First Immigrant Generation
1. John Moffitt
Born 28 Jun 1791 in Lanton, Scotland. Died 8 Aug 1859. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
He married Ellen "Nellie" Davidson. Born 1792 in Scotland. Died 12 Nov 1879. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. John and Ellen emigrated to Harvey Settlement in 1842. They were farmers, and their land grant was 100 acres on Frog Lake Road.

John Moffitt 28 June 1791 – 8 Aug 1859 and his wife Ellen (Nellie) Davidson 1792 – 12 Nov 1879. The orginal image was a tintype, a process that was only developed in 1856. As John died in 1859 the possible age of the image is nicely bracketed. The tarp used as a background in this photograph is remarkably similar to that found in a similar tintype image of William Patterson and his sons James and Alexander. Based on the apparent age of the Patterson children that photograph was probably taken during the summer months in 1857 (there is grass under foot). An itinerant photography may have passed through Harvey Settlement taking photographs. It is interesting that entrepreneurial photographers were fanning out to rural communities so soon after the tintype technology was developed . The image was not taken at the same place as the Patterson image though as the chair that was used in each image was different. Image courtesy of J. Hall (October, 2004).

John Moffitt 28 June 1791 – 8 Aug 1859 and his wife Ellen (Nellie) Davidson 1792 – 12 Nov 1879. Crayon portraits such as this one first became popular from 1860 onward after John had passed away. A common practice that developed was to have a large format portrait commissioned as a memorial. This crayon portrait was based off the tin type image above. Image from the collection of Larry Moffitt. From a March 1, 2022 email message to Tim Patterson, Larry Moffitt wrote: “It was stored at my father’s place in St. Stephen, NB. When he passed away about five years ago, I took it out its damaged frame and brought it to Florida with me. I had it reframed after I got home. The picture was previously hanging in my grandfather’s (Manzer Moffitt) farmhouse until he passed away in 1980’s at the age of 97.”
Ref: Emerson Moffitt, "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement New Brunswick 1791-1991", 1992.
They had the following children:
2 i. Agnes Moffitt
3 ii. Andrew Moffitt
Daughter Agnes and her husband Matthew Piercy came with the original group in 1837. Their other son Andrew came to Harvey Settlement in 1842 with his parents when he was 19.
Second Immigrant Generation
2. Agnes Moffitt
Daughter of John Moffitt & Ellen "Nellie" Davidson. Born 19 Oct 1815 in Lanton, Scotland. Died 17 Apr 1886 in Comox, BC. Buried in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A. Religion Presbyterian.
She married Matthew Piercy, son of Thomas Piercy & Mary Henderson, 30 Apr 1837 in Coldstream, England. Born 15 Jul 1814 in Thornington, Eng. Died 28 Feb 1889 in Comox, BC. Buried 1 Mar 1889 in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.

Moffitt (b. 19 Oct 1815, Lanton, Northumberland, UK, d. 7 Apr 1886, Comox, BC). Source: Jocelean Swan Hall, 27 Jul 2006.

1880-1884 cabinet card photograph above "From Judkins Floating Sunbeam Gallery, Puget Sound and British Columbia. Source: Jocelean Swan Hall, 27 Jul 2006.
PHOTORAPHER: Judkins, David Roby.
VARIANT: Judkins' Floating Sunbeam Gallery.
LIFE DATES: 1836 01 17-1909 12 11.
BIRTHPLACE: Chesterville, ME.
PLACE OF DEATH: Santa Maria, CA.
WHERE ACTIVE: Puget Sound, WA Seattle, WA New Westminster Skagway, AK BC.
BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: He operated between about 1880-1884 out of Seattle and through Puget Sound on a barge which was towed from location to location. He called his gallery Judkins' Floating Sunbeam Gallery. Judkins photographed in New Westminster and up the Fraser River in June 1882.
IDENTIFYING MARKS: " Judkins Floating Sunbeam Gallery, Puget Sound and British Columbia" on verso of print mount. " Cor. 2nd & Columbia Streets Judkins Seattle, W.T." on front of print mount. " D. R. Judkins, Photo. Stereographs of British Columbia" on front of stereograph (orange) mount.

Undated photograph of Matthew Piercy (b.15 Jul 1814, Thornington, England, d. 28 Feb, 1889, Comox, BC). Source: David M. Swan, 15 Mar 2007.
Matthew Piercy of Thornington, England, and Agnes Moffitt of Preston were married in Coldstream on 30 Apr 1837 by the Rev. M. Taylor. Witnesses were Thomas Smith and Isabella Moffitt.
They came to New Brunswick with Matthew's parents, sisters and brother on the brig "Cornelius of Sunderland", which sailed from Berwick-upon-Tweed on 28 May 1837 and arrived in Saint John, NB on Wednesday, 12 Jul 1837, and were among the pioneer settlers of Harvey Settlement.
They received Land Grant Lot #14 West, 100 acres is Harvey Settlement. Their twelve children were born in Harvey. After 38 years of living in New Brunswick, the Piercys moved to British Columbia in 1875 and settled on Vancouver Island, and again were pioneer settlers. Their sons Thomas, John, Matt, Sam and Walt, and youngest daughters Agnes and Isabella moved to British Columbia with their parents. Elizabeth died at an early age in Harvey. The four oldest daughters married and remained in New Brunswick.
Matthew was very active in the Presbyterian church and the second church built in Harvey Settlement was on his land. In the Comox, BC the Presbyterian Church and cemetery was built on land donated by Matthew Piercy and Samuel Crawford. Matthew and Agnes are buried in that cemetery.
As printed in the Comox Valley circulating newspaper (1889)
The Late Matthew Piercy
The remains of the late Matthew Piercy of Comox, were laid to rest in the Presbyterian graveyard at Comox on March 1st. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in Comox. The pallbearers were S. F. Crawford, Robert Duncan, Oliver Duncan, Alex Urquhart, A. Milligan and Henry Grieve. The deceased was a native of Northumberland, England, aged 74 years and emigrated to New Brunswick in 1837. He was one of the pioneers of Harvey Settlement and came to British Columbia in 1875, with his wife and part of his family. He survived his wife three years and leaves five sons, six daughters, sixty-five grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren to mourn his demise. He was an elder of the Presbyterian Church for 35 years previous to his death in 1889.
Descendants of Matthew Piercy and Agnes Moffitt hold a family reunion every five years in the area on Vancouver Island where the Piercy family settled. Three "Family Tree" books have been printed in British Columbia, the first was printed in 1967 with details on the family of Thomas Piercy and Jane Speedy; the second book printed in 1979 included all the Matthew Piercy decendants; and the third book was printed in 1998. In 1989, a book "The Families of Eleanor Piercy Lister, Mary Ann Piercy Lister, Jane Piercy Swan and Margaret Piercy Wood, Daughters of Matthew Piercy (1814-1889) and Agnes Moffitt (1815-1886) was produced by Jocelean Swan Hall.
Inscription on gravestone in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A: "Matthew Piercy, Born July 15, 1814, Died Feb 27, 1889; Agnes Piercy, Born Oct 19, 1815, Died April 7, 1886. Gone to a fairer land of pleasure and love, To join the bright band of Angels above."
They had the following children:
4 i. Thomas H. Piercy
5 ii. John Piercy
6 iii. Eleanor "Ellen" Piercy
7 iv. Mary Ann Piercy
8 v. Jane Piercy
9 vi. Margaret "Maggie" Piercy
10 vii. Matthew Henry Piercy
11 viii. Isabella "Bell" Piercy
12 ix. Samuel Johnson Piercy
13 x. Elizabeth "Lizzy" Piercy
14 xi. Walter Henderson Piercy
15 xii. Agnes Piercy
Second Immigrant Generation
3. Andrew Moffitt
Son of John Moffitt & Ellen "Nellie" Davidson. Born 21 Apr 1823 in Lanton, Scotland. Died 25 Jun 1891 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
From New Brunswick Reporter, Fredericton, 27 February 1846: " Married Harvey Settlement, York County, 23rd ult., by Rev. McCurdy, Andrew Moffitt and Jane Piercy, both of Kingsclear parish."
Andrew was a farmer and lived on Frog Lake Road.
In the 1861 Census, Andrew owned or occupied 65 acres improved and 65 acres unimproved land; cash value of farm was 180 pounds; value of implements and machinery, 15 pounds. Had 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 other neat cattle, 12 sheep, 4 swine, and slaughtered 400 lb. pork. Produced 300 lb. butter, 50 lb. cheese, 40 lb. wool, 16 tons hay, 300 bu. oats, 100 bu. buckwheat, 1 bu. beans, 6 bu. peas, 12 bu. timothy, 150 bu. turnips, 150 bu. potatoes, 30 bu. carrots, 40 lb. flax scutched.
