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Old Harvey Postcard collection

The use of postcards became very popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as they were a quick and easy way for individuals to communicate short messages, and particularly because they could be sent for a lower fee than a regular letter.  As many cards were printed with interesting images they often became a keepsake and have been preserved.  This page features privately produced postcards (which require a postage stamp) and government issued postal cards (which have the postage preprinted on them) that feature images of Harvey Settlement and surrounding communities, as well as commercial messages sent by merchants and officials in the area.  As the images on the postcards were taken by professional photographers they often provide views of the community, which typically do not appear on other available photographs.


Postal card: 1878.01.12 Commercial Communication – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1878 Rutherford Post Card (Front)


To:  A. McBean Esq.

133 Granville Street



Printed by British American Bank Note Co Montreal

1878 Rutherford Post Card (Front)


Harvey Station

12 Jan 1878




I have not yet received my Dec papers. Please send them on as it stops me from getting Jany orders.


Respectfully Yours

J. Rutherford

1880.12.22 Post Card Front


To:  Mr B King

St. Stephen

1880.12.22 Post Card back


Harvey Station

Dec 22, 1880


Mr King


*****   ***** Please send me a Ble of parifin oil *****

Send soon as posable as I am Intirely out


Yours very truly

WWE Smith

Postal card: 1880.12.22 Commercial Communication – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

Postal card: 1881.04.04 Commercial Communication – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON



To:  J.B. Barker & Sons

King Street

St. John, N.B.



Harvey Station

York Co

1st Ap. 1881


Please send me immediately

25 lb. Blue *****

25 lb. *****


And much oblige

James Skene

Postal card: 1881.11.14 Commercial Communication – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON



To:  Mssr W. B. King

St Stephen



Harvey Station

Nov 14 1881


Pleas send me Barrel

Of parafine oil


And oblige


Thomas Coburn

Postal card: 1896.08.13 Commercial Communication – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1896.08.13.Post Card (front)


To:  Union Furniture Co

Bass River

Nova Scotia



Express agent here pays. Dominion Express would cash at face at any of their office in Canada, United States or Europe.  He wants to know what company make the charge of 25 ***.  I paid 15 *** for the order and took receipt then for with that other *** on the face of it.


Harvey Sta. C.P.R.

N.B. Aug. 12, 1896


Yours truly

John Taylor

Postcard: Oct 21, 1907  Black and White photograph of postcard - Collection of late Jocelean Swan Hall photographed by Tim Patterson Oct 2004

Harvey Station east side


Image is of “Harvey Station, East Side” published for Mrs. W.W.E. Smith. Card is return addressed Coburn N.B. 10/21/07 and reads: “This is not a very flattering picture of Harvey is it? We had a slight snow storm yesterday and it is about 3o below zero today. It feels that way anyway. Country Cousin.”

Postcard: 22 Oct 1907 Black and White “Private Post Card” of Harvey area farm - Collection of late Jocelean Swan Hall photographed by Tim Patterson Oct 2004

Harvey Farm oct 22 1907 (front)


Black and White “Private Post Card” of Harvey area farm


Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004).

Harvey Farm oct 22 1907 (back)


To: Mr. Erny Swan, Sandwick, Vancouver Isl. B.C.



Addressed to Mr. Erny Swan, Sandwick, Vancouver Isl. B.C.
“Just a card to let you know what we are up with BC now as we had a masquerade Ball the other other night. The costumes were something beautiful, and ndearly every trive and nation were represented. The Ball was held in Lister’s kitchen and got up in about an hour. Imagine the rest.” Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004).

Postcard: 1908.08.18 CHERRY HILL AND PART OF LAKE, HARVEY STATION, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1908-08-18 Cherry Hill front


Black and white photograph of Cherry Mountain from eastern margin of Harvey Cove.



Published for Mrs. W.W.E. Smith



Post Mark: Cork Station


To: Miss Mary Shields

St Stephen




Cork Station, N.B.

Dear Mame: You will be surprised when from *** but O have been thinking out so I thought – I would drop you a postal of Harvey Lake.  Hope you are quite well and when you have time send me a postal.  

