Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (?) (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
FIRST Immigrant Generation
1. Andrew Mowatt
Born Approx 1776 in Eng. Died 28 May 1862 in Ford, Northumberland, Eng. Buried in St. Michael's Graveyard, Ford, Northumberland, Eng.
(Some information on Andrew and Margaret from Family Tree compiled by Dorothy Christie, 1977, and given to Helen Craig by Anna Christie, Fredericton)
From the tombstone inscription, according to grandson Rev. Dr. Andrew J. Mowatt who visited England in 1902: "Andrew Mowett died at Ford, May 28, 1862, aged 86 years, wife Margaret died Oct 17, 1867 aged 88 years." (Picture of gravestone in St. Michael's graveyard, Ford on 11 Jul 1996 by Melinda Mowatt Anderson.)
Margaret's maiden name not known. They had three sons, James, Thomas and Andrew. James and Thomas emigrated to New Brunswick in 1837 with the first settlers to Harvey Settlement.
He married Margaret. Born Approx 1779 in Eng. Died 17 Oct 1867 in Ford, Northumberland, Eng. Buried in St. Michaels Graveyard, Ford, Northumberland, Eng.
Maiden name not known.
They had the following children:
2 i. James Mowatt
3 ii. Thomas Mowatt
4 iii. Andrew Mowatt
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
SECOND Immigrant Generation
2. James Mowatt
Son of Andrew Mowatt & Margaret. Born 1807/1808 in Northumberland, England. Died Jan 1892 in Harvey, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
James Mowatt with his wife Catherine Huliston and their 8 months old daughter Agnes, with James's brother Thomas and his wife Elizabeth, left their homes in Northumberland, England and emigrated to New Brunswick in 1837. They left from the port Berwick-upon-Tweed on the brig Cornelius of Sunderland on 28 May 1837, and arrived in St. John (now spelled Saint John), NB on 12 Jul 1837. They travelled to Fredericton on the steamer Water Witch and were among the first settlers of Harvey Settlement. James received Land Grant Lot #6W, of 100 acres.
In the statistical report for Harvey Settlement for the year 1843, there were four in James family; they had 8 acres in crops; 4 acres new land ready for crop next year; 8 acres in meadow; 3 acres in pasture; produced 3 tons hay, 3 tons straw, 300 bushels potatoes, 4 bushels wheat, 90 bushel oats, 14 bushels barley and buckwheat; had 1 cow; no oxen, horses or sheep; 3 swine, 2 young cattle, 1 dwelling house, 1 barn and 1 out house.
In the statistical report for 1847, James had commenced settlement in 1838; and now had 2 cows, 2 oxen, 9 sheep, 2 swine, and 2 young cattle.
He married Catherine Huliston, 19 Dec 1835 in Ford, Parish Records & Dissenters (IGI). Born 1804 in England. Died 11 Oct 1866 in Harvey, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Name spelled Katherine Howliston in Parish Records and Dissenters, Ford, Northumberland, England (IGI).
They had the following children:
5 i. Agnes Mowatt
6 ii. Andrew Mowatt
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
SECOND Immigrant Generation
3. Thomas Mowatt
Son of Andrew Mowatt & Margaret. Born 4 May 1809 in Ford, Northumberland, England. Died 13 Dec 1892 in Harvey, York Co., NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer, Miller. Religion Presbyterian.
Thomas Mowatt and his wife Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt came to NB with his brother James, his wife Catherine Huliston and their infant daughter Agnes in 1837. They left from the port Berwick-upon-Tweed on 28 May 1837 on the brig Cornelius of Sunderland and arrived in St. John, NB (now spelled Saint John) on 12 Jul 1837. They proceeded to Fredericton on the steamer Water Witch, and were among the first settlers of Harvey Settlement who came from the border country England and Scotland. Thomas received Land Grant Lot #12E, of 100 acres.
Thomas and Elizabeth lived in Woodstock for a while before settling on their land grant in Harvey, and their oldest son, Andrew was born in Woodstock in February 1838, and their second child, John in April 1939. The statistical report for Harvey Settlement in 1843 shows that there were six in the family.