For family details see book by Emerson Moffitt, "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement New Brunswick 1791-1991", 1992.
He married Margaret "Jane" Piercy, daughter of George Piercy & Ann Winter, 23 Feb 1846 in Harvey Settlement By Daniel McCurdy, Presbyterian . Born 24 May 1826 in England. Died 31 May 1898. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
From York Co NB Marriage Register B 1837-1850 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Robert Piercy and Thomas Piercy.
They had the following children:
16 i. Mary Ann Moffitt
17 ii. John "Jack" Moffitt
18 iii. Eleanor "Ellen" Moffitt
19 iv. George Moffitt
20 v. Andrew "Dan" Moffitt
21 vi. Helena "Jane" Moffitt
22 vii. Elizabeth "Bess" Moffitt
23 viii. Thomas Moffitt
24 ix. Isabella S. "Bell" Moffitt
25 x. Robert Moffitt
third Immigrant Generation
4. Thomas H. Piercy
Son of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 29 Aug 1838 in Harvey, NB. Died 11 Dec 1904 in Denman Island, B.C.
From New Brunswick Reporter, Fredericton, 15 Mar 1867: "Married Waverley House, 11th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, Thos H. Piercy and Miss Jane Speedy, both of Manners Sutton, York Co."
Witnesses to marriage were Will McMillan and Margaret Piercy.
Thomas and Jane with their oldest four children, moved to Gartley Beach on Vancouver Island, British Columbia in 1875 with other members of the Piercy family. They spent the first winter with the Gartley family and then moved to a little place called Beechams on the east of the Back Road. >From there they moved to the Muster's place and shared a large frame house with the families of Sam, Matt, and John Piercy. The Tom Piercy family moved to Denman Island after several years pre-empting a tract of land on the west side of the island. John Piercy pre-empted the adjoining section. The Piercy children walked four miles through dense forest to attend school. In 1883 they moved back to Comox to be nearer relatives and school. In 1888 they returned to Denman. Tom was a true pioneer of Denman being the first Justice of the Peace and first road foreman. He was involved in planning improvements for roads, school, church and logging. He also tended the lighthouse at Yellow Rock. In 1902 he was appointed Postmaster and the post office was in their home.
He married Jane Speedy, daughter of Thomas Speedy & Isabella Patterson, 11 Mar 1867 in Waverley House, Fredericton By Rev. Dr. John M. Brooke . Born 7 Sep 1846 in Harvey. Christen 25 Oct 1846 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 29 Mar 1939 in Denman Island, B.C.
Jane and her husband Thomas H. Piercy moved to British Columbia in 1875. The oldest four of their eleven children were born in N.B. Further information on this family in "A Family Tree - Piercy - 1814-1979" Printed by Copy Cat Graphics Inc., Courtenay, B.C.
They had the following children:
27 i. Matthew Alexander Piercy
28 ii. Isabella Piercy
29 iii. Elizabeth Selena "Lena" Piercy
30 iv. Thomas "Wesley" Piercy
31 v. John Frederick Piercy
32 vi. Margaret Agnes Piercy
33 vii. Harvey Wilson Piercy
34 viii. James Walter B. Piercy
35 ix. Mary Ellen Jane Piercy
36 x. Edward Irvine Piercy
37 xi. Rose Lavina Piercy
third Immigrant Generation
5. John Piercy
Son of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 19 Oct 1840 in Harvey, NB. Died 19 Sep 1917 in Courtenay, B.C. Buried in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A.
From BC Vital Statistics: died 19 Sep 1917, age 76, at Courtenay, BC.
From Headquarters, 3 Jan 1866: "Married 29th ult., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, John Piercy and Miss Mary Anne Atchison, both of Manners Sutton, York Co."
When living in the Manners Sutton area of Harvey, John Piercy was the founder of a store which did business in groceries, dry goods and general supplies. When John and family moved to British Columbia around 1875, the store was sold, and later became known as G. Wesley Coburn and Sons
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1917:
Death Claims One of District's Pioneers
Another of the pioneers of Comox Valley passed away last night in the person of Mr John Piercy. The late Mr Piercy was born in New Brunswick on October 14th, 1840, and was therefore 76 years and 11 months of age. He came to Comox with his family in 1875. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and family as follows: Mrs N. McFadyen of Cumberland, Matthew H. Piercy, Mrs A. T. Graham, Andrew Piercy, Bert Piercy, all of whom reside in Comox; Mrs N. .........(illegible); Mrs E. Cary, Vancouver; two sisters living in New Brunswick and one sister living in Comox, Mrs W. Grieve. He was brother of the late Thomas Piercy of Denman Island, Matthew Piercy, S. J. Piercy and Walter Piercy. There are twenty grandchildren and one great grandchild. The funeral arrangements are in hand and will be found on cards to be posted up today.
Notes from, "Piercy - A Family Tree, 1814-1979":
"They lived in and around the Comox area before moving to Millards Beach where the family built a log house close to the top side of the lower side of the present Island Highway. After a few years this home burned down and another house was built on the top side of the highway. Many years later this house burned down and a third house was built where they lived until they passed away. Later the Tyee Pole Co. bought the house and had it moved to the pole yard on Fraser Road where it now stands."
He married Mary Ann Atcheson, daughter of Andrew Atcheson & Margery Robison, 29 Dec 1865 in Harvey, York Co., NB. Born 1844 in Harvey. Christen 27 Oct 1844 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 23 Dec 1926 in Vancouver. Buried in Sandwick Cemetery, BC.
Copied from newspaper obituary, c.1926:
Mrs John Piercy Has Passed Away. Fifty-One Years In District.
The news of Mrs John Piercy's death in Vancouver on Christmas Eve will be regretted by the wide circle of her friends here and in the district. Coming here from New Brunswick 51 years ago via San Francisco, Mr and Mrs John Piercy occupied several farms in the Comox valley before finally settling down on their homestead near Millard's Creek. Here they lived for about forty years until Mr John Piercy's death nine years ago. Mrs Piercy continued to reside on the old homestead until four months ago when she went to live with relatives in Vancouver. She was in her 83rd year at the time of her death.
She leaves to mourn her loss, four daughters, three sons, twenty-five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. The daughters are Mrs M. McFadyen of Cumberland, Mrs T. A. Graham of Courtenay and Mrs T. A. Henderson and Mrs Cary of Vancouver; the sons, Messrs. M. H. and A. Piercy of Courtenay, and Mr B. Piercy of Alberta. The late Mrs Piercy had one surviving sister in the person of Mrs McCullough at the old home in New Brunswick.
The funeral was held on Wednesday at St. George's United Church, Courtenay, the Rev. W. A. Alexander officiating. The pallbearers were Messrs. Harry Piercy, E. Embleton, John Grieve, B. Grieve, W. Swan and L. R. Cliffe. The procession took its way from the church to the Sandwick cemetery, where interment was made.
They had the following children:
38 i. Margery Piercy
39 ii. Matthew Henderson Piercy
40 iii. Agnes Ella Piercy
41 iv. Andrew Piercy
42 v. Jane "Victoria" Piercy
43 vi. William Thomas Piercy
44 vii. Joseph Berkley "Bert" Piercy
45 viii. Elizabeth Dorothy Piercy
46 ix. Ida Catherine Piercy
third Immigrant Generation
6. Eleanor "Ellen" Piercy
Daughter of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 15 Nov 1842 in Harvey. Christen 8 Jan 1843 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 21 Feb 1925 in McAdam. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1925:
Mrs Ellen Lister
McAdam, Feb 23 -- The death of Mrs Ellen Lister occurred at her home on the 21st inst., after a brief illness. Deceased was the widow of the late James Lister, of York Mills, and was in the 83rd year of her age. Being of a quiet and kindly disposition she was beloved by all who knew her. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs Margaret A. Little, Mrs Albert Little, Mrs George Little of Harvey Station, Mrs Alex Skene and Mrs James Piercy, of McAdam, and three sons, David E. and DeWitt T., of McAdam, and Ward M., of Vancouver, B.C.; also two sisters, Mrs Henry Swan of Harvey Station, and Mrs Wm Grieve, of Sandwick, B.C. Interment was made in the cemetery at Harvey. The funeral service was at the church in Harvey, and was conducted by Rev. Harold Tompkinson, assisted by Rev. J. H. MacLean.
