walter Henderson 28
Piercy, Walter James 317
Piercy, Walter Wallace 199
Piercy, Walter Wallace 295
Piercy, William Thomas 132
Piercy, Winnifred "Winnie" 285
Poor, Gates, spouse of 76
Robison, Isabelle "Belle", spouse of 113
Speedy, Andrew Tait "Dan" 417
Speedy, Archibald Noble 426
Speedy, Eva May 424
Speedy, George Albert 422
Speedy, Jane Eleanor "Janie" 418
Speedy, Jane, spouse of 18
Speedy, John Alexander 419
Speedy, Margaret Isabella "Maggie" 420
Speedy, Mary Agnes McLean 425
Speedy, Myrtle Olive 427
Speedy, Robert "Nelson" 423
Speedy, Thomas Alexander 416
Speedy, William "Allen" 421
Speedy, William A., spouse of 98
Stannix, Clarence Odbur 385
Stannix, Jennie Faile 381
Stannix, Joseph Earl 383
Stannix, Odbur, spouse of 93
Stannix, Vera Ann 384
Stannix, Verna 380
Stannix, William B. 382
Swan, Elizabeth H. "Bessie", spouse of 43
Swan, Ella May 164
Swan, George Alexander 253
Swan, George Davidson 162
Swan, George Frederick "Fred" 163
Swan, Henry "Ernest" 165
Swan, Henry "Harry", spouse of 22
Swan, Henry Thomas "Harry" 254
Swan, James 159
Swan, Jane Agnes "Aggie" 161
Swan, John "Arthur" Walter 252
Swan, John Moffitt, spouse of 47
Swan, Mary Winnifred "Mame" 255
Swan, Matthew 160
Swan, Sarah Jane "Janie", spouse of 43
Swan, Sarah, spouse of 12
Tait, Margaret, spouse of 13
Taylor, Annie Theresa, spouse of 95
Till, Annie Isabelle, spouse of 102
Till, Letitia E., spouse of 74
Toft, Andrew M. 451
Toft, Bessie Jane 450
Toft, Ella May 456
Toft, Fred 453
Toft, Hazel 454
Toft, Helen 457
Toft, John P. 452
Toft, Pearl 455
Toft, Warren, spouse of 103
Urquhart, Solomon A., spouse of 38
Valley, David Coleman, spouse of 85
Valley, Stephen Piercy 357
Wainhouse, Ann 362
Wainhouse, Apelina 363
Wainhouse, William, spouse of 89
Wightman, Eleanor "Ellen", spouse of 112
Wightman, Eleanor "Ellen", spouse of 14
Wightman, Mary Ann, spouse of 105
Wilson, (Infant) 548
Wilson, Dora Lucille 555
Wilson, Ellen "Selena" 550
Wilson, Gladys Elizabeth 556
Wilson, Helen Muriel 557
Wilson, Hugh Alvin 546
Wilson, Jennie Myrtle 545
Wilson, Mabel Lela 553
Wilson, Mary "Alma" 544
Wilson, Nellie 547
Wilson, Reta Lillian 552
Wilson, Thomas Earl 551
Wilson, Thomas, spouse of 115
Wilson, Willard Newton 549
Wilson, Zella May 554
Winter, Ann, spouse of 3
Winters, Charles B., spouse of 38
Wood, Agnes Moffit "Aggie" 167
Wood, Antoinetta Alexandrina "Nettie" 174
Wood, Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie" 169
Wood, Frances Seeley "Fanny" 170
Wood, George Archibald "Archie" Bower 175
Wood, George Thomas Alvard 173
Wood, George, spouse of 23
Wood, Jessie 168
Wood, Laura Isabella 171
Wood, Mary Ellen 172
Wood, Peter Seaman Cleghorn 166
Worden, Edgar 289
Worden, George Wellington, spouse of 58
Worden, Murray 294
Worden, Sarah Emmiline "Sadie" 293
Worden, Tina May 290
Worden, Walter 292
Worden, Winnifred 291
Yandall, Byron A. 212