First Immigrant Generation
1. Mr Johnston
Given name unknown. No record of death. May have died in Scotland.
He married Christina A. Heughan, daughter of William Heughan & Agnes Beattie. Born Approx 1803 in Scotland. Died 22 Feb 1875 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Christina emigrated to Harvey Settlement as a widow with three children in 1841.
There is no record of her marriage to Luke F. Craigs. Luke emigrated to Harvey Settlement with his parents and sister in 1841. Little is known about him for the next 20 years. He is not listed anywhere in the 1851 Census for York County, NB, nor can any record of marriages be found. In 1861, he owned land, which he and his wife "Christina Johnston" sold to Christina's son, Christopher Johnston on 16 Feb 1861. (NB Land Registry, York Co. 1849-73 v.41 (L2) Reel #5632 PANB). At the time of the 1861 Census, Christina Johnston was living with her son Christopher and Luke was a farmer and lodger in the household of Ann Roe. Luke moved to Thorne Centre, Pontiac County, Quebec about 1861 where he received grants for lots #43 and 44 in Range 3 and 44A in Range 4. He dropped the "s" on Craig when he left NB.
Christina is buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery and her name is on the same stone as Agnes, wife of William Heughan. She is listed as C. A. Craig on the gravestone, and was 72 years old when she died.

Harvey Settlement Cemetery Section A, Plot #45.
Gravestone reads:
Memory of
wife of
Wiliam Heughan
Died Dec 19, 1849
Aged 87 years
Died Feb 22, 1875
Aged 72 years
Agnes and William are undoubtedly part of a select group of people who have grave markers in both the old and new world!
They had the following children:
2 i. Mary Ann Johnston
3 ii. Nancy Johnston
4 iii. Christopher Johnston
Second Immigrant Generation
2. Mary Ann Johnston
Daughter of Mr Johnston & Christina A. Heughan. Born Approx 1832 in Scot.
She married George Lister, son of Nicholas Lister & Margaret Heughan, 24 Feb 1851 in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church By Rev. Dr. John M. Brooke . Born 18 Sep 1823 in Annan, Scot.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Thomas Cockburn and Nancy Thomson.
George came to America from Annan, Scotland, with his parents, brothers and sisters in 1843. He acquired the following Land Grants. (Further information on land transactions can be obtained through research at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick):
Lot 18, T2, Harvey Sett., Manners Sutton, 50 acres, 1855/01/19, Vol. 44, No. 6646; Part of 18 SE, Harvey Sett., 50 ac. 1857/02/23, Vol. 50, No. 7932; 18, Harvey Sett., 100 ac. 1857/12/28, Vol. 52, No. 8338; 90 Block 31, Harvey Sett. 50 ac. 1858/01/25, Vol. 53, No. 8540; Blk 31, NE Bra Magag. R., Manners Sutton, 100 ac. 1870/08/01, Vol. 81, No. 13810.
From The Daily Gleaner, 14 July 1937: "About the year 1857, George Lister built the first woollen mill in York Mills. He also built a sawmill and a grist mill. The woollen business was established as a cloth mill. He later sold the business to John Taylor."
Excerpt from Rural Musings: Woollen Mill Thrives: Began 105 years Ago, By Rolf Munroe--undated, but possibly in newspaper in December 1962: "George built the sawmill first, and in it lumber for the other structures were processed. The machinery for the original mill came up the St. John river by boat, was landed at Long Creek, and hauled on wagons to the mill site."
There seems to be some questions as to the exact year the woollen mill was built. From the Saint Croix Courier "Journey Through Time", The Early Years: 1865-1885, on 13 May 1869: "New Woollen Mill -- Geo Lester, Esq., is erecting a woollen factory in the Harvey Settlement on the N. E. Magaguadavic within a short distance of Western Extension. -- Journal."
The 1861 Census lists George as 37 years old, Farmer/Merchant, and his wife Mary Ann, 28 years old, daughter Christina, 2 years, and son Charles Fisher, 7 mos. Also in their household were James Carmichael, 26 yr., farm servant; Mary Embleton, 18 yr., domestic servant; James Kenna, 30 yr., woodturner, and his wife Isabella Kenna, 24 yr.