Love to all.  Nellie Daley

Postcard: 1911.07.08 Main Street, looking West, Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON



Color tinted postcard of downtown Harvey at the intersection of the railway tracks and the main highway through the village.  It has been raining as the road is muddy.  A barely visible man is standing at attention on the right side of the image. Printed by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.


Caption: Main Street, looking West, Harvey Station, N.B.



Post Mark: Harvey Station JY 8 11


To: Miss Ellen Gibberson


Carleton Co. N.B.



Harvey **/11

I am sending you your books this morning.  I hope to get them O.K. and many many thanks.  I tried the entrance,  but did not do anything not 3rd. Hope you are enjoying your  ****** W.E.H.

Postcard: Undated, Robison’s Hotel Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Irene Keleher 



Color tinted postcard of Robison’s Hotel, Smith’s Store with individual walking on a muddy street between.  This same photo also appears on a hand tinted postcard as well.


Caption: “Harvey Square, Harvey Station, N.B.”



Mr. Glenn Thompson

St. Andrews

Char. Co.



Here is a photo of our new home.  I think we have a spare room for visitors. Jim and his wife are home for a short vacation.  Mothers ankle is better.  Trust you all are well.

Postcard: 1911.08.02 Robison’s Hotel, Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON



Color tinted postcard of ‘Robison’s Hotel, Harvey Station, N.B.’ with guests congregated on the veranda and several early automobiles parked on the lawn out front in an obviously staged arrangement. 

Printed by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.


Caption: Robison’s Hotel, Harvey Station, N.B.

1911-08-02 Robisons hotel


Post Mark: Harvey Station AU 8 11


To: Miss Ellen Gibberson


Carleton Co. N.B.



Harvey 1/11


Dear Ellen

As I promised I will let you know how I made out on the finals. Well I got through all right. Made 60.7, as good as I expeted.  Had two demerits.  Highest was geometry 91. Lowest was Physics & Chemistry 45.  I have not as yet got a school.  Are there any up on Carleton Co. W.E.H.

Postcard: 1911.08.03 Harvey Lake and Pumping Station, Harvey, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1911-08-03 pumping station (front)


Color tinted postcard of ‘Harvey Lake and Pumping Station, Harvey, N.B.’ with six people perched on the ladder of the railway pumping station. Photograph taken on the western edge of Harvey Cove, Harvey Lake.

Printed by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.


Caption: Harvey Lake and Pumping Station, Harvey, N.B.

1911-08-03 Pumping Station


Post Mark: Harvey Station AU 3 11


To: Mrs David Pickard

North Keswick

York Co.



Arrived in good condition and think I shall like it here.  I met six or seven teachers on the train, so had lots of company.  My visit at Keswick will give me food for thought for some time.  I enjoyed it so much.  Hope you all are well.  I have 37 pupils so far.

With love


Undated Black and White Post Card with “Harvey Lake & Pumping Station Harvey NB” hand written on photograph

Harvey Lake & Pump station (front)


Composite image of undated Black and White Post Card with “Harvey Lake & Pumping Station Harvey NB” hand printed on front and showing writing area on reverse. A reprinting of earlier color tinted postcard of ‘Harvey Lake and Pumping Station, Harvey, N.B’. Several people posing on ladder used by section men to service steam locomotives with water drawn from Harvey Lake. Structure is no longer present. Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004).

Harvey Lake and Pump Station (Back)



Back side of the postcard

Postcard: 1911.09.20 Main Street, Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1911.09.20 Main Street Front


Color tinted postcard of ‘Main Street, Harvey Station, N.B.’ View is looking eastward. Very few buildings in the scene are still standing with the exception of W.W.E Smith Store (left), still a landmark in the community. The grassy area with trees is now a major highway. 

Printed by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.


Caption: Main Street, Harvey Station, N.B

1911.09.20 Main Street Back


Post Mark: Harvey Station SP 20 11


To: Miss Edna Blyjard


York Co. N.B.



Dear Edna.  This is where I live.  I got a school.  This is all for now.  Mary

Postcard: 1911.10.27 A part of Harvey Lake, Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1911.10.27 Harvey Lake (Front)


Color tinted postcard of ‘A part of Harvey Lake, Harvey Station, N.B.’ View is looking north east from the western shore of Harvey Cove, Harvey Lake. Printed by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.


Caption: A part of Harvey Lake, Harvey Station, N.B.