She married James M. Lister, son of Nicholas Lister & Margaret Heughan, 3 Aug 1858 in Harvey Settlement By Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 22 Dec 1832 in Dumfries, Scot. Died 25 Feb 1912 in McAdam, N.B. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Sawyer.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were Edward Lister and Thomas H. Piercy.
James came to America from Annan, Scotland with his parents and siblings in 1843. James and Ellen lived at York mills where James operated mills. In the 1861 Census, James was 28 years old, Scotch, Sawyer, and Presbyterian. Eleanor was 18 years old, and daughter Jane Agnes was 4 months old. Servant Nancy Christie, 17 years, lived in their household. They had 2 cows and one pig.
Listed in the Manners Sutton Subscribers Directory in the Atlas of York County, New Brunswick, published by Halfpenny & Co., Fredericton, N.B. in 1878 (Reprinted by Mika Publishing, Belleville, Ontario 1973) - "James Lister, Proprietor of Grist Mill, Harvey Mills." (Harvey Mills later became York Mills.)
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1912:
James Lister
McAdam Junction, Feb 26 -- The death of James Lister occurred at his home, York Mills, on Sunday the 25th Inst. He was in his 80th year and had been in failing health for two months. He was a native of Dumfries, Scotland, and came to this country when but ten years old. For over fifty years he had been a resident of York Mills, where he was engaged in the mining business. He was a man of sterling principles and was respected by all who knew him. He is survived by a widow, three sons and five daughters. The sons are David E., at home; Ward M. of Vancouver, and DeWitt T., of McAdam. The daughters are Mrs Margaret A. Little, Mrs Albert Little and Mrs George Little of Manners Sutton, and Mrs Alex Skene and Mrs James Piercy of McAdam.
They had the following children:
47 i. Nicholas Lister
48 ii. Jane Agnes Lister
49 iii. Margaret Ann Lister
50 iv. Jane Agnes Lister
51 v. Mary Isabel Lister
52 vi. Eleanor "Ellen" Lister
53 vii. Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie" Lister
54 viii. Matthew Henry "Harry" Lister
55 ix. David Edward Lister
56 x. Ward M. Lister
57 xi. James "DeWitt" Talmage Lister
third Immigrant Generation
7. Mary Ann Piercy
Daughter of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 25 Apr 1845 in Harvey. Christen 25 May 1845 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 15 Nov 1911 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary:
Death of Mrs Mary Ann Lister
The death of Mrs Mary Ann Lister, widow of Edward Lister, occurred last Thursday at her home at Harvey Station. She was seventy years old and a daughter of the late Matthew Piercy, one of the pioneer settlers in Harvey. Her children are N. E. Lister, Matthew, John, and Thomas H. of Harvey; Mrs Eben Little, Mrs Fred Little, Mrs Kenneth Embleton, Mrs Ford Messer, and Miss Ida, of Harvey. Mrs Henry Swan of Manners Sutton, and Mrs James Lister of York Mills are sisters, and two brothers and one sister in British Columbia.
She married Edward Irving Lister, son of Nicholas Lister & Margaret Heughan, 15 Apr 1863 in Harvey Settlement, Rev. Samuel Johnson . Born 14 Sep 1834 in Annan, Scotland. Died 1 Apr 1898 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
From York Co NB Marriage Register C 1850-1866 (PANB): Witnesses to marriage were George G. Grant and Jane Piercy.
Edward came to America from Annan, Scotland with his parents and siblings in 1843. He was a farmer on his father's homestead farm.
Dates of births, marriages and deaths for Edward Lister, his wife Mary Ann, and their children are written in his family Bible. (Held by Georgie Lister in 1999.)
They had the following children:
58 i. Nicholas E. Lister
59 ii. Matthew Henry Lister
60 iii. Mary Agnes Lister
61 iv. Margaret "Ellen" Lister
62 v. John Edward Lister
63 vi. Thomas Harvey Lister
64 vii. Isabel Victoria Lister
65 viii. Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" Lister
66 ix. Isabella Victoria "Bell" Lister
67 x. Lottie Selena Lister
68 xi. Ida May Lister
69 xii. Annie Piercy Lister
third Immigrant Generation
8. Jane Piercy
Daughter of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 18 May 1847 in Harvey, NB. Christen 27 Jun 1847 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 6 Aug 1933 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Housewife. Religion Presbyterian.
From Colonial Farmer, 26 Nov 1866: "Married 7th inst., by Rev. Samuel Johnson, Henry Swan and Jane, third daughter of Matthew Piercy, all of Harvey Settlement."
Witnesses to marriage were John Swan and Margaret Piercy.
From obituary in newspaper (1933)
Harvey Station, York Co., Aug 9 -- The death occurred on Saturday morning of Mrs Janie Swan, a life-long resident of Harvey Settlement, at her home. Mrs Swan was 85 years old, and had been in failing health for several months. She leaves to mourn one daughter, Mrs Thomas Speedy, and one son, Ernest Swan, both of Harvey.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from Knox Presbyterian Church. Rev. George Knight conducting the service. Favorite hymns were sung, and Mr Knight, Mrs Edgar Coburn and Miss Flossie Coburn sang. The flowers were many and beautiful. Interment was in the Harvey Cemetery.
She married Henry "Harry" Swan, son of James Swan & Jane Moody, 7 Nov 1866 in Harvey, York Co., NB By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 4 Jun 1843 in Harvey, N.B. Christen 26 Aug 1843 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 5 Mar 1928 in Harvey Sta. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer, Carpenter, Woodsman. Religion Presbyterian.
Harry and his wife Janie Piercy lived on the George Davidson farm and Harry worked as a farmer, carpenter and woodsman. The farm later went to his son, Matt, and then to Matt's son, Smith. After Matt took over the farm, Harry built a house near the road (presently owned by Henry James). He also built a small barn with two horse stalls; and travellers and salesmen who came to the area by horse often stayed at their home while attending to business in the area. The school teacher usually boarded with Harry and Jane.
Harry built the school in Manners Sutton district, commonly called the Swamp School. He provided the land, built a stone wall 36 ft. by 22 ft. for the foundation, provided all the lumber, made all doors, windows, made the shingles, etc. The school was to be finished by July 31, 1887, and paid in full on or about October 20, 1887. He received $500. for the contract. (The school building is now owned by Henry James, and has been used as an electrical and TV repair shop.)
Copied from newspaper obituary - (1928) --
Henry Swan, Age 82, Passes Suddenly
Harvey Station, March 18 -- The death of Henry Swan of Manners Sutton occurred suddenly March 5. Deceased was 82 years of age. He is survived by his wife and three children, Ernest, at Home; Fred, Vancouver; and Mrs Thomas Speedy, Manners Sutton. The last surviving brother is Alexander Swan, of Manners Sutton.
The funeral took place March 7, services by Rev. George Knight, pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church, Manners Sutton, with interment in the Harvey Cemetery.
They had the following children:
70 i. James Swan
71 ii. Matthew Swan
72 iii. Jane Agnes "Aggie" Swan
73 iv. George Davidson Swan
74 v. George Frederick "Fred" Swan
75 vi. Ella May Swan
76 vii. Henry "Ernest" Swan
third Immigrant Generation
9. Margaret "Maggie" Piercy
Daughter of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 2 Jul 1849 in Harvey, NB. Christen 29 Nov 1849 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 19 Feb 1889 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Headquarters, 24 Apr 1867: "Married Waverley House, 20th inst., by Rev. Dr. Brooke, George Wood and Miss Margaret Piercy, both of Harvey Settlement."
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Swan and Emmeline Smith.
She married George Wood, son of Peter Wood & Janet "Jessie" Cleghorn, 20 Apr 1867 in Waverley House, Fredericton By Rev. Dr. John M. Brooke . Born 27 Dec 1838 in Scotland. Christen 10 Feb 1839 in Eckford, Roxburghshire. Died 5 Oct 1890 in Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From parochial registers of Eckford in Roxburghshire (Researched by Bruce Elliott, 2004): 1838 Peter Wood Mason Ormiston and Jess Cleghorn his wife their child Born the 27th Decr 1838 and Bapt. 10th Feby 1839 named George."
From Files of The Gleaner of 1887: "New Residence. Mr George Wood had his house about finished. It is large and commodious, and has a beautiful situation near the lake. He is an expert angler and keeps a fine large boat....."