According to 1861 Census, George employed 2 males, owned or occupied 50 acres improved land and 700 acres unimproved land. Cash value of farm was 500 pounds, and value of implements and machinery was 100 pounds. He had 5 horses, 4 milch cows, 1 other neat cattle, 5 sheep, 2 swine and slaughtered 500 lb. pork. Produced 200 lb. butter, 4 lb. wool, 18 tons hay, 100 bu. oats, 30 bu. buckwheat and 80 bu. potatoes.
Children of George and Mary Ann were baptised in Presbyterian church. They moved from Harvey area sometime after 1861 Census.
George Lister, wife Mary Ann and daughter Christina Lister are in the 1880 census in Farmington, Dakota Co., Minnesota, USA.
They had the following children:
5 i. Christina Lister
6 ii. Charles Fisher Lister
Second Immigrant Generation
3. Nancy Johnston
Daughter of Mr Johnston & Christina A. Heughan. Born 15 Jan 1833. Died 18 Mar 1916 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary - d. 18 Mar 1916:
Mrs Nancy Coburn
Harvey Station, March 20 -- Mrs Nancy Coburn, an old resident of this parish, died on Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs Walter Piercy, at Manners Sutton. She was in the eighty-third year of her age, and has been very infirm for some time past. She is survived by one son, John E. Coburn, who carried on a general store at Manners Sutton, and three daughters--Mrs Robert Little and Mrs Walter Piercy, of Manners Sutton, and Mrs F. Currie, of Boston. She is also survived by one brother, Christopher Johnston of Coburn. She was a lady possessed of many good qualities and had a wide circle of friends. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
She first married Thomas Cockburn (Coburn), son of John Cockburn (Coburn) & Elizabeth "Betsy" Lesley, 20 Jan 1854 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton . Born Approx 1830 in Eng. Died 14 Mar 1863 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Thomas came to NB with his parents and siblings in 1837 who were among the pioneer settlers of Harvey Settlement.
From Headquarters, 25 Jan 1854: "Married 20th inst., by Rev J. M. Brooke, Thomas Cockburn and Miss Nancy Johnstone both of Harvey Settlement, Kingsclear parish".
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB), witnesses to the marriage were Ralph Cockburn and Jane Wilson.
Thomas lived in Harvey. Inscription on gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: "In Memory of Thomas Cockburn Died 14th March 1863, Aged 33 years. Native of the County of Northumberland, England."
The 1861 Census for Manners Sutton shows that Thomas owned or occupied 32 acres improved land and 55 acres unimproved land. Cash value of farm was 70 pounds; value of implements and machinery, 18 pounds. Had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 other neat cattle, 8 sheep, 2 swine, and slaughtered 300 lb. pork. Produced 250 lb. butter; 40 lb. cheese; 28 lb. wool; 10 tons hay; 250 bu. oats; 20 bu. buckwheat, 15 bu. turnips and 60 bu. potatoes.
They had the following children:
7 i. Christina Coburn
8 ii. Elizabeth Coburn
9 iii. Mary Ann Coburn
10 iv. John Ervin Coburn
11 v. Thomasina Lesley "Mina" Coburn
12 vi. Tressa Bertina Coburn
She second married John Dorcas, son of Andrew Dorcas & Isobella Wishart, 12 Oct 1864 in Harvey York Co., By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 9 Sep 1840 in Fredericton. Christen 4 Jul 1841 in Cathedral, Fredericton.
Birthdate from family bible: 6 Sep 1840.
From Cathedral records, Fredericton: "John Dorcas b. Sept 9, 1840, baptized July 4, 1841, residence Fredericton, s/o Andrew and Isabella Darcas by J. M. Stirling." (PANB F1114, Cathedral, Fredericton)
NBFA, 1851-55, #F15552, p. 566: "John Dorcas to Mrs Nancy Cockburn on Oct 12, 1864, witnesses Aaron Hay and Catherine Dorcas."
From Religious Intelligencer, 18 Nov 1864: "Married Harvey by Rev Samuel Johnson, John Dorcas and Mrs Nancy Cockburn."
Second Immigrant Generation
4. Christopher Johnston
Son of Mr Johnston & Christina A. Heughan. Born 15 Aug 1837 in Three Wells, Scotland. Died 15 Apr 1918 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Birth date from 1901 Census for Manners Sutton.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1916 --
Christopher Johnston
Harvey Station, April 17 -- Christopher Johnston, one of the oldest residents of this parish, died at his home at Coburn on Saturday morning. He was in the eightieth year of his age and enjoyed remarkably good health up to a few months ago. For the last twenty-three days of his life he was unable to take any nourishment of any kind except small quantities of water, but retained strength in a remarkable manner. He was a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, and came to Harvey early in life. For upwards of sixty years he has carried on farming at Coburn, and was one of the leading farmers in that prosperous section of the parish. His sons are Luke Johnston, residing here; Thos Johnston, of McAdam; and Albert, at home. His daughters are Mrs Robert Embleton, residing here and Mrs James McCann of McAdam. He was a man of genial disposition and had many friends here and elsewhere who will regret to learn of his death.