The 1843 report also shows: 8 acres in crops; 4 acres new land for crops the next year; 3 acres in meadow; 1 acre in pasture; produced 1 ton hay, 3 tons straw, 200 bushel of potatoes, 12 bushels of wheat, 100 bushels of oats, 42 bushels of barley and buckwheat, l bushel of turnips; had 1 cow, 2 oxen, no horses, no sheep, 2 swine, 2 young cattle; had 1 dwelling house and 2 out houses, with estimated value of land and improvements 92 pounds.
Statement in remarks column: "The estimated value of improvements is made up exclusive of the buildings, and no one settler would part with his Lot at the stated value. There is a good school in the middle of the Settlement, and the average attendance of scholars during the past year was 30." The settlers accompany the original Return with the following observations: "The Climate of New Brunswick agrees well with the constitution of Englishmen; the air is salubrious, and the water as pure and wholesome as any in the world." "During the six years of our location there have occurred but two deaths, while there have been thirty nine births without the presence of medical aid."
The Statistical Return of Harvey Settlement for the year 1847 shows that Thomas commenced in the settlement in 1840, there was six in the family, and Thomas was a Miller as well as a farmer. They had a house, a barn and one other building; had 2 cows, no oxen, 1 horse, 7 sheep, 4 swine, and 3 young cattle.
Thomas brought the document copied below to New Brunswick with him in 1837. (It was copied by Thomas Mowatt's grandson from the original document, only supplying missing words to make sense, as a section was torn out--E. E. Mowatt, New Richmond, Que. Feb 17th 1928. A copy was sent to Jocelean Swan Hall in June 2000 by Melinda Mowatt Anderson.)
"This certifies that Thomas Mowatt, a native of this neighbourhood, of creditable parentage, leaves this country for N. Brunswick, wishing to better his situation in that land. He is a member in full communion with this Presbyterian Congregation and has always acted as becometh the christian.
"He is of a mild inoffensive disposition, exceedingly peaceable, quiet and retiring, very highly esteemed as a servant, well acquainted with husbandry in all the modern improvements. He has had for several years the oversight of a corn mill and is very capable of managing such a concern, so he is likely to prove an acquisition to any gentlemen improving his estate.
"He leaves us in comfortable circumstances, with his brother James. But if a mysterious Providence should visit them with shipwreck or disaster, the British agent or Consul must afford them protection, and the humane may rest assured they lend aid to the deserving.
Given in the name of the members, Trustees and Elders of this congregation,
Thomas Hall, minister
Crookham, County of Northumberland
May 21st, 1837"
From newspaper obituary, 15 Dec. (1892) (In same item is the death of Wm. Patterson.)
"Harvey Station
Thomas Mowatt, another of Harvey's old residents, passed to his rest on Tuesday afternoon after a short illness, aged 85 years. He came from the south of Scotland in the year 1837 and has resided on his farm here since that time. He leaves three sons and three daughters, among whom are Rev. A. J. Mowatt, of Montreal, and coun. John Mowatt of this place. The funeral, which took place on Thursday afternoon, was largely attended from all parts of the settlement. Mr Mowatt was well liked by all who knew him and his death is much regretted."
From The Daily Sun, Saint John, 21 Dec 1892:
Harvey (York Co.) Dec 18 -- Thomas Mowatt, who died at Harvey 13th inst., was born in the village of Ford in the North of England on May 4th, 1809 and thus in the 84th year of his age. Before emigrating to New Brunswick he was in charge of a grist mill. He joined a colony of emigrants who sailed from Berwick-on-Tweed in the "Cornelius" in May 1837 and landed in St. John in July and was located at Harvey at that time an unbroken forest. He had charge of a grist mill at Woodstock for two years, but after that he joined the pioneers at Harvey and shared with them their struggles. The 13th saw the last remains of Wm Patterson, sr., aged 81, laid in his last resting place. Mr Mowatt and Mr Patterson were fellow emigrants and lived as neighbors. Mr Mowatt was the father of Rev. A. J. Mowatt, late of Fredericton, now stationed at Montreal.