1911.10.27 Harvey Lake (Back)


Post Mark: Harvey Station OC 27 11


To: Miss Albina Jordan

Lower Queensbury NB




Undated Black and White Post Card with “A bit of Harvey Lake Harvey NB” hand written on photograph



Undated Black and White Post Card with “A bit of Harvey Lake Harvey NB” hand written on photograph and showing writing area on reverse. Features two men in a boat. Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004)..

Harvey Lake and Pump Station (Back)



Back side of the postcard

Postcard: 1911.Uncirculated. Main Street, Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1911 No Postmark Main Street (Front)


Color tinted postcard of ‘Main Street, Harvey Station, N.B.’ View is looking eastward. Very few buildings in the scene are still standing with the exception of W.W.E Smith Store (left), still a landmark in the community. The grassy area with trees is now a major highway. 

Printed by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.


Caption: Main Street, Harvey Station, N.B

1911 No Postmark Main Street (Back)


Post Mark: None




Y. Coburns, J.W. Tayloprs, S.B. Hunters

W.W.E. Smiths

Postcard: 1912.01.07 Main Street, looking West, Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1912.01.07 Main Street West (Front)


Color tinted postcard of downtown Harvey at the intersection of the railway tracks and the main highway through the village.  It has been raining as the road is muddy.  A barely visible man is standing at attention on the right side of the image. Printed by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.


Caption: Main Street, looking West, Harvey Station, N.B.

1912 Main Street West (back)


Post Mark: Millville JN 9 12


To: Miss Amie Bartaux

Annaplois Royal

Annaplois Co NS



January 7th 1912

Dear Friend

I thought as it was Sunday I would send you a card.  It has been been a long time since I sent you a care so I am sending you one.  Don’t fail to write and tell me all the news good **** ***** **** ****

Mill*** King

Sunday ****

Postcard: 1914.05.30 Harvey Square, Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Irene Keleher 



Color tinted postcard of Robison’s Hotel and Smith’s Store with individual walking on the muddy street in between.


Caption: “Harvey Square, Harvey Station, N.B.”



Post Mark: Harvey Station MY 30 14


To: Mr. Frank Joslin

Lower Prince William

York Co. NB



Came out her today fine trip. Didn’t see anyone I liked better than myself Ha. Ha.


Call up anytime



Postcard: 1913.01.03 Station House, Harvey, N.B. – Collection of late Jocelean Swan Hall photographed by Tim Patterson Oct 2004

1913.01.03 Station House Harvey (front)


Color tinted postcard of children posing in front of the ‘Station House, Harvey, N.B.’ produced by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal. Station was closed in 1962 and towed across Harvey lake on the ice in winter where it was converted into a cottage which is still in existence. Based on other similarly styled and dated cards scene was photographed around 1910. Post card was mailed Jan 3, 1913. Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004).


“Mr Willard Wilson
Harvey Sta
“York Co

Jan 3/13

Give my best regards to the rest of the family also the seasons best compliments

Hello old chum and hunting companion. How is the world using you. May the New Year be a successful one for you, I am going to write you a long letter some of these days. E E Mowatt”

Station was closed in 1962 and towed across Harvey lake on the ice in winter where it was converted into a cottage which is still in existence. Based on other similarly styled and dated cards scene was photographed around 1910. Post card was mailed Jan 3, 1913. Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004).


Similar to color autumn photo of Harvey Lake. Undated post card of Harvey Lake. Obtained in July 2000 by J. Hall from Lu Swan who purchased it at Watson’s Store. 



Undated Black and White Post Card with “Station House Harvey NB” hand-written on the photograph and showing writing area on the reverse. Black and white reproduction of earlier color-tinted postcard of children posing in front of the ‘Station House, Harvey, N.B.’ that was produced by the Novelty Manufacturing and Art Printing Co., Montreal.




The card had been mailed, but unfortunately had been glued into an album.  When it was removed a significant portion of the written text and the canceled stamp was torn away

Postcard: 1954.10.13 Greetings From Harvey Station, N.B. – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1954.10.13 Greetings from Harvey (front)


Color tinted postcard of unknown waterside locality in Harvey, NB area; possibly York Mills. 


Caption: Greetings From Harvey Station, N.B.