He married Agnes "Nancy" Bell, daughter of William Bell & Janet Oliver, 16 Mar 1858 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 16 Oct 1839 in Harvey. Died 9 Feb 1903 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Birth date from 1901 Census for Manners Sutton.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Geo Lister and C. F. Lister.
They had the following children:
13 i. Luke Craig Johnston
14 ii. Jennette "Janet" Johnston
15 iii. Thomas Coburn Johnston
16 iv. Christina Johnston
17 v. Jane "Agnes" Johnston
18 vi. Mary Ann Johnston
19 vii. William Johnston
20 viii. Georgina "Georgie" Johnston
21 ix. Margaret Ellen Johnston
22 x. Charles Johnston
23 xi. John Albert "Ab" Johnston
24 xii. Florence Johnston
25 xiii. Grace Johnston
Third Immigrant Generation
5. Christina Lister
Daughter of George Lister & Mary Ann Johnston. Born 29 Mar 1859 in Harvey. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church.
Third Immigrant Generation
6. Charles Fisher Lister
Son of George Lister & Mary Ann Johnston. Born 6 Feb 1861 in Harvey. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church. Died 22 Jun 1863 in Harvey.
Third Immigrant Generation
7. Christina Coburn
Daughter of Thomas Cockburn (Coburn) & Nancy Johnston. Born 22 Jun 1855. Died 16 Oct 1948. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Robert Little, son of Matthew Little & Isabel Hay, 1 Dec 1873 in Harvey, York Co. By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 8 Sep 1852 in Harvey. Died 10 Sep 1927. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Daily Telegraph, 4 Dec 1873: "Married Harvey, 1st inst., by Rev Samuel Johnson, Robert Little and Miss Christina Cockburn, all of Harvey."
Witnesses to marriage were Alexander Little and Elizabeth Coburn.
Ref: Janet S Watson, Brenda S Swan and Jocelean S Hall, "The Little Family of Harvey Settlement", 1993, p. 180.
They had the following children:
26 i. Rosella May "Rose" Little
27 ii. Ernest Abner Little
28 iii. Alberta Laurena "Bert" Little
29 iv. Lebaron Lester Little
30 v. Fred "Hillman" Little
31 vi. Pembroke Nason Little
32 vii. Maude Marguerite Little
33 viii. Bowman Little
Third Immigrant Generation
8. Elizabeth Coburn
Daughter of Thomas Cockburn (Coburn) & Nancy Johnston. Born 14 Mar 1857 in Harvey. Died 30 Mar 1879. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married John "Albert" Little, son of Matthew Little & Isabel Hay, 12 Dec 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton, By John M. Brooke. Born 6 Apr 1856 in Harvey. Died Dec 1932 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Universalist.
From Daily Telegraph, 14 Dec 1877: "Married 12th inst., by Rev Dr. Brooke, Albert Little and Elizabeth Coburn, both of Manners Sutton."
Witnesses to marriage were Alex Little and Thomas Wilson.
Notes from page 212, "The Little Family of Harvey Settlement, 1786-1992:
Albert was a farmer and lived on Lot C, original Land Grant to his father Matthew Little. This land was later farmed by Albert's son, Oscar, and then to grandson Roderick.
Albert was married twice, his first wife, Elizabeth Coburn died in childbirth at the age of 22 years. By his second marriage, to Jane Agnes Lister, he had four children, Oscar, Howard, Lizzie and Edwin.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1932:
John Albert Little
John Albert Little passed away recently at his home at Harvey, N.B. He had been in failing health for the last few years, although confined to bed only two months. He is survived by his wife, formerly Jane Agnes Lister; one daughter, Mrs J. Lorne Coffey, Harvey Station; and two sons, Howard M., York Mills, N.B. and Oscar B., at home, also two sisters, Mrs Robert Robison, Vancouver, and Mrs Edgar Coburn, McAdam, and one brother, Charles, Harvey.
The funeral was held from the Universalist Church, which was filled to capacity. Rev. Alex McKay, of the United Church, conducted the service, assisted by Rev. J. F. McKay, McAdam. Two hymns were sung by a quartet from the United Church, while two members of the Universalist choir sang a duet. The floral tributes were beautiful.
Mr Little was born in Harvey in 1856. He was a farmer and life-long Universalist. For years he was secretary of the Farmers' Trading Company, also for years superintendent of the Sunday School.
Third Immigrant Generation
9. Mary Ann Coburn
Daughter of Thomas Cockburn (Coburn) & Nancy Johnston. Born 17 Jan 1859 in Harvey. Died 17 Jul 1908 in Harvey.
She married Alexander Little, son of Matthew Little & Isabel Hay, 12 Dec 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By John M. Brooke. Born 22 Mar 1854 in Harvey. Died 10 Feb 1930 in Lethbridge, Alberta.
From Daily Telegraph, 14 Dec 1877: "Married 12th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Alexander Little and Mary Ann Coburn, both of Manners Sutton, York Co."
Witnesses to marriage in 1877 were Albert Little and Thomas Wilson.
Alex's first wife, Mary Ann Coburn, died of tuberculosis, and his second wife, Georgie Nesbitt, died of premature child birth. Alex lived at York Mills and had an excelsior mill, and he and his son Roy rebuilt the Woolen Mill. This family moved to Alberta, and Alex died in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Alex and Mary Ann had nine children, four died of tuberculosis and one died in World War I.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1930)
Brockway, Feb. 17 -- Word has been received here of the death at Lethbridge, Alta., of Alexander Little, former owner and operator of the Woollen Mills at York Mills. Mr Little was a native of Harvey, York County, but moved west some years ago with his family, of whom there are three sons and one daughter living from a family of nine. He had returned to Alberta early last fall from a visit here and had many friends in this community, who regret to hear of his passing.
They had the following children:
34 i. Roy Little
35 ii. Delbert Little
36 iii. Jennie Little
37 iv. Mabel Little
38 v. Gray Little
39 vi. Roxie Little
40 vii. Burns Little
41 viii. Nellie Ray Little
42 ix. Rex Little
Third Immigrant Generation
10. John Ervin Coburn
Son of Thomas Cockburn (Coburn) & Nancy Johnston. Born 26 Dec 1861 in Harvey. Died 9 Jul 1930 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Operated A General Store Business.
He married Sarah "Sadie" Piercy, daughter of Walter Piercy & Sarah Swan, 20 Jan 1892 in York Co., NB . Born 18 Apr 1869 in Harvey. Died 23 Mar 1962 in Harvey Community Hospital, Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Sadie died 23 Mar 1962, age 92 yr 11 mo 5 days.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1962:
Mrs Sarah Coburn
Harvey Station -- The funeral service for Mrs Sarah (Piercy) Coburn of Harvey was held from Knox Presbyterian Church here with Rev. S. Raymond Jackson, minister of the church, officiating.
Pallbearers were three nephews, Harry, James and Franklin Piercy, all of McAdam; a grandson, Jack Coburn, Harvey; and two grand-nephews, Thomas Briggs and Walter Piercy, both of Harvey.
Interment was in the family lot at Harvey Cemetery.
Born at Harvey in 1869, Mrs Coburn was a daughter of the late Walter and Sarah (Swan) Piercy. Her death occurred at Harvey Community Hospital following a long illness. She had resided the greater part of her life at Harvey.
Following her marriage to John E. Coburn, she resided with her husband for a brief period at Boston, Mass., and Saint John. She had assisted in the operation of her husband's general store business at Manners Sutton for many years. Her husband died in 1930.
Mrs Coburn was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and a life member of the Women's Missionary Society and Sewing Circle of that church.
Surviving are a daughter, Florence, at home; two grandsons, David and John Coburn, both of Harvey; four great grandsons, Allister, Kenneth, Laurence and Robert Coburn, all of Harvey. A daughter, Bessie, and a son, Edgar, predeceased her.
They had the following children:
43 i. Elizabeth Edith "Bessie" Coburn
44 ii. Florence Christina "Flossie" Coburn
45 iii. James "Edgar" Coburn
Third Immigrant Generation
11. Thomasina Lesley "Mina" Coburn
Daughter of Thomas Cockburn (Coburn) & Nancy Johnston. Born 8 Apr 1863 in Harvey.
She married Fred Currie, 2 Dec 1884 in Carleton Co., N.B.
Married 2 Dec 1884 by George W. Campbell, Methodist Minister, witnesses: J. R. Murphy and Edith Campbell. Carleton Co., N.B. Marriage Records, Book C, page 015.
Mina lived in Boston, Mass.
Third Immigrant Generation
12. Tressa Bertina Coburn
Daughter of Thomas Cockburn (Coburn) & Nancy Johnston. Born 15 Jul 1865 in Harvey. Died May 1965 in McAdam. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Tressa Bertina Coburn was the daughter of Nancy Johnston Coburn and her second husband, John Dorcas, but she always used the "Coburn" surname.
From newspaper obituary - 1965:
The largely attended funeral service for Mrs Tressa Bertina Piercy of Harvey Sta., wife of the late Walter Piercy, was held at Knox Presbyterian Church, Harvey Sta., with Rev. S. R. Jackson officiating, assisted by Rev. J. Murdock Fraser of St. Paul's United Church, McAdam.
Pallbearers were five grandchildren, Walter, Cecil and LeRoy Piercy, Guy Swan and Roland Coburn, and a great grandchild, Donnie Phillips. Interment was in Harvey Station Cemetery.
Mrs Piercy's death occurred at MacLean Memorial Hospital, McAdam at age of 99. A native of Harvey Sta., she was the last of the six member family of John and Nancy (Johnston) Coburn.
She married Walter Piercy, son of Walter Piercy & Sarah Swan, 13 Feb 1889 in Harvey, York Co., NB . Born 17 Jan 1864 in Harvey. Died 6 Feb 1939 in McAdam. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
From The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, 21 Feb 1889: "Married Harvey (York Co.) 13th inst., by Rev. J. A. McLean, B.A., Walter Piercy and Teressa Coburn, both of Harvey."
From newspaper obituary - 10 Feb 1939:
Friends in Harvey were shocked to learn of the passing of Walter Piercy, a life long resident of this place, which occurred at McAdam Junction on the evening of Feb 6th following a brief illness. He was a son of the late Walter and Sarah (Swan) Piercy and was born on Jan 17, 1864, one of a family of twelve children.
He was engaged in farming at Manners Sutton and had been a member of the board of assessors and secretary to the board of school trustees in his home parish for more than 25 years. He was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church.
They had the following children:
46 i. Guy Irvine Walter Piercy
47 ii. James Oscar Piercy
48 iii. Dora Bertina Piercy
Third Immigrant Generation
13. Luke Craig Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 24 Feb 1859 in Harvey. Died 18 Feb 1934 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Stonemason And Farmer.
Birth date from 1901 Census: 22 Feb 1859.
From newspaper obituary - 1934:
Died Suddenly at Harvey
Friends here and elsewhere will learn with regret of the sudden death at Harvey on Sunday of Luke Johnston, at the age of 74 years. Deceased was in his usual good health but was suddenly seized with an attack of acute indigestion and died almost immediately. He was well known and highly respected and is survived by a large family. The funeral took place this afternoon from his late home with interment at Harvey.
He married Mary Jane Embleton, daughter of Robert Embleton & Elizabeth "Betsy" Wilson, 31 Mar 1891 in York Co., NB. Born 2 Nov 1858 in Harvey. Died 31 Oct 1924 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Mary Jane's birth date from 1901 Census: 1 Nov 1859, however on gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: 1858-1924.
They had the following children:
49 i. Hillard Christopher Johnston
50 ii. Beulah Elizabeth Johnston
51 iii. Dellas Embleton Johnston
52 iv. James Cephas Johnston

James Cephas Johnston
Born May 16, 1900 died July 3, 1980
Son of Luke Craig Johnston and Mary Jane Embleton.
Janet Elizabeth ( Jennie) Patterson
Born January 22, 1906 died July 21, 1977
Daughter of Wesley Patterson and Isabella Nesbitt.
Mary Jane and Luke Johnston,
Luke Craig Johnston
Born February 24, 1859 died February 18, 1934
Son of Christopher Johnston and nancy Bell.
Source - Old Harvey Photos on Facebook - Janet Swan Watson

Dellas, Hillard and Beulah Johnston.
children of Luke Johnston and Mary Jame Embleton.
luke Johnston was a stonemason and farmer- He built a lot
of cellar walls in the Harvey area,
Dellas Embleton Johnston
Born October 1, 1896 died September 17, 1918
age 21,
Hillard Christopher Johnston
Born September 4, 1891 died 1950
Married to Isobel ( Bell) Little.
Dell off load of hay on April 30, 1950 and fractured his
fermur. Was in hospital for 193 days.
Beulah elizabeth Johnston
Born October 26, 1892 died July 30, 1964
Married George A Cleghorn.
Source - Old Harvey Photos on Facebook - Janet Swan Watson
Third Immigrant Generation
14. Jennette "Janet" Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 9 Jun 1861 in Harvey. Died 2 Jan 1890 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
She married John Robert Burrell, son of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy, 3 Apr 1884 in St. Paul's, Fredericton By Rev. A. J. Mowatt, Presbyterian. Born 10 Mar 1861 in Harvey. Died 10 Jul 1892 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From The Daily Telegraph, Saint John, 5 Apr 1884: "Married St. Paul's Manse, Fredericton (York Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. A. J. Mowatt, John Burrell and Miss Jennette Johnston, both of Manners Sutton."
Witnesses to marriage were Alexander Burrell and Ellen Coburn.
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 21 Mar 1890: "Harvey Station (York Co.) March 18 -- The Burrell Bros., John Burrell and William Burrell will start for Oregon on Thursday."
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 11 Aug 1890: "Harvey Station (York Co.) Aug 8 -- John Burrell, former resident of Harvey and in the employment of N.B. Railway, went to Oregon last spring and sends accounts from that place to his friends. He is working on the largest bridge in the state across the Cowetchin River."
From The Gleaner, Fredericton, 16 Jul 1891: "John Burrell and William Burrell have returned from British Columbia to visit their old home at Manners Sutton (York Co.)"
Jennette "Janet" and Robert had the following children:
53 i. Agnes Burrell
54 ii. Anna Burrell
Third Immigrant Generation
15. Thomas Coburn Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 22 Feb 1863 in Harvey. Died 1932. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
He married Nancy "Isabel" Burrell, daughter of Robert Burrell & Ann Piercy, 22 Sep 1886 in Harvey By J. A. McLean, Presbyterian . Born 22 Nov 1868 in Harvey. Died 24 Dec 1927. Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Witnesses to marriage were Thomas Burrell and Christina Johnston.
From Harvey Presbyterian Church records: Hildah Johnston d. 8 Jun 1891, age 14 mo.; and Vernon Johnston d. 4 Jun 1890, age 2 mo. These children may have been children of Thomas Cockburn Johnston and Nancy "Isobel" Burrell??
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1927 --
Mrs Thos Johnston Has Passed Away
McAdam, Dec. 26 -- After a lingering illness of nearly four years, Mrs Isobell Johnston, wife of Thomas Johnston, has passed away. She was born in Harvey, Nov 22, 1868.
She leaves to mourn her husband, two brothers, Thomas Burrell of McAdam, and Alexander Burrell, of Harvey; two sisters, Mrs Odburn Stamers (sic), of McAdam and Mrs John Hay, of Harvey; also three sons, George of Brownville, Gordon and Robert, of McAdam, and one daughter, Mrs Roy Grant, of McAdam.
The services were held at her late home today at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. J. E. Gosline, assisted by Rev. G. A. Ross.
They had the following children:
55 i. George Henry Alfred Johnston
56 ii. Hilda Johnston (Twin)
57 iii. Vernon Johnston (Twin)
58 iv. Mabel May Johnston
59 v. Gordon Johnston
60 vi. Robert Burrell Johnston
Tommy Johnston.
Thomas Coburn Johnston
Born February 22, 1863 in Harvey died June 23, 1932 in McAdam,
Son of Christopher Heughan Johnston and Nancy Bell.
Married to Nancy " Isabel" Burrell of Harvey. on September
22, 1886
Daughter of Robert Burrell and Ann Piercy.
They had 5 children-
George, Hilda, Mabel , Gordon and Robert Johnston.
Source - Old Harvey Photos on Facebook - Janet Swan Watson

Third Immigrant Generation
16. Christina Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 8 Feb 1865 in Harvey. Died 26 Jul 1896 in Harvey.
Christina died of T.B. From Church Records, Christina d. 26 Jul 1896, age 31 yr. 5 mo.
Third Immigrant Generation
17. Jane "Agnes" Johnston.
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Feb 1867 in Harvey. Died 14 Dec 1887 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married George McEachren, 17 May 1886 in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records By J. A. McLean.
Witnesses to marriage were J. and Julia R. McLean.
Jane Agnes died 14 Dec 1887, age 20 years.
Third Immigrant Generation
18. Mary Ann Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 6 Feb 1869 in Harvey. Died 10 Apr 1916 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Joseph Robison, son of Stephen Robison & Eleanor "Jane" Herbert, 25 Apr 1890 in Saint John Co., NB . Born 26 Apr 1863 in Harvey. Died 12 Sep 1929 in Harvey Station. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - 1915:
Mary Robinson
Harvey Station, April 12 -- Mary Robinson, wife of Joseph Robinson, died at her home here on Monday afternoon after a long illness of consumption of the lungs. She was about forty-seven years of age and was a daughter of Christopher Johnston of Coburn. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Harry, Delbert and Archie, at home. She is also survived by her aged father, who is very infirm, two brothers and two sisters. Her brothers are Luke Johnston of this place, and Thomas Johnston of McAdam. Her sisters are Mrs James McCann of McAdam, and Mrs Robert Embleton residing here. She was much esteemed and her death is deeply regretted.
From newspaper obituary - 1929: (Surname was spelled "Robinson" in the obituary, instead of "Robison".)
Joseph Robinson (sic)
Harvey Station, Sep 13 -- Joseph Robinson, a well-known and highly respected resident, died at his home here at 9.30 last night at the age of 66 years. He had been in failing health for some time, but was ill only a few days.
He was the oldest son of the late Stephen and Jane Robinson and is survived by his wife, who is a daughter of Mr and Mrs David Essensee, of this place; a little daughter, Muriel, and three sons by his first wife--Harry, who is in the employ of the C.P.R. of Jackman, Me.; Archie, of McAdam, and Delbert, who is proprietor of a large hotel in Vernon, BC., also three sisters and three brothers, Mrs James Hunter, of this place, Mrs Maunsell Tracy, of Edmonton; Mrs John Saunders, of Portland, Me.; George, of Lethbridge; Charles, of Harvey Station, and Albert, of Toronto.
The funeral will be held from his late residence on Saturday afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. J. Hugh McLean, of the United Church.
Mary Ann and Joseph Robison had three sons: Harry Alvin, Delbert Jay, and Archibald Harold.
They had the following children:
61 i. Harry Alvin Robison
62 ii. Delbert Jay Robison
63 iii. Archibald Harold Robison
Third Immigrant Generation
19. William Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Feb 1871 in Harvey.
William may have married in U.S.A.
No further information.
Third Immigrant Generation
20. Georgina "Georgie" Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 16 Mar 1873 in Harvey. Died 4 Jan 1938. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
She married Robert Allan Embleton, son of George Embleton & Jane Wilson, 17 Mar 1898 in York Co., NB. Born 28 Oct 1869 in Tweedside. Died 22 Jun 1931. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
To distinguish him from other Robert Embletons, he was called "Hollow Bob". They lived on the Lake Road in Harvey Station, and had nine children.
For further information on this family see the book, "The Wilsons of Harvey, 1798 - 1983" by Jocelean Swan Hall.
They had the following children:
64 i. Alice Mildred Embleton
65 ii. Ward Beecher Embleton
66 iii. George "Allen" Embleton
67 iv. Helen Elizabeth Embleton
68 v. Earle Christopher Embleton
69 vi. Florence Jane "Flossie" Embleton
70 vii. Amy Pearl Embleton
71 viii. Bertha Fern Embleton
72 ix. Urban Burns Embleton
Alice Embleton.
Alice Mildred Embleton
Born March 8, 1899 died November 17, 1936
Age 38 yr 8 mo.
Daughter of Robert Allen Embleton and Georgina Johnston.
Married to Stephen Hieseler.
Married on June 30, 1932
No children.
Source - Old Harvey Photos on Facebook - Janet Swan Watson

Third Immigrant Generation
21. Margaret Ellen Johnston.
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 11 Jul 1875 in Harvey. Died 10 Sep 1897 in Harvey.
Margaret Ellen died at age 22 yr.
Third Immigrant Generation
22. Charles Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Jun 1877 in Harvey. Died 13 Jan 1908 in Harvey.
From Church Records: Charles Johnston d. 13 Jan 1908, age 31 yr., heart failure.
Third Immigrant Generation
23. John Albert "Ab" Johnston
Son of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 11 Jul 1879 in Harvey. Died 9 Dec 1949 in Victoria Public Hospital, Fredericton. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Copied from newspaper obituary --
Buried at Harvey
The death of J. Albert Johnston occurred at Victoria Public Hospital on Friday, Dec 9th after a short illness. Deceased was in his seventieth year. He is survived by his wife and one grandson; several nieces and nephews. An only daughter predeceased him thirteen years ago.
The funeral was held from the home on Monday afternoon at two o'clock. The services were conducted by the Rev. A. H Sproule of the Knox Presbyterian Church. There were a great number of floral tributes and a great many attended the funeral The choir under the direction of the church organist rendered favorite hymns of the deceased. The bearers were six nephews, Ward, Allan, Earl and Urban Embleton; James and Gordon Johnston. Interment was made in the Harvey Cemetery.
He married Ellen Bell "Nellie" Wilson, daughter of Alexander Wilson & Isabelle "Belle" Bell, 13 Jul 1910 in York Co., NB. Born 28 Oct 1881 in Harvey. Died 27 May 1964 in Harvey Community Hospital. Buried 29 May 1964 in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Nellie died 27 May 1964, age 82 yr 6 mo 29 days, at Harvey Hospital.
Copied from newspaper obituary --
Mrs A. Johnston Paid Last Tribute
Harvey -- The funeral of Mrs Albert (Nellie) Johnston whose death occurred at the Harvey Community Hospital was held from her residence in Harvey Station. She was in her 83rd year.
Pallbearers were: Albert Embleton, Allan Embleton, Heber Little and Arden Wilson.
Surviving are a brother, Levi; a sister Sarah, both of Harvey Station; a grandson, Phillip Herron, Sussex; a great granddaughter; and several nephews and nieces.
Interment was in the Harvey Station Cemetery.
They had the following children:
73 i. Sarah Lillian Johnston
Third Immigrant Generation
24. Florence Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 1 Sep 1881 in Harvey. Died 19 Jan 1922 in McAdam, York Co., NB . Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1922:
Mrs James McCann
McAdam, Jan. 20 -- The death occurred yesterday afternoon of Mrs James McCann, after a lingering illness, aged 40 years. Deceased was a daughter of the late Christopher Johnston, of Manners Sutton, and is survived by her husband and two daughters, Orie and Ruth, also one sister, Mrs George Embleton and three brothers, Thomas Johnston of McAdam, and Luke and Albert, of Manners Sutton.
Mrs McCann was a quiet, unassuming person and respected by all who knew her. The funeral will be held from her late home Saturday afternoon and conducted by Rev. Mr Hatfield, interment at Rockland Cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.
She married James McCann, son of Bernard McCann & Agnes Lister, 12 Jul 1910 in York Co., NB. Born 15 May 1874 in Harvey. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Died 6 Jun 1948 in York Co., NB . Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
James McCann was first married to Grace Johnston, sister of Florence.
Third Immigrant Generation
25. Grace Johnston
Daughter of Christopher Johnston & Agnes "Nancy" Bell. Born 29 Oct 1884 in Harvey. Died 4 Dec 1907 in Harvey.
From Church Records: Mrs Grace Johnston McCann d. 4 Dec 1907, age 23 yr. 1 mo., Tuberculosis.
She married James McCann, son of Bernard McCann & Agnes Lister, 7 Sep 1904 in York Co., NB. Born 15 May 1874 in Harvey. Christen in Harvey Presbyterian Church Records. Died 6 Jun 1948 in York Co., NB . Buried in Rockland Cemetery, McAdam.
Bell, Agnes "Nancy", spouse of 4
Burrell, John Robert, spouse of 14
Burrell, Nancy "Isabel", spouse of 15
Coburn, Elizabeth Edith "Bessie" 43
Coburn, Florence Christina "Flossie" 44
Coburn, Thomasina Lesley "Mina" 11
Cockburn (Coburn), Thomas, spouse of 3
Embleton, Earle Christopher 68
Embleton, Florence Jane "Flossie" 69
Embleton, Mary Jane, spouse of 13
Embleton, Robert Allan, spouse of 20
Heughan, Christina A., spouse of 1
Johnston, George Henry Alfred 55
Johnston, Georgina "Georgie" 20
Johnston, Hillard Christopher 49
Little, Alberta Laurena "Bert" 28
Little, Alexander, spouse of 9
Little, John "Albert", spouse of 8
McEachren, George, spouse of 17