They had the following children:
77 i. Peter Seaman Cleghorn Wood
78 ii. Agnes Moffit "Aggie" Wood
79 iii. Jessie Wood
80 iv. Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie" Wood
81 v. Fanny Seely Wood
82 vi. Laura Isabella Wood
83 vii. Mary Ellen Wood
84 viii. George Thomas Alvard Wood
85 ix. Antoinetta Alexandrina "Nettie" Wood
86 x. George "Archie" Bower Wood
third Immigrant Generation
10. Matthew Henry Piercy
Son of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 21 Jul 1851 in Harvey, NB. Christen 28 Jul 1851 in St. Paul's Church Records, Fredericton. Died 26 Nov 1909 in Comox, BC. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
His family lived a few years on the Muster property then they purchased a large tract of land along the Tsolum River. This property included the land on which the Vanier School, Comox Valley Sports Centre and Exhibition Grounds are now situated. The property also ran up the hill where the Courtenay cemetery is now. Matthew and his brother Samuel built excellent farm buildings and were good farmers on the land that they had to clear first.
He married Mary Graham, 28 Sep 1886 in Victoria, BC. Born 16 Oct 1854. Died 11 Sep 1941 in Sandwick, BC.
Mary was married first to Mr. Machin.
They had the following children:
87 i. Robert Francis Piercy
88 ii. Matthew Austin Piercy
89 iii. James Leslie Piercy
third Immigrant Generation
11. Isabella "Bell" Piercy
Daughter of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 4 Sep 1853 in Harvey, NB. Died 10 Feb 1915 in Nanaimo, B.C.
Printed on the Editiorial page of The Courtenay Herald and Comox Valley News, Saturday, Feb 13, 1915:
A profound gloom was cast over the whole of the Comox Valley this week, when the news came from Nanaimo that Mrs Joseph McPhee, one of the oldtime settlers has passed away after a short but severe illness.
Born in New Brunswick on September 4, 1853, the daughter of Matthew and Agnes Piercy, the late Mrs McPhee came to British Columbia in the year 1875, and the father became one of the pioneer settlers in this Valley.
A few years after her arrival here Miss Isabella Piercy was united in matrimony on the 28th Feb 1878 to Mr Joseph McPhee, a union which was destined to be entirely happy. Mrs McPhee was taken ill last week, and on Saturday last owing to the development the malady had taken, her medical adviser decided to call in consultation her son, Dr. J. McPhee at Nanaimo. On Sunday last the doctors decided to remove their patient to Nanaimo, and to call a specialist from Victoria. On Monday there was a decided improvement in the patient's condition, but in the early hours of Wednesday morning Mrs McPhee passed away.
The late Mrs McPhee was an example of the highest type of womanhood. A most helpful and dutiful wife, a wise and devoted mother, Mrs McPhee was also a valuable asset to the community in which she lived, and played a most useful part in the activities of her church, and in many neighbourly acts of kindness and charity. In times of trouble, sickness and bereavement she was among the first to go to the aid of her neighbours and her kindly acts will be remembered in many homes in the Valley for a long time to come.
This was evidenced by the unprecedented gathering which attended to pay their last respects at the funeral yesterday afternoon. Not only did the citizens of Courtenay and representatives from various societies attend in large numbers, but from every part of the Valley and surrounding country, the settlers came from miles to show their respect and sympathy with the bereaved family.
To Mr Joseph McPhee and his family and relatives, we join with others in offering our sincerest condolences to them in their hour of trial, praying they may be sustained and strengthened in their sad bereavement.
She married Joseph McPhee, son of Felix McPhee & Margaret Ann, 28 Feb 1878 in Comox, BC. Born 27 Apr 1848 in Hants Co., NS. Died 25 Mar 1946 in Courtenay, BC. Occupation General Store, Postmaster, Justice Of The Peace. Religion Presbyterian.
In a book called "British Columbia Pictorial Biographical" Vol II, published in 1914 by the S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Vancouver, BC (Book is held in the Surrey Centennial Museum and Archives, Coverdale, BC), is a photograph and biographical information on Joseph McPhee, pages 757 and 758.
It states that "Joseph McPhee, pioneer in British Columbia and the founder of the enterprising and prosperous city of Courtenay, has been a resident of this province since 1872. During the intervening years he has engaged in various occupations, his interests extending to many fields and centering in various localities, and his work has been one of the greatest forces in the development and building up of Vancouver Island. Since 1894 he has been postmaster at Courtenay and has seen the volume of business in that office increase yearly, his duties being always discharged in a capable and efficient manner. He was born in Hants county, Nova Scotia, April 27, 1848, and is a son of Felix and Margaret Ann McPhee, the former for many years a farmer in Nova Scotia. Both have passed away.
"Joseph McPhee acquired his education in the public schools of his native county and when he was about sixteen years of age laid aside his books in order to work in the gold mines. At the end of four years he went to the United States, spending three years in different localities and coming to British Columbia at the end of that time. He arrived in this province in 1872 and for a time engaged in contracting and logging in partnership with John Wilson, building the first wharf at Comox and the first bridge over the Courtenay river, where the present bridge now stands. The partners also built a trail to Comox lake, at a time when there was only one settler on the south side of the river. Mr McPhee later turned his attention to farming in the Comox district and followed this occupation for three years. During that time the Hudson's Bay Company controlled a store in that vicinity but they withdrew in 1879. In the following year Mr McPhee, seeing an unusual opportunity, turned his attention to merchandising, supplying the settlers with goods, and he has since engaged in this line of occupation. He remained in Comox for twelve years and then moved to Courtenay, where he built a small store and laid out the town site. His store was the first building in the city, and he is known as the founder of the community, in the development of which he has taken an active interest during the intervening years. In early times he sold lots for forty dollars which are now worth twenty-five hundred dollars, and he has seen the city grow and develop until it is now one of the wealthy and most promising communities on Vancouver Island. Mr McPhee's business has kept pace with the general advancement, becoming under his able management a large and important concern. Early in 1886 he opened a branch in Vancouver, establishing his enterprise in a rented place on Carroll street, although he purchased a lot on Hastings street, east of the Canadian Pacific Railway property. He conducted a profitable concern for some time but discontinued this branch before the fire. Mr McPhee was postmaster at Comox for a number of years and since 1894 has served in the same position at Courtenay. When he took office the mail amounted to only a few letters a day, but now one thousand people receive mail from Courtenay. For a number of years he has also served as justice of the peace. Mr McPhee has proved able, prompt and efficient in the discharge of his duties, and his record reflects credit upon both his ability and his public spirit.
"On the 28th of February, 1878, Mr McPhee was united in marriage to Miss Isabel Piercy, a daughter of Matthew and Agnes Piercy, of New Brunswick. The parents came to British Columbia in 1875 and the father engaged in farming for a number of years. Both have passed away and are buried in Courtenay. Mr and Mrs McPhee became the parents of five children, four sons and one daughter. Mr McPhee attends the Presbyterian church and is known as a man of exemplary character. For years he has been an ardent liberal in politics and gives his support to the policies and activities of that party. He is president of the Courtenay Board of Trade and a member of the Agriculture Society and Farmers' Institute. He is one of the most prominent citizens of Courtenay, known as the father and founder of the city, always aiding in any movement that tends to public good, and both his business and official records will bear the closest investigation and scrutiny."
They had the following children:
90 i. Walter Sterling McPhee
91 ii. Thomas "Judson" McPhee MD
92 iii. Horace Matthew McPhee
93 iv. Mabel Agnes McPhee
94 v. Bertha May McPhee
95 vi. Wallace Piercy McPhee
third Immigrant Generation
12. Samuel Johnson Piercy
Son of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 23 Dec 1855 in Harvey, NB. Died 30 Dec 1914 in Los Angeles, California. Buried 7 Jan 1915 in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1914:
Funeral of S. J. Piercy
Mr S. J. Piercy was born in New Brunswick in the year 1855. His parents came from the Old Country and settled in N.B. in the year 1837. There was a large family of children, some which still live in the east. In 1875, Mr Piercy came to Comox and settled on "Oak Hill" farm, where he lived to his death.
He was a successful farmer and an obliging neighbour, and took a deep interest in the welfare of the community. Failing health compelled him, in company with Mrs Piercy, to seek the warmer climate of California, but in vain, for on Dec 30th, he quietly passed away in Los Angeles. His remains were brought to Comox for interment, which took place on Jan 7th. In spite of the very inclement weather a very large company of people assembled at the home of the deceased, and the Courtenay L.O.L. of which Mr Piercy was a member, turned out in a body to pay their last respects to their deceased Bro.
St. Andrew's Presbyterian church was filled to overflowing by a congregation which listened with wrapt attention to the solemn and impressive service, conducted by Rev. Thos. Menzies, after which the body was interred, with Mr Menzies officiating for the church, which was followed by the service of the Orange Association.
He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, Mrs Piercy, and five children, Mrs Annard, Mrs J. W. McKenzie Jr., Matt, Ethel, and Edna, besides two sisters living in N.B., a brother, Mr John Piercy, of Courtenay, two sisters, Mrs Jos. McPhee, of Courtenay, and Mrs W. H. Grieve, of Sandwick.
Among those who attended the funeral were Mr Isaac Grieve, of Kamloops, Mr and Mrs Isaac Parkin, of Nanaimo, and Mrs Woodus of Oyster River.
Notes from the book, "Piercy -- A Family Tree, 1814 - 1979":
Sam and Isabella, his parents and a brother and family moved into the first frame house in the district. He was an industrious pioneer and cleared land to build a large home and farm on the lower Sandwick Road, where they raised seven children; two sons and five daughters surviving the original eleven born.
He had a dairy, stock animals, fine horses and farm produce which made a good living for the family. Most of the early Sandwick teachers boarded there, enjoying the good farm fare and the happy, well organized home. It was the gathering place of the community, full of hospitality and good times.
He and his father deeded an acre of land on the hill which is part of the cemetery and helped the pioneers build the church which is now restored. He was an elder there for many years.
He married Isabella "Belle" Grieve, daughter of Henry "Harry" Grieve & Margaret Speedy, 28 Jan 1884 in Victoria, B.C. Born 26 Jan 1862 in Harvey. Died 15 Nov 1957 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox, BC. Buried in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A.
Isabella was born in New Brunswick and moved to Vancouver Island with her parents, siblings and other relatives, and the Piercy family in 1875.
Isabella was one of the oldest old-timers in the Comox Valley at the time of her death at age 96.
Belle and Sam had a large family.
They had the following children:
96 i. Agnes Margaret "Maggie" Piercy
97 ii. Sarah "Fanny" Piercy
98 iii. Matthew Fraser Piercy
99 iv. Ellen Isabelle Piercy
100 v. Mary Jane "Maida" Piercy
101 vi. Alvin Henry Piercy
102 vii. Ethel Annie Piercy
103 viii. Archie Lister Piercy
104 ix. Edna Adeline Piercy
105 x. Jean Piercy
third Immigrant Generation
13. Elizabeth "Lizzy" Piercy
Daughter of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 23 Jan 1857 in Harvey. Died 10 Apr 1872 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From Daily Telegraph, 17 Apr 1872: "Died Harvey 10th inst., Elizabeth Piercy, daughter of Matthew Piercy and Agnes Piercy, age 14."
Inscription on gravestone in Harvey Settlement Cemetery: "Elizabeth, Dau of Matthew & Agnes Piercy Died Apr 10, 1872 Aged 14 years & 2 mos. Lizzy Will Bloom Again."
third Immigrant Generation
14. Walter Henderson Piercy
Son of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 12 Sep 1860 in Harvey, NB. Died 19 Jan 1892 in Victoria, BC.
Walter was born in Harvey, NB, and moved to Vancouver Island in 1875 with his parents. He worked with his brother Sam and after he married Annie, they settled on a small piece of land close by. In the late 1800's he purchased the Elk Hotel in Comox, later selling it to McDonald. For a short time Walter and his family were lighthouse keepers on Yellow Rock. It was from there Walter was taken Victoria and at an early age of 32 years, he died of T.B. His wife Annie and family carried on at Yellow Rock with the aid of an elderly uncle. Walter and Annie had five children--four boys and one girl. Two boys died at an early age and one boy died of the bad 'flu after the First World War. Mary Ann and Wallace both married and settled in the Comox Valley.
He married Anna Matilda "Annie" Lyttle, 18 Aug 1882 in Comox, BC. Born 23 Dec 1865. Died 24 Feb 1934 in BC. Buried in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A.
East side of gravestone in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A: Annie M. Cowie, Died Feb 24, 1934, Age 64"
They had the following children:
106 i. Mary Ann Piercy
107 ii. Henry S. Piercy
108 iii. Alexander Piercy
109 iv. Joseph "Stanley" Piercy
110 v. Walter Wallace Piercy
third Immigrant Generation
15. Agnes Piercy
Daughter of Matthew Piercy & Agnes Moffitt. Born 21 Jul 1863 in Harvey, NB. Died 9 Jan 1936 in Courtenay, BC. Buried in Courtenay Civic Cemetery.
BC Archives has death date 13 Jan 1934, age 70.
Notes from "Piercy - A Family Tree 1814-1979":
Agnes and John Berkeley had four sons and four daughters. They had a farm on the Lake Trail, bounded on the railway track and what is known as Johnston Street now. He also owned the property on the corner of 5th Street and Cliffe Avenue where the old Bank of Commerce was built.
After John's death, Agnes married William Grieve in 1909.
She first married John Reverley Berkeley, son of Mr Berkeley & Elizabeth Nesbitt, 7 Nov 1879 in Comox, BC. Born 16 Apr 1854. Died 18 Nov 1903 in Nanaimo, BC. Buried in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A. (No Marker). Occupation District Road Superintendent.
Copied from newspaper obituary - 1903:
A Sudden Call. Mr John Berkley of Courtenay Dies Suddenly in Nanaimo Hotel.
A very sudden and unexpected death took place last evening in the Nanaimo hotel, when Mr John Berkley of Courtenay died of apoplexy. He had been in Nanaimo since Sunday last and had spent the intervening time visiting friends in this city. During yesterday afternoon he was around as usual and around five o'clock went up to his room and as Mrs Evans was passing the door a minute or two later she heard a gasping sound and on going in found Mr Berkley lying on the bed gasping for breath. He was dead in a few moments.
Deceased was a native of New Brunswick and came out to Nanaimo in 1875 where he worked for a few days under the late Mr John Pawson who at that time had in charge the construction of Bastion street bridge. Mr Berkley took the first boat for Comox where he resided every since. About a dozen years ago he had a severe fall on the wharf at Comox by which his head was seriously injured. Within the last year or two this has been troubling him and resulted in a spasmodic contraction of the larynx, which at times it made it very hard for him to get his breath. Last week he went to Victoria to consult with doctors there regarding it and they advised an operation. He was on his way back to Courtenay to make arrangements to return to Victoria for the operation when the dread reaper overtook him. It was his intention to have gone home on the boat on Tuesday last but as his brother-in-law, Mr S. Piercy, and nephew, Mr F. Swan, were in town, he decided to wait till Thursday and return with them.
The late Mr Berkley was one of the best known residents of Comox district. He was road superintendent for the district for the past ten or twelve years and was a prominent member of Hiram Lodge, A.F. & A.M., being Worshipful Master of the lodge at the time of his death. The Nanaimo Masons took charge of the body last evening and will escort the hearse to the boat this morning and place the remains on board. At Comox the members of his own lodge will meet the remains and attend to the interment in the Presbyterian cemetery at Comox. Deceased was 49 years of age and leaves a wife and eight children, four boys and four girls to mourn his loss.
They had the following children:
111 i. Minnie Rose Berkeley
112 ii. Annetta "Nettie" Berkeley
113 iii. William Matthew Berkeley
114 iv. Lance Isaac Berkeley
115 v. Reverly Berkeley
116 vi. Belle Berkeley
117 vii. Walter Drew Berkeley
118 viii. Estella Agnes Berkeley
She second married William Henry Grieve, son of George Grieve & Jane Nesbitt, 20 Feb 1909 in Sandwick, BC. Born 4 Dec 1854 in Harvey. Died 2 May 1933 in Sandwick, BC. Buried in Courtenay Civic Cemetery, Section A. Occupation Farmer.
From BC Vital Stats: Died 2 May 1933, age 78, Sandwick, BC.
third Immigrant Generation
16. Mary Ann Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 18 Aug 1846 in Little Settlement, York Co, NB. Christen 27 Sep 1846 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 15 Nov 1918 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Ref: Emerson Moffitt, "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement New Brunswick 1791-1991", 1992, p. 43.
From Obituary: MRS MARY A. SPEEDY
Harvey Station, Nov. 19 -- Mrs Mary A. Speedy, wife of William Speedy, of Manners Sutton, died at her home there on Monday morning from the effects of a stroke of paralysis sustained a few days ago. She was in the seventy-third year of her age and was a daughter of Andrew Moffatt, one of the pioneers of Harvey. She is survived by her husband, five sons and five daughters, also several brothers and sisters, among whom are John Moffatt, of St. Stephen, George Moffatt, Thomas Moffatt and Robert Moffatt, of Manners Sutton; Mrs George Cleghorn and Mrs John Messer, of Tweedside. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. McGuire, of McAdam.
She married William A. Speedy, son of Thomas Speedy & Isabella Patterson, 22 Jul 1864 in Harvey Presbyterian Church By Rev. Samuel Johnson. Born 10 Jun 1842 in Harvey. Christen 10 Jul 1842 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy . Died 20 Jan 1921 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
PANB, marriages #F15552, p. 566: William Speedy to Mary Ann Moffitt on Jul 22, 1864 by Samuel Johnson, witnesses James Patterson and Mary Swan.
From Obituary -- WILLIAM SPEEDY
Harvey Station, York Co., Jan 24--William Speedy, an old resident of Manners Sutton, died at his home there on Thursday evening. He was in he seventy-ninth year of his age and has been in poor health for some time. He was a son of Thomas Speedy, one of the first settlers of the place, and is survived by a large family, among whom are George and Thomas Speedy, of Manners Sutton, Andrew and Nelson Speedy, of McAdam, and Allan, residing at Rumford, Me. His wife died about two years ago. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs James Rutherford and Mrs Isabel Messer, of Manners Sutton, and two brothers, Thomas R. Speedy, of St. Stephen, and John Speedy, residing in Minnesota. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended, the services being conducted by Rev. J. F. McKay.
They had the following children:
119 i. Thomas Alexander Speedy
120 ii. Andrew Tait "Dan" Speedy
121 iii. Jane Eleanor "Janie" Speedy
122 iv. John Alexander Speedy
123 v. Margaret Isabella "Maggie" Speedy
124 vi. William "Allen" Speedy
125 vii. George Albert Speedy
126 viii. Robert "Nelson" Speedy
127 ix. Eva May Speedy
128 x. Mary Agnes McLean Speedy
129 xi. Archibald Noble Speedy

Image of grown children of William Speedy and Mary Ann Moffitt. Only two labeled children identified. Any assistance appreciated.
Image courtesy of Kevin Locke, grandson of Myrtle Speedy Locke <>
third Immigrant Generation
17. John "Jack" Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 11 Jun 1848 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 28 Jan 1931. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
For details of this family see "The Moffitt of Harvey Settlement, New Brunswick 1791-1991" by Emerson Moffitt.
He married Jane "Janie" Lister, daughter of David Lister & Janet Gass, 22 May 1877 in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton By Rev. John M. Brooke . Born 14 Dec 1856 in Harvey. Died 1917. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were George Moffitt and Agnes Lister.
They had the following children:
131 i. Albion Andrew Moffitt
132 ii. Agnes Lister "Aggie" Moffitt
133 iii. David "Irvine" Moffatt
134 iv. William Earl "Billie" Moffitt
135 v. Manzer Eugene Moffitt
136 vi. Nellie Jane Moffitt
137 vii. Sydney Alvan Moffitt
138 viii. Bertha Maud Moffitt
third Immigrant Generation
18. Eleanor "Ellen" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 16 Apr 1850 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 1935 in Watertown, MA. Buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Boston, MA.
From St. Stephen Courier, 1 Oct 1874: "Married Manse, 30th Sept., by Rev. Robt. Wilson, John McKenzie and Miss Eleanor Moffitt, both of Harvey, York Co."
Ellen lived for decades with her daughter Edna in the Boston region.
Information on the MacKenzie family from C. Fred Bentley, Edmonton, Alberta, to Emerson Moffitt in Sep 1997. Fred Bentley is a descendant of this family. (Further information including dates from Brian Manson to J. Hall, Nov 1999.) Many of the MacKenzie family are buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Boston. The MacKenzie/Horton/Hayden/Ramsay/Gordon burials are just off of Glen Avenue in Lot 7335 on Amethyst Path at its intersection with Greenbrier Path. There are thirteen names on the monument, which is beautiful polished dark granite, measuring approx. 5' long, 3.5' high and 1.5 wide, with the long axis on a North-South orientation. (From Brian Manson, Jan 2000)
The inscriptions read:
North face:
HORTON, Harriett Mackenzie 1834-1934
MOTHER, Ellen Mackenzie 1850-1935
South face:
RAMSAY William W. 1877-1936
his wife Mary H. Mackenzie 1877(?)-1960
West face:
James I. Hayden Oliver Purl Gordon
1866-1943 1877-1947
his wife his wife
Sarah J. Mackenzie Catherine MacKenzie
1875-1948 1878-1958
East face:
J. Andrew MacKenzie Francis W. Thompson
1880-1951 1887-1961
his wife his wife
Elizabeth Robertson Edna M. MacKenzie
1881-1949 1886-1963
She married John Murdock MacKenzie, 30 Sep 1874 in St. Stephen. Born Mar 1848 in Rose Valley, PEI. Christen 1 Apr 1848 in Breadalbane, PEI. Died 1898 in Leadville, CO. Buried in Caledonian Cemetery, CO.
He was called "Yankee John" to distinguish him from about 5 or 6 other John MacKenzies in the Rose Valley area in the 1870s and onward.
From obituary in Leadville Colorado Herald (no date):
The funeral of Mr John MacKenzie took place yesterday from the residence of Mr Samuel D. Nicholson. Rev. A. Grant Evans officiating and was very largely attended. Among others, the Messrs. MacKenzie from Victor and Mr Murt Nicholson from Lake City were present. For some time previous to his death Mr MacKenzie had noticed various premonitory symptoms of heart weakness, but without experiencing any serious suffering or entertaining any fears of fatal results. On the day of his death he went to work as usual, but early in the afternoon quit work complaining of a pain in the chest. He went to his house after seeing a neighbor and arranging with the latter to go to work in his place. In the evening the mine foreman and engineer called to see him, but getting no reply on knocking at his door, they concluded he had gone to his nephews (Mr Nicholson) or downtown. Not having seen him in the meantime they became uneasy on the following evening and called the matter to Mr Nicholson's attention, who at once proceeded to Mr MacKenzie's house, and having affected an entrance found that he had passed peacefully away, no doubt shortly after retiring on his return from work Saturday afternoon.
The deceased lived for many years in Rose Valley, P.E.I. which he left about years ago. He leaves a large family in Rose Valley. Coroner Price of Leadville was summoned and took charge of the remains. The deceased was about 52 years of age and leaves a large number of friends and relatives in P. E. Island to mourn the loss of a kind and generous father and friend.
They had the following children:
139 i. Sarah Jane "Sadie" MacKenzie
140 ii. Murdock John MacKenzie
141 iii. Mary Helen MacKenzie
142 iv. Catherine Elsie "Katie" MacKenzie
143 v. John "Andrew" MacKenzie
144 vi. Lavina Ann "Vinee" MacKenzie
145 vii. Harriet Anne "Hattie" MacKenzie
146 viii. Robert "Bob" MacKenzie
147 ix. Edna Menetta MacKenzie
148 x. Mabel Lucinda MacKenzie
third Immigrant Generation
19. George Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 19 Jul 1851 in Harvey. Died 7 Feb 1935 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
From undated newspaper obituary:
George Moffitt Died at Harvey
Well-known Farmer Passed Away Thursday at Home of Son -- Funeral
Harvey Station, NB, Feb 9 -- George Moffitt, of Manners Sutton passed away on Thursday at the home of his son, Frank W. Moffitt. He was in his 84th year and was born in Manners Sutton where he resided all his life, engaged in farming. About two years ago he received injuries in a fall and has been an invalid every since. The deceased was well known and was of sterling character.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs Charles Swan and one son, Frank, with whom he made his home since his wife predeceased him five years ago. He leaves six grandchildren.
The funeral was held yesterday afternoon after prayers at the house from Knox Presbyterian Church and Rev. Mr Kirkland was in charge of the service. Interment was made in the Harvey cemetery.
The pallbearers were six nephews, A. Moffitt, William Moffitt, M. Moffitt, George Moffitt, Roy Moffitt, and Daniel Dow. A quartette Mrs Edgar Coburn, Miss L. Pheny, A. McCullough and Rev. Mr Kirkland sang.
He married Emily Jane Jones, daughter of Thomas H. Jones & Mary Cowe, 9 May 1879 in York Co., NB By Waldow W. Brewer, Methodist . Born 1858 in Rusagonis. Died 13 Mar 1930 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were M. B. Brewer and Mary Burke.
From newspaper obituary (undated):
Mrs George Moffatt
Harvey Station, March 17 -- The funeral of Mrs George Moffatt took place Saturday afternoon from her late home at 2.30 o'clock. Her death occurred on Thursday after two weeks' illness of heart trouble. She was 71 years of age. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church and was highly respected and greatly beloved by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her husband, one son, Frank, at home, a daughter, Mrs Charles Swan; one brother, Dunbar Jones, and one sister, Mrs Frank Wood, Augusta, Me., and six grandchildren.
The services at the home and church were conducted by Rev. Geo Knight, of Knox Presbyterian Church.
They had the following children:
149 i. Andrew "Wilbert" Moffitt
150 ii. Thomas Edwin Moffitt
151 iii. Frank Wood Moffitt
152 iv. Etta Maude Moffitt

Annie and Frank Moffitt
Parents of Willis, Austin and Leona
Frank Wood Moffitt
Born May 16, 1888
Born September 8, 1940
Son of George Moffitt and Emily Jones.
Annie Manzer
Born March 1888 died 1971
Daughter of Willoughby Manzer and Harriett Hay.
Frank and Annie Moffitt.
They lived on the farm owned by his father George, now
owned by Lowell McCullough.
They had 3 children-- Willis, Austin and Leona.
Frank Wood Moffitt
Born May 16, 1888 died September 8, 1940 age 52 yrs.
Son of George Moffitt and Emily Jones.
Annie Manzer
Born March 1888 died 1971
Daughter of Willoughby Manzer and Harriett Hay.

Frank Wood Moffitt
Born May 16, 1888 died September 8, 1940
Married to Annie Manzer.
Son of George Moffitt and Emily Jones.
George and Emily Moffitt.
They lived on the farm where Austin and Carrie previously
lived- now owned by Lowell McCullough.
They had 4 children,- Wilbert, Thomas, Frank and Etta.
George Moffitt
Born July 19, 1851 died March 1935
Son of Andrew Moffitt and Jane Piercy.
Emily Jones
Born 1858 died March 1930
Daughter of Thomas Jones and Mary Cowe.

Lewis and Ida Rutherford.
James " Lewis" Rutherford
Born Jun 15, 1896 died July 12, 1967
Son of John Rutherford and Charlotte Embleton.
Ida Elizabeth (Little) Rutherford
Born November 21, 1902 died September 12, 1994
Daughter of Ebenzer Little and Mary Agnes Lister.
Ida and Lewis were married on October 14, 1933.
third Immigrant Generation
20. Andrew "Dan" Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 1 May 1853 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Christen 26 Jun 1853 in Harvey By Rev. Daniel McCurdy. Died 1 Jan 1917 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituary (1917):
The Late Andrew Moffitt
Tweedside, NB, Jan 8 -- The funeral of the late Andrew Moffitt of Harvey took place from the home of his brother, George Moffitt, on Tuesday last. Rev. Mr McKay conducted the service. The late Mr Moffitt had suffered for a long time with a cancer and his death was not unexpected. The deceased was in his sixty-fourth year. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, who was formerly Miss Lydia Treadwell; also six sisters and four brothers. The deepest sympathy is extended to his wife and relatives by friends in this vicinity.
He first married Annie Isabelle Till, 27 Jan 1892 in York Co., NB. Born 1874. Died 1892 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
He second married Catherine A. "Katie" McLeod, 1 Mar 1893 in York Co., NB. Born 1864. Died 20 May 1893.
He third married Lydia (Treadwell) Harrison, 16 Feb 1898 in York Co., NB.
third Immigrant Generation
21. Helena "Jane" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 2 Jan 1855 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 17 Jun 1938.
She first married Warren Toft, 1 Oct 1872 in York Co., NB By Leonard Gaetz, Wesleyan . Born 1837. Died 1918.
Witnesses to marriage to Warren Toft were John Moffitt and Carrie B. Gaetz.
In marriage records surname is spelled "Tufts".
She second married George Hyslop. Born 1844. Died 1923.
third Immigrant Generation
22. Elizabeth "Bess" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 11 Mar 1857 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 30 Jul 1938 in South Tweedside. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
From newspaper obituary - undated:
Mrs E. Cleghorn Dead
Well Known South Tweedside Woman, Invalid for Nine Years Died at Home.
South Tweedside, NB, Aug 4--This community was deeply grieved on Saturday, July 30th, when Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn died at the age of 81 years after a long illness.
The late Mrs Cleghorn was a woman of fine qualities, generous and patient through her nine years of being confined to her home, she was loved by all who knew her and her passing has left a vacancy that will be hard to fill. She leaves to mourn their loss, four daughters, Mrs J. A. Duplessis of Sherbrooke, Que., Mrs F. J. Smith, Greenville, Me., Mrs Celia J. Stiles, Oakfield, Me., and Mrs Arthur Cleghorn with whom she lived and one son, George of Tweedside.
The funeral was held on Monday at 2:30 from her late home, the service was conducted by Rev. G. E. Knight of Saint John, which was most comforting to the relatives and others who gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased and sympathy for the bereaved family. The hymns sang were Lead Kindly Light, Does Jesus Care, and a solo Good Night Here, Good Morning up There by Rev. G. E. Knight.
There were many beautiful floral tributes from friends and relatives including sprays from the family. The pallbearers were Edward Morrow, Russell and Chester Cleghorn, William Moffitt, Irvine Moffitt and Manzer Moffitt. Interment was made in Manners Sutton Cemetery.
She married George "Dode" Cleghorn, son of George Cleghorn & Agnes Hogg. Born 28 Aug 1851 in Scotland. Died 22 Jun 1919. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
George and his wife Elizabeth Moffitt were farmers in South Tweedside, and had eleven children.
They had the following children:
153 i. George Alexander "Jordy" Cleghorn
154 ii. Ida Jane Cleghorn
155 iii. Christina A. Cleghorn
156 iv. Eva Isobel Cleghorn
157 v. Andrew Moffitt Cleghorn
158 vi. Lila Elizabeth Cleghorn
159 vii. Rose Ella "Rosy" Cleghorn
160 viii. Celia Jessie Cleghorn
161 ix. Tina Agnes Cleghorn
162 x. Wallace Alward Cleghorn
163 xi. Cora Victoria Cleghorn
third Immigrant Generation
23. Thomas Moffitt
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 16 May 1859 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 23 Dec 1927 in Coburn (Harvey). Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer. Religion Presbyterian.
Tom farmed the south half of his father's farm and built a house on the Frog Lake Road side. Tom and Mary Ann had eleven children.
From newspaper obituary - 1927:
Thomas Moffitt
Harvey Station, Dec 26 -- The funeral of the late Thomas Moffitt, of Coburn, who died on Friday morning, at the age of about 70 years, took place Christmas afternoon. Services were held at his late residence and in Knox Presbyterian Church, the pastor, Rev. Geo E. Knight, officiating. There were many beautiful floral tributes. The pallbearers were four of the sons of deceased.
Interment was in Manners Sutton Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Knox Church. He leaves a widow and six daughters and four sons.
He married Mary Ann Wightman, daughter of John Wightman & Ann Isabel "Annie" Messer, 8 Apr 1885 in York Co., NB By William Ross, Presbyterian. Born 16 May 1864 in Harvey. Christen 31 Jul 1864 in Presbyterian Church, Harvey. Died 1953 in McAdam. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Religion Presbyterian.
Witnesses to marriage were Robert Moffitt and Alice J. Wightman.
For family details, see "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement, New Brunswick 1791-1991" by Emerson Moffitt.
From newspaper obituary:
Mrs Mary Moffitt
McAdam -- Mrs Mary Ann Moffitt died at the home of her son, Fred N. Moffitt after an illness of eight months. She was the widow of Thomas Moffitt of Harvey, who predeceased her 25 years ago. Her parents, the late John and Annie Wightman were pioneers of Harvey. The last surviving is Mrs Fred Grieve, of Harvey Station, a sister.
She leaves to mourn six daughters, (Annie) Mrs Ernest Little, (Elizabeth) Mrs Stanley Harris, (Mabel) Mrs Herbert Bull, (Helen) Mrs Horace Nason; (Emma) Mrs Carroll Patterson, (Edna) Mrs Gerald Nason; four sons, Arden and Fred of McAdam, Russell and Roy of Harvey.
She leaves 39 great-grandchildren and 31 grandchildren.
Funeral service was held in Knox Presbyterian Church of which she was a member and interment in the nearby cemetery. The pallbearers were her grandsons, Hazen Little, Ronald Harris, Paul Moffitt, Edward Moffitt, Floyd Moffitt and Carl Nason, all of McAdam.
They had the following children:
164 i. Annie May Moffitt
165 ii. Andrew "Arden" Moffitt
166 iii. Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" Moffitt
167 iv. Allan Moffitt
168 v. Mabel Isabella Moffitt
169 vi. Frederick Norman Moffitt
170 vii. Helen Mary Moffitt
171 viii. Thomas "Russell" Moffitt
172 ix. Emma Selena Moffitt
173 x. Roy Sydney Moffitt
174 xi. Alice "Edna" Moffitt

Wedding of Russell and Amy Moffitt.
Thomas " Russell" Moffitt and Amy Mae (Brown) Moffitt,
Amy Mae (Brown) Moffitt
Born June 22, 1898 died _____
Daughter of charles Brown and Annie Patterson,
Thomas " Russell" Moffitt
Born January 20, 1899, died 1988
Son of Thomas Moffitt and Mary Wightman
Amy and Russell lived in the former Robert Thompson farm in
Harvey and they have 3 children-
Floyd, Aubrey and Clarice ,
third Immigrant Generation
24. Isabella S. "Bell" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 30 Mar 1862 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 1950.
She married William Bedford Noble, 29 Sep 1880 in York Co., NB By Joseph McLeod, Free Baptist . Born 24 Dec 1852 in Rusagonis, NB. Died Sep 1941 in Rusagonis. Buried in Rusagonis Cemetery. Occupation Lumberman, Farmer.
Witnesses to marriage were Lillie Burtt and Ida McLeod.
From newspaper obituary:
William B. Noble Died At His Home
Born at Rusagonis, Carried on Lumbering, was in Eighty-Ninth Year.
The death occurred at an early hour this morning at his home in Rusagonis of William Bedford Noble, in the eighty-ninth year of his age.
Mr Noble was born in Rusagonis and lived there his entire life. He carried on extensive lumbering operations in York and Sunbury Counties and was known to lumbermen throughout Canada. He also carried on farming and was known for his fair dealings, his honesty and integrity and deep interest in the welfare of the Community in which he lived. He retired from active work about eight years ago and in spite of his advanced age kept in touch with the activities of Rusagonis and the war from day to day. He will be greatly missed and his death regretted by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow, (Isabell Moffett); three sons, Charles A. Noble, with the C.P.R. Fredericton Junction; Alfred J. Noble, with the C.N.T., Moncton, and Donald B. Noble, at home; three daughters, Mrs Lottie Conant, Auburn, Me.; Miss Bessie Noble, Portland, Me., and Mrs Ludow Malloy, Milltown; two brothers, Charles Noble, of Boston and Marvin Noble, Rusagonis; a sister, Mrs Shelburn Phillips, Devon, 16 grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon with prayers at his late home at two o'clock followed by service in the United Baptist Church, Rusagonis at 2.30 o'clock by Rev. Kenneth Blakeney and interment in Rusagonis Cemetery.
third Immigrant Generation
25. Robert Moffit
Son of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 4 Apr 1865 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 31 Jan 1930. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
Ref: Emerson Moffitt, "The Moffitts of Harvey Settlement New Brunswick 1791-1991", 1992, p. 11, 14.
He married Mary Isabella "Bella" Hay, daughter of John "Jack" Hay & Elizabeth "Lizzie" Dorcas, 5 Oct 1887 in York Co., NB By J. A. McLean, Presbyterian . Born 11 Nov 1869 in Harvey. Died 17 Nov 1909 in Harvey. Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Witnesses to marriage were John Messer and Maggie Moffatt.
Twins born and died 17 Nov, 1909, when Isabella also died after giving birth to them, at the age of forty years.
They had the following children:
175 i. Lewis Andrew Moffitt
176 ii. John Wesley Moffitt
177 iii. Jannie Verna Moffitt
178 iv. Charlotte Elizabeth "Lottie" Moffitt
179 v. Amos Alexander Moffitt
180 vi. George McLean Moffitt
181 vii. Robert "Allen" Moffitt
182 viii. James "Melvin" Moffitt
183 ix. Agnes Isabell Moffitt

16 June 1920 Wedding portrait photograph of the Wilson family at the wedding of Ellen "Selena" Wilson (b. 10 May 1893; d. 9 Dec 1966) and Amos Moffitt (b. 3 Aug 1896; d. 5 Mar 1952). Source: Jocelean Swan Hall, 25 Jul 2006.
third Immigrant Generation
26. Margaret Agnes "Maggie" Moffitt
Daughter of Andrew Moffitt & Margaret "Jane" Piercy. Born 30 Jul 1867 in Harvey, York Co, NB. Died 5 Jun 1921 in Saint John . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery.
Copied from newspaper obituaries - 1921: "Messer -- At the resident of her daughter, Mrs W. Fred Clifford, 96 Portland Street, on June 5, Maggie, wife of John Messer, of Tweedside, York County, N.B., leaving her husband, six sons, five daughters, four brothers and four sisters to mourn. Interment will take place at Manners Sutton, York Co."
Mrs John Messer
The death of Mrs John Messer, of Tweedside, York County, N.B., occurred yesterday morning at the resident of her daughter, Mrs W. Fred Clifford. Mrs Messer came to visit her daughter a few days ago to receive medical treatment. The news of her death will come as a great shock to her many friends. She was a native of York County and was fifty-four years of age. The body will be taken to Manners Sutton for interment. Besides her husband, Mrs Messer leaves six son--Norman and Roy at Coburn, York County; Andrew, of Regina; and George, Leonard and Donald, at home at Tweedside; five daughters--Mrs Fred W. Clifford, of this city; Mrs Charles Bell, of Lake George, York County; Mrs Walter Steed, of Chapleau, Ont., and Emma......(rest of clipping missing)
She married John Messer, son of William Messer & Margaret Bell, 25 Jul 1888 in York Co., NB . Born 24 Mar 1867 in Tweedside, NB. Died 26 Sep 1937 in Tweedside . Buried in Harvey Settlement Cemetery. Occupation Farmer.
They had the following children:
184 i. Jannie Maud Messer
185 ii. Margaret "Belle" Messer
186 iii. Norman Alwood Messer
187 iv. Mary "Alice" Victoria Messer
188 v. John "Andrew" Moffat Messer
189 vi. Roy William Messer
190 vii. George Connell Messer
191 viii. Harry "Leonard" Messer
192 ix. Emma Elizabeth Ellen Messer
193 x. Doris Mildred Christina Messer
194 xi. Donald Charles Frederick Messer
Atcheson, Mary Ann, spouse of 5
Berkeley, Annetta "Nettie" 112
Berkeley, John Reverley, spouse of 15
Cleghorn, George "Dode", spouse of 22
Cleghorn, George Alexander "Jordy" 153
Cleghorn, Rose Ella "Rosy" 159
Davidson, Ellen "Nellie", spouse of 1
Grieve, Isabella "Belle", spouse of 12
Grieve, William Henry, spouse of 15
Harrison, Lydia (Treadwell), spouse of 20
Hay, Mary Isabella "Bella", spouse of 25
Jones, Emily Jane, spouse of 19
Lister, Edward Irving, spouse of 7
Lister, Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" 65
Lister, Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie" 53
Lister, Isabella Victoria "Bell" 66
Lister, James "DeWitt" Talmage 57
Lister, Jane "Janie", spouse of 17
Lister, Matthew Henry "Harry" 54
Lyttle, Anna Matilda "Annie", spouse of 14
MacKenzie, Catherine Elsie "Katie" 142
MacKenzie, Harriet Anne "Hattie" 145
MacKenzie, John Murdock, spouse of 18
MacKenzie, Lavina Ann "Vinee" 144
MacKenzie, Sarah Jane "Sadie" 139
McLeod, Catherine A. "Katie", spouse of 20
Messer, Donald Charles Frederick 194
Messer, Doris Mildred Christina 193
Messer, Emma Elizabeth Ellen 192
Messer, John "Andrew" Moffat 188
Messer, Mary "Alice" Victoria 187
Moffitt, Agnes Lister "Aggie" 132
Moffitt, Charlotte Elizabeth "Lottie" 178
Moffitt, Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" 166
Moffitt, Isabella S. "Bell" 24
Moffitt, Margaret Agnes "Maggie" 26
Moffitt, William Earl "Billie" 134
Noble, William Bedford, spouse of 24
Piercy, Agnes Margaret "Maggie" 96
Piercy, Elizabeth Selena "Lena" 29
Piercy, Joseph Berkley "Bert" 44
Piercy, Margaret "Jane", spouse of 3
Speedy, Jane Eleanor "Janie" 121
Speedy, Margaret Isabella "Maggie" 123
Speedy, William A., spouse of 16
Swan, George Frederick "Fred" 74
Swan, Henry "Harry", spouse of 8
Till, Annie Isabelle, spouse of 20
Wightman, Mary Ann, spouse of 23
Wood, Antoinetta Alexandrina "Nettie" 85
Wood, Elizabeth Piercy "Lizzie" 80