1954.10.13 Greetings from Harvey (back)


Post Mark: Medford, Mass. Oct 13, 1954; 2:30 PM


To: Mrs. Geo. H Mulligan

805 So. Stone Ave.,

La Grange

Ill, U.S.A.



Oct 12

Dear Esther

I am on way.  Will be stopping off 2 or 3 places.  Will advise when reaching Chicago – Boston Tues. Springfield Wed., Syracuse Thurs.

Love Lee

Undated color postcard with GREETINGS FROM HARVEY STATION, N.B., CANADA. This image downloaded from eBay auction 2022.02.22.



Undated color postcard with the caption at bottom reading GREETINGS FROM HARVEY STATION, N.B., CANADA.



Undated color postcard with the caption at bottom reading GREETINGS FROM HARVEY STATION, N.B., CANADA.

Image is of an undisclosed river with two boys clambering over a fence.



Unused and undated postcard produced by the Photogelatine Engraving Co. LTD, Toronto. 


This card dates from the late 1940s following the company’s move to Toronto in 1947 and prior to a change in the way that cards were laid out commencing in the early 1950s.



Unused and undated postcard produced by the Photogelatine Engraving Co. LTD, Toronto.  This card dates from the late 1940s following the company’s move to Toronto in 1947 and prior to a change in the way that cards were laid out commencing in the early 1950s.




Black and white photograph of Oromocto Lake Lodge.





Post Mark: Harvey Station, N.B. – OC 15 1954. Stamp: Queen Elizabeth II – 4 cents 1954.


To: Mr. + Mrs. A. McMurtrie

7 Evans Ave

Toronto, Ontario




Dear Edith and Mac:

At last we are living in Oromocto Lodge. Weather is very nice and sunny. Sorry you could not make a trip down this year. Suppose Mac is back at work. Love Claire


(Along the side it reads "Have 4 Italians here hunting, only 2 deer so far")

Edith & Mac Postcard

Postcard: 1956.06.26 Magaguadavic Lake near McAdam, N.B., Canada

1956 Magaguadavic Lake (Front)


Black and white photograph of canoer on Magaguadavic Lake.


Caption: Magaguadavic Lake near McAdam, N.B., Canada

1956 Magaguadavic Lake (Back)


Harvey Station

12 Jan 1878


Mrs. Luther Calburn

Marlboro N.H.

Box 506




Received Pk. O.K.  Friday last – 2dys after mailing – all in good condition. Returned a few to you. Mailed out last Sat. Hope they arrive O.K.


Thanks again


Our Cottage is on this Lake

My hubby in picture!


Printed by Photogelatine Engraving Co., Limited Ottawa

Undated (1981?) Uncirculated Postcard: Harvey Cove, Harvey Station, N.B.  – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1981 Autumn Harvey Lake (front)


Color photograph of Harvey Cove taken from beach. The late Jocelean Swan Hall purchased a copy of the same card from Watson’s Store, Harvey in 2000. The code for the postcard on the back (NB-8196) suggests that the photograph was the 96th taken in NB in 1981.

1981 Autumn Harvey Lake (back)


Caption: Autumn on the Banks of HARVEY LAKE at HARVEY STATION, New Brunswick, Canada


Published by World Wide Sales Agencies Ltd., P.O. Box 98, Snowdon, Montreal 29, Canada


NB-8196 Color by Len Leiffer, SL-71606

Undated (1981?) Uncirculated Postcard: A View of beautiful LAKE GEORGE…, Harvey Station, New Brunswick, Canada  – Collection of Tim Patterson, Ottawa, ON

1981 Lake George Harvey (front)


Color photograph of Lake George Provincial Park, Harvey Station. The late Jocelean Swan Hall purchased a copy of a similar card from the same series from Watson’s Store, Harvey in 2000. The code for the postcard on the back (NB-8197) suggests that the photograph was the 97th taken in NB in 1981.

1981 Lake George Harvey (back)


Caption: A view of beautiful LAKE GEORGE from the beach … at LAKE GEORGE PROVINCIAL PARK near HARVEY STATION, New Brunswick, Canada


Published by World Wide Sales Agencies Ltd., P.O. Box 98, Snowdon, Montreal 29, Canada


NB-8197 Color by Len Leiffer, SL-71607

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