Believed to be buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery, but there is no gravestone for Thomas and his wife.
He married Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt, daughter of John Moffat & Janet Gladstone, Approx 1836/1837 in Eng. Born 1813 in Stickel, Roxburgh, Scotland. Died 22 Jan 1854/1855 in Harvey Settlement, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
It is believed that Elizabeth's maiden name was Moffitt, and that she was a sister of Mary Moffitt who married Peter Wood, and Margaret Moffitt who married John Swan--both sisters came to New Brunswick around 1850. In the IGI records, Mary Moffat was born 27 Jul 1827 in Stichel, Roxburgh, Scotland to John Moffatt and Janet Gladstone. No record was found for Elizabeth or Margaret's birth in IGI. At this time we are unable to verify Elizabeth's maiden name, but assume it was Moffitt, and that she was the daughter of John Moffat and Janet Gladstone.
Elizabeth's death date 22 Jan 1854 was provided by Rae Swan Brewer in 1976. Harvey church records began in 1856, and there is no gravestone for Thomas and Elizabeth in Harvey Settlement Cemetery, so unable to confirm death date. Youngest son, George Mowatt was born 18 Nov 1854, according to 1901 census, and again no gravestone to confirm date. Obviously either Elizabeth's death date or George's birth date is wrong.
They had the following children:
7 i. Andrew Joseph Mowatt (Rev. Dr.)
8 ii. John Mowatt
9 iii. Thomas James Mowatt
10 iv. Jane Mowatt
11 v. Margaret Rae "Maggie" Mowatt
12 vi. Elizabeth Scott "Bessie" Mowatt
13 vii. George Mowatt
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
SECOND Immigrant Generation
4. Andrew Mowatt
Son of Andrew Mowatt & Margaret. Born Approx 1810 in England. Died 20 Jun 1884 in Ford, Northumberland, England. Buried in St. Michael's Graveyard, Ford, Northumberland, England.
Copy of photograph of gravestone not clear enough to make out the exact death dates for Andrew and his wife Alice. Buried in St. Michael's graveyard in Ford. (Photograph by Melinda Mowatt Anderson.)
Andrew and his wife lived in Northumberland, England.
He married Alice. Born Approx 1811 in England. Died 11 Jan 1881 in Ford, Northumberland, England. Buried in St. Michael's Graveyard, Ford, Northumberland, England.
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
5. Agnes Mowatt
Daughter of James Mowatt & Catherine Huliston. Born 1836 in England. Died 25 Jul 1868 in Harvey, NB. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Agnes was not married.
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
SECOND Immigrant Generation
6. Andrew Mowatt
Son of James Mowatt & Catherine Huliston. Born 14 Oct 1839 in Harvey. Christen 28 Jun 1840 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 5 Nov 1920 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Copied from the Marriage Records of York County, New Brunswick (1837-1888) held on microfilm at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick:
This is to certify that Mr Andrew Mowitt of the Parish of Manners Sutton, County of York and Province of New Brunswick and Miss Isabella Watt of the same place were married by License with the consent of parents on the ninth day of June One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy, by me,
Samuel Johnson, Minister
This marriage was solemnized between us: Andrew Mowatt / Isabella Watt
In the presence of T. J. Thompson, Jane Watt. Filed and registered January21st A.D. 1871.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1920):
Andrew Mowatt
Harvey Station, Nov. 8 -- Andrew Mowatt died at his home here at an early hour on Friday morning after a short illness. He was one of the oldest residents of this place, being in the eighty-second year of his age. He was a son of James Mowatt, one of the pioneers of Harvey who came from the North of England in the year 1837. He was a farmer and lived his long life and died on the same farm on which he was born. He is survived by his wife, two sons and three daughters. His sons are: Hartley and Everett Mowatt residing here, and his daughters are: Mrs Benjamin Harris of McAdam, Mrs Ralph Bickford of Newport , and Miss Maggie Mowatt residing at Augusta, Me. His eldest son, Albert Mowatt, was one of the soldiers who fell in battle in Belgium during the late war. The funeral was held at his late residence yesterday afternoon and was largely attended, Rev. J. F. McKay conducting the services.
(The 1901 Census for Manners Sutton gives Andrew's birth date as 14 Oct 1837, and he was 63 years old.)
He married Isabella Watt, daughter of Michael Watt & Mary Ann Morecraft, 9 Jun 1870 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 2 Mar 1845 in Fredericton. Died 8 Mar 1932 in McAdam, N.B. Buried 10 Mar 1932 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1932):
Died at Harvey. Mrs Isabell Mowatt, Native of Fredericton, Passes at Home of Daughter.
Harvey Station, March 17 -- The death of Mrs Isobell Mowatt one of Harvey's old residents, occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs B. Harris, McAdam, Tuesday morning, March 8th.
The deceased was born in Fredericton, March 2nd, 1845 and moved with her parents to Harvey when quite young and made her home here for the rest of her life. For the past ten years after the death of her husband Andrew Mowatt, she made her home mostly with her daughter, Mrs B. Harris at McAdam, but coming for weeks at a time each summer for a visit with her youngest son, Everett who lives on the old homestead at Harvey Station.
Mrs Mowatt endeared herself to all who knew her. A member of the Presbyterian Church, later joining with the United Church. She was a life member of the W.M.S. She had a keen mind and was widely read and her counsel will be sorely missed by friends and associates. Mrs Mowatt was 87 years old.
The funeral service was held from the old homestead, where her youngest son lives, on March 10th, at 2.30 p.m. In spite of the very cold day there was a large number present. The service was conducted by Rev. A. MacKay assisted by Rev. George Knight. The favorite hymns of the deceased were sung, Sweet Hour of Prayer and Nearer Still Nearer, and Beautiful Land was sang by Messrs. Coburn, Hughes, Dorcas and Robison, as a quartette accompanied by Mrs L. J. Coffey. Interment in the Harvey cemetery. The beautiful floral tributes were many and showed the high esteem in which she was held.
Those surviving are Mrs Ralph Bickford and Miss Margaret Mowatt, of Newport, Maine, Mrs Benjamin Harris, McAdam, Hartley Mowatt of McAdam and Everett Mowatt of Harvey Station. There are ten grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Two sisters, Mrs John McDonald, Amsterdam, New York and Mrs Ellen Matthews, Stoney Plane, Atlanta. Albert Mowatt, the eldest son, made the sacrifice during the World War.
They had the following children:
14 i. Ellenor Johnson Mowatt
15 ii. Catherine Huliston "Kate" Mowatt
16 iii. Mary Edith "Ada" Mowatt
17 iv. Jane W. "Jennie" Mowatt
18 v. Albert J. Mowatt b. 16 Jun 1881 - d. 9 Apr 1917, Battle of Vimy Ridge
19 vi. Hartley A. Mowatt
20 vii. Margaret Rae "Maggie" Mowatt
21 viii. Everett Edward Mowatt

Born June 16, 1881 died April 9, 1917
Son of Andrew Mowatt and Isabell Watt.
Killed in World War 1,
Buried in Canadian Cemetery No2, Pas de Calais, France.

Isabella Watts
Born March 2, 1845 died March 8, 1932
Daughter of Michael Watt and Mary Ann Morecraft.
Married to Andrew Mowatt.
Hartley Mowatt
Born September 16, 1883 died 1951
Son of Andrew Mowatt and Isabella Watt.
Married to Margaret Mae Adams.
Alice Rae Mowatt
Born February 27, 1916 died August 21, 1979
Daughter of Everett Mowatt and Carrie Wilson.
Never married- served as a Nursing sister in the second
World War.
Albert Vimy Mowatt
Born July 16, 1917 died March 4, 1987
Son of Everett Mowatt and Carrie Wilson.
Never married.
Janie A Mowatt
Born October 19, 1877 died 1947
Daughter of Andrew Mowatt ands Isabella Watt.
Married to Ralph Bickford.
Moved to Newport, Penobscot Maine , and this is where she
is buried.
Hartley Mowatt
Born September 16, 1883 died March 26, 1951
Son of Andrew Mowatt and Isabella Watt.
Married to Margaret Mae Adams.
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
7. Andrew Joseph Mowatt (Rev. Dr.)
Son of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt. Born 11 Feb 1838 in Woodstock, NB. Died 19 Feb 1911 in Erskine Church, Montreal. Occupation Presbyterian Minister. Religion Presbyterian.
From Daily Telegraph, Saint John, 14 June 1873: "Rev. A. Mowitt, of Stellarton, N.S., has accepted a call from the Presbyterian congregation at Windsor."
From Daily Telegraph, Saint John, 20 Dec 1879: "The induction of Rev. A. J. Mowatt the new pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Fredericton is to take place on 8th January."
From "A Century of Service, Saint Paul's Church, Fredericton, N.B. 1832-1932", page 78: "Rev. Andrew J. Mowatt was born at Woodstock, New Brunswick, February 11, 1838, and when quite young moved with his parents to Harvey. He received his early education at Fredericton and took the Arts Course at the Presbyterian College, Truro, studied Divinity at the Theological Hall, Halifax, was graduated and licensed a preacher in 1866."
"He accepted a call to Stellarton in 1866, to Windsor 1873, to St. Paul's Fredericton, in 1880 and to Erskine Church, Montreal, in 1891. He was elected by the Assembly to the Board of Management of the Presbyterian College, Montreal, and succeeded Dr. McVicar as chairman of the Board of French Evangelization. The College of Montreal conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1901. In 1866 he married Miss Louise J. Annand of Gay's River, sister of Dr. Annand of New Hebrides. He died February 19th, 1911, in the pulpit of Erskine Church, Montreal. He gave one son to the Ministry at home and one to the foreign field, in China."
From newspaper clipping, possibly 1939:
Memorial to Rev. A. J. Mowatt In Erskine Church, Montreal
Died in Pulpit in 1911--For Years Minister of St. Paul's, Fredericton.
On Sunday last a memorial tablet on the new pulpit in Erskine and American United Church, Montreal, in memory of the late Rev. Dr. A. J. Mowatt, a former pastor of St. Paul's United (then Presbyterian) Church, Fredericton, who died at his pulpit on Sunday, February 19th, 1911, was seen for the first time. Dr. Mowatt came to Fredericton about the year 1876 and was called to Erskine Church in Montreal about the year 1888.
Dr. Mowatt had determined to address his congregation on the morning of February 19th, 1911, against the advice of his physician. He had been in ill health for two months previously and appeared weak on the morning of his death. He was assisted in the devotional portion of the worship by the Rev. Dr. E. Scott.
Singular Text Intended
The pastor was to have addressed the congregation on the text, "When I saw Him I fell at His feet as one dead", but shortly before the time for the beginning of the sermon, members of the congregation seated near the front of the church observed that his chin had sunk upon his chest and his eyes were closed. They directed the attention of Dr. Scott to Dr. Mowatt who was found to be unconscious. Several men were asked to carry the inert form of the pastor to the vestry where he expired before medical attention, which had been summoned, could arrive.
The Inscription
The tablet on the new memorial pulpit is inscribed "To the Glory of God and in memory of the Rev. Andrew J. Mowatt, D.D., Minister of Erskine Church who died in his pulpit on Sunday, February 19th, 1911, aged 73 when about to preach from the text 'and when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as one dead.'"
It was during the pastorate of Dr. Mowatt in Fredericton that the present stone church on the corner of York and George streets was erected. The preceding building was moved to the rear and first used as a hall and Sunday School room and later moved to Charlotte street and converted into an apartment house.
Other Pastorates
Dr Mowatt came to Fredericton from Stellarton, Nova Scotia, and before that had filled a pastorate in Harvey, New Brunswick. In moving to Fredericton, he succeeded Rev. Dr. Brook and was himself succeeded by Rev. Willard MacDonald.
3754. Undated tin type image of the Rev. Andrew J. Mowatt (center), wife Louisa Jane Annand (right) and a lady identified on back as "Bessies Sister" (left). Collection of Brian Swan, La Peche, Quebec. Album orginated from his grandmother Ella Jessie Swan (née Thompson) who provided the image identification. Rephotographed, 9 Jun 2008 by Tim Patterson. Cropped and contrast adjusted by Tim Patterson 10 Feb 2009
Undated photograph of Rev. Dr. Andrew Mowatt (b. 11 Feb 1838, d. 19 Feb 1911). (Source: JSH, 25 Jul 2006).
Memorial plaque in St. Paul's United Church (formerly St. Paul's Presbyterian Church), Fredericton, NB
SACRED TO The memory of
(Note: Many of the birth, marriage and death dates for this family were provided by Anna Christie.)
He married Louisa Jane Annand, daughter of John Annand & Helen Taylor, 1868. Born 14 Feb 1848 in Musquodobit, NS. Died 1912.
Louisa Jane Annand had twelve brothers and sisters including: Rev. Edward Annand, Minister, East Boston 1889; and Rev. Joseph Annand, missionary to New Hebrides (married Alice Sewell).
They had the following children:
22 i. Wilbert B. Mowatt MD
23 ii. Oswald Mowatt
24 iii. Helen Mowatt
25 iv. Edward Everett Mowatt (Rev.)
26 v. Joseph Andrew Mowatt (Rev.)
27 vi. Alice Gertrude Mowatt
28 vii. Brooke Burkmuire Mowatt
29 viii. Emily Louise "Rae" Mowatt
30 ix. Edith Madeline Mowatt

Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
8. John Mowatt
Son of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt. Born 9 Apr 1839 in Woodstock, NB. Died 20 Aug 1901 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
John was a farmer on his father's homestead farm in Harvey Station, York County, NB.
He married Maria "Jane" Smith, daughter of William Smith & Mary Black, 1 Jan 1868. Born 27 May 1843 in Charlotte Co., NB. Died 20 Jul 1916 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Undated photograph of John Mowatt (9 Apr 1839, Woodstock, N.B. d. 20 Aug 1901 Harvey Station). Source: Jocelean Swan Hall, who obtained a copy from Helen Craig, who had obtained a copy from Anna Christie, 12 Oct 1999.
Undated photograph of daughters of William Smith (b 10 Sep 1801 - 17 Nov 1861) and Mary Black (15 Apr 1807 - 28 Apr 1890).
From left to right:
Victoria Alexandria Smith (b 2 Nov 1840 - d 1933), married Joshua 'Randall' Pollard (b 1839 - d 1915).
Maria 'Jane' Smith (b 27 May 1843 - d 20 Jul 1916), married John Mowatt (b 1839 - d 1901).
Margaret 'Ann' Smith (b 6 Jan 1838 - 1911), married William G. Hatch.
Source: Kaye Richardson, 37 Churchill St., St. Stephen, NB, E3L 2G5 provided a copy to Jocelean Swan Hall in 1975. Jocelean Swan Hall copy rephotographed by Tim Patterson 25 Jul 2006.
Undated photograph of Maria 'Jane' Smith (b 27 May 1843 - d 20 Jul 1916), married John Mowatt (b 1839 - d 1901).
Source: Laser copy of photograph obtained from Jocelean Swan Hall, 25 Jul 2006 who in turn obtained her copy from Arleigh Wilson's photo album, Aug 2000.
Undated photograph of John Mowatt (b 9 Apr 1839 - d 20 Aug 1901) and his wife Maria 'Jane' Smith (b 27 May 1943 - d 20 Jul 1916).
Source: Laser copy of photograph obtained from Jocelean Swan Hall, 25 Jul 2006 who in turn obtained her copy from Arleigh Wilson's photo album, Aug 2000.
They had the following children:
31 i. Thomas James Mowatt
32 ii. William Mowatt
33 iii. Mary Alberta "Bertie" Mowatt
34 iv. Charles Frederic Eldroid Mowatt
35 v. Victoria Alexandria Mowatt
36 vi. John Thomas Mowatt
37 vii. Wilmot Harold Mowatt
38 viii. Andrew "Sterling" Mowatt
39 ix. Ernest Hastings Mowatt
40 x. Arthur Everett Mowatt
41 xi. Annie Sophia Mowatt
42 xii. Bessie Rae Mowatt
43 xiii. Royal George Mowatt

Alberta and Matthew Swan.
Mary " Alberta" ( Bertie) Mowatt
Born October 23, 1870 died August 21, 1936
Daughter of John Mowatt and Maria Jane Smith.
Matthew Swan
Born December 25, 1868 died August 11, 1927
Son of Henry ( Harry) Swan and Jane Piercy.
Matthew and Bertie were married on June 29, 1892. Matt was
a farmer and a blacksmith.
They had 10 children-
Cecil, Ivy, Clarence, Waldo, Mowatt, Rae, Rhoda, Infant
(died young), Smith and Palma.
***from the obit of Matthew Swan 1927
August 12- The death of Matthew Swan of Manners Sutton
occurred very suddenly yesterday morning following a
paralytic stroke taken the forenoon previously while he was
on the mowing machine in the hayfield. Deceased had had a
serious illness about a year ago, but was in apparently
good health since. He was in his 59th year, He was owner
of a large and well kept farm, but had spent much of his
like as a blacksmith. He had long been a member of the
Presbyterian Church, going into the United church at the
union of two years ago.
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
9. Thomas James Mowatt
Son of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt. Born 1841 in Harvey. Christen 8 Jan 1842 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died Before 1851 in Harvey.
Thomas James was not listed in the 1851 census, so assume he died young.
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
10. Jane Mowatt
Daughter of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt. Born 1843 in Harvey, NB. Christen 25 Jun 1843 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died Approx Jan 1929 in St. Stephen. Buried in St. Stephen Rural Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Mrs Jane Robinson
St. Stephen, Jan. 31 -- The death of Mrs Jane Robinson, widow of Archibald Robinson, occurred suddenly at her home on Queen street on Sunday night. Mrs Robinson was born in Harvey 85 years ago, but had resided in St. Stephen for the last 32 years.
The funeral service was conducted by Rev. G. M. Mitchell, with burial in the St. Stephen rural cemetery.
Mrs Robinson was a sister of the late Rev. A. J. Mowatt, D.D., of Montreal, and leaves to mourn two daughters, Elva W., of St. Stephen, and Mrs Harry Craig, of Willmar, Sask., and one sister, Mrs Ralph Craig, of Los Angeles.
Jane had the following children:
44 i. Mary "Agnes" Mowatt
45 ii. Elva Winnie Mowatt
She married Archibald Robinson, 18 May 1897 in Harvey, York Co., NB .
Archibald Robinson, St. Stephen, married Jane Mowatt, Harvey on 18 May 1897. Witnesses were George and Elizabeth S. Mowatt.
Archie Robinson was first married to Rebecca Dorcas. >From Daily Telegraph, 25 May 1872: "Married Thursday 16th inst., by Rev. Robert Wilson, Archibald Robinson, St. Stephen and Miss Rebecca Darkis of Harvey Settlement."
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
11. Margaret Rae "Maggie" Mowatt
Daughter of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt. Born Approx 1848 in Harvey. Christen 23 Apr 1848 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 21 Jul 1930 in Los Angeles, CA.
She married Ralph Dixon Craig, son of William Craigs & Margaret Dixon, 22 Jul 1868 in By Rev. Samuel Johnson, Harvey . Born 6 Aug 1846 in Red Rock, NB. Christen 15 Nov 1846 in Stanley By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 17 May 1894 in Nanaimo, BC. Buried in Nanaimo Cemetery. Occupation Blacksmith.
Witnesses to marriage were James Craig and Jane Mowitt.
Ralph and Margaret went to Nanaimo in 1878 with two children. Two children had died in Harvey. They had five more children in BC.
For complete details of this family see "The Craigs of Harvey Settlement, Red Rock and the Pontiac" by Helen C. Craig, 1999.
They had the following children:
46 i. Thomas Mowatt Craig
47 ii. William "Stanley" Craig
48 iii. James Frederick Craig
49 iv. Roland Piercy Craig
50 v. Margaret Isobel "Ethel" Craig
51 vi. Elizabeth Scott "Bessie" Craig
52 vii. Mary Agnes "Aggie" Craig
53 viii. Ralph Piercy "Peter" Craig
54 ix. George Mowat Craig
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
12. Elizabeth Scott "Bessie" Mowatt
Daughter of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt. Born 22 Jul 1850 in Harvey. Christen 30 Jul 1850 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Died 1909 in St. Stephen, NB. Buried in St. Stephen Rural Cemetery.
Descendents of Andrew Mowatt (1776 - 28 May 1862)
and wife Margaret (1779 - 17 Oct 1867)
THIRD Immigrant Generation
13. George Mowatt
Son of Thomas Mowatt & Elizabeth "Betsy" Moffitt. Born 18 Nov 1853/1854 in Harvey. Died 1915 in St. Stephen. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
George and Louisa's children were born in Harvey, and they moved to St. Stephen approximately 1902. Note in Harvey Presbyterian Church death records: George Mowatt died 1915 in St. Stephen, brought to Harvey.
From Daily Telegraph, 17 Sep 1877: "Married Fredericton 5th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, George Mowatt and Miss Louise B. Dorcas, both of Manners Sutton."
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Dorcas and Kate Virtue.
He married Louisa Bell Dorcas, daughter of Andrew Dorcas & Mary Virtue, 5 Sep 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By John M. Brooke . Born 2 Apr 1858. Died 3 Apr 1930 in St. Stephen. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Mrs Louisa Bell Mowatt
Harvey Station, April 6 -- This community was saddened by the sudden death of Mrs Louisa Bell Mowatt, of St. Stephen, on April 3, after an illness of pneumonia of eight days, aged 72 years. Deceased had been a former resident of Harvey Station, having removed to St. Stephen twenty-eight years ago. Her husband predeceased her fifteen years ago. She is survived by one son, Archie, of St. Stephen, and two daughters, Mabel and Margaret, with whom she lived, and seven grandchildren. One brother, Andrew Dorcas, and two sisters, Mrs Richard Coffey and Mrs Thomas Davis, of Acton, also survive.
On arrival of the C.P.R. train yesterday the body, accompanied by her daughters, was taken to the home of Andrew Dorcas. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. George Knight had charge of the service, assisted by Rev. J. H. MacLean and the choir of the United Church.
The pallbearers were four nephews, David Coffey, Samuel Davis, Fred Davis and Arthur Mowatt. Burial was in the Harvey cemetery. The floral tributes were beautiful and numerous.
They had the following children:
55 i. Alice "Mabel" Mowatt
56 ii. Rebecca "Estella" Mowatt
57 iii. Archibald Robinson "Archie" Mowatt
58 iv. Margaret Jane Elizabeth Mowatt
Annand, Louisa Jane, spouse of 7
Craig, Elizabeth Scott "Bessie" 51
Craig, Margaret Isobel "Ethel" 50
Craig, Ralph Dixon, spouse of 11
Craig, Ralph Piercy "Peter" 53
Dorcas, Louisa Bell, spouse of 13
Huliston, Catherine, spouse of 2
Moffitt, Elizabeth "Betsy", spouse of 3
Mowatt, Andrew Joseph (Rev. Dr.) 7
Mowatt, Archibald Robinson "Archie" 57
Mowatt, Catherine Huliston "Kate" 15
Mowatt, Charles Frederic Eldroid 34
Mowatt, Edward Everett (Rev.) 25
Mowatt, Elizabeth Scott "Bessie" 12
Mowatt, Joseph Andrew (Rev.) 26
Mowatt, Margaret Jane Elizabeth 58
Mowatt, Margaret Rae "Maggie" 11
Mowatt, Margaret Rae "Maggie" 20
Mowatt, Mary Alberta "Bertie" 33
Mowatt, Victoria Alexandria 35
Robinson, Archibald, spouse